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  1. I.K.E.M.E.N ALL STAR IS A MUGEN/IKEMEN which consist of a large roster and a great soundtrack,different from other mugens as their is more to do! tame the nine tails and stop the great apes rampage, and if you like dance dance revolution you can do the catwalk to show of your moves with your favorite character! the game is not fully finish as i still need to add a better screen pack to the game then it will be completed and i am considering adding a story mode. Featuring a roster with more than 60 Characters from different series such as: DragonballZ Jojo Bizzare Adventures Sonic Naruto Yu Yu Hakusho And More! The game also features different Game Modes: Arcade - Fight a Variety of CPU till you get to the Final Boss! Versus - Face against your friends with local verus! Online - Play Online with your friends! ( Needs VPN such as Hamachi, Tunngle, Evolve) Bonus Games - Such as Catwalk, Duck Hunt and More! Characters, Stages, Music and engine was not made by me and i wanna give credit to them message me if i used your character i will give you credit! If you can make a good I.K.E.M.E.N Screenpack can you pm me please. Also if you have Jump Ultimate Star Mugen Characters you will like to be added to the game PM Me i will add them within updates! Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/eke2yg6zlda95ab/IKEMEN_ALL_STARS!.rar Email Me! YSNewham@gmail.com Discord Server! https://discord.gg/QekQGYR
  2. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x72pf66 The SOS Brigade finally makes her dynamic entry into MUGEN with a brand new gameplay fighting style! This was probably the most challenging MUGEN character I have developed to date considering she was overall more complicated than even the likes of Akyuu to design and, being one of my most anticipated creations, I wanted to get her right. So, now that the wait is over, it's time to Save the world By Overloading it with fun Haruhi Suzumiya Brigade! Get her here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DihxKgHzIQ9gNHYhGY As for the previous character, they all have received the same update in which an invalid combo indicator has been added to them, allowing you to check the legitimacy of your juggles more accurately than ever before. ... Also, Homura Akemi, the only one who has received a character specific update simply had a bug fixed that causes her grenade projectile to do less damage than normal.
  3. Hello, everyone, I'm once again having some problems after spending roughly 2 hours on this Life bar. But before I get into the situation at hand some of you may be wondering why I'm having a problem with this. It's mostly due to the fact that I'm not using Mugen, well not specifically Mugen that is. I'm using IKEMEN PLUS. Considering I had an idea I wanted to make happen, but Mugen wasn't that far into its development to make it happen ya'know. I'm currently porting the LEGACY Screenpack to IKEMEN since I have a special place in my heart for that Screenpack it was the first I ever came across when first working with Mugen. Enough of the rambling the issue I'm having is regarding the lifebar for Add004. So the issue specifically is regarding the fact that it won't show up, I look through about 3 different video tutorials to try and figure something out. Links below to those tutorials. I have screenshots of the issue at hand, the first being of Hyde Kido with Kung Fu Man is the one giving the issue I described, while the screenshot below that one is what I'm trying to get it to look like. I am indeed using Notepad++, to make things a bit more bearable(Screenshot also provided of my man.lua and data_save.lua). Whatever help can be provided I'd be very grateful for. Hope you all had a good Christmas with your families, bye. Screenshots of the Life bar problem I'm having: https://imgur.com/a/vJUIk86 Tutorials I looked through. :
  4. Hello! :) So, there are a few characters ported from Magical Heroines Plus! for M.U.G.E.N, so I decided to do my own port of a character that hasn't been done yet, Doremi Harukaze! Two months of work were worth it, I had to manually rip the sprites using Animget (capturing frames), Photoshop(removing the background) and GIMP(creating a spritesheet and palettes). The commands are all included in the readme.txt file inside the character's folder. NOTE: If the link is down, then please wait a minute or two, this may be due to any bugfixes or updates for the character. DOWNLOAD LINK: http://xkinomoto.000webhostapp.com/ Character preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Cbfl0cPts8 (sorry I was a bit tired and I couldn't play very well hehe.)
  5. The disillusioned magical girl of time is here to battle for her best friend at all costs, Homura Akemi is finally complete and ready for your MUGEN. Turns out this character was relatively easier to do compared to the complexity that was Akyuu and my first attempt that was Sayaka. As before, she operates under the same base gameplay mechanics as my previous characters, however, she focuses heavily on zoning and keepaway unlike the the other two. Get here here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DihnFereY4N0FvYRfx On a side note, Sayaka Miki and Hieda no Akyuu have been updated.
  6. hello! i am very new to making mugen chars but i am working on the sprites of my first ever mugen char: hello kitty, i know that would be a weird character to chose but i really want her in mugen and i have some ideas for her supers! :3 at the time i have 2 animations of her done: her stand animation: and her strong kick animation: i am trying to get her basic animations done first n.n then i will work on the supers :0 i hope i can get some tips on what i could improve on her ;n.n
  7. https://streamable.com/4y088 Yep, I'm already at it again with what will be my third character in the works using both Cyclops Beam and Kohaku's Homura for their resources, but otherwise build from the ground up. This time, my next project will be Homura Akemi, another Puella Magi. Her gameplay will focus on being a projectile heavy character who can manipulate time to teleport or create combos that are not normally possible, making her lean greatly on a keepaway and zoning fighting style. She's roughly 40% complete as of this post, but Homura has been turning out to be the easiest character to work on so far. Just like Sayaka and Akyuu before her, Homura will be made in the same custom style as them. Stay tune for more updates on her progress.
  8. (both links are the same videos on different accounts) After working on this character for nearly half a year (with a few months of delay due to PC problems in the interim), I finally release my first MUGEN creation using Otz-Kai's version as a resource basis. While her gameplay takes some inspiration from various fighting games such as Marvel vs Capcom, Melty Blood, Guilty Gear and King of Fighters, she is otherwise completely custom. Have fun! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DihlJFdprY-GA5Bma6
  9. Features - Super Jump - Music - Zoom - 2 versions: one is a Low-res stage and the other is compatible whit Mugen 1.1 Zoom Download link
  10. Kumagawa Misogi has been updated by otika on 18/06/19. Apparently, he got 2 new moves: The counter one: Back, Down, Forwrad + X The screw/spear one: Back, Down, Forward + Y Download: https://ux.getuploader.com/otika/
  11. Hello again everyone, hope you're having a good evening. I'm making this post to ask about the coding steps taken for most characters. Since I'm still new to character creation in Mugen I was wondering if someone could give me some helpful tips when coding. And what to do for things such as basic attacks, specials, transformations. movements, etc. I tried testing what I already coded after looking up a tutorial. But I didn't get anywhere it wouldn't even load up, well it is coding it's more of trial and error kind of profession. Another question I have is that, how do people make multiple CNS files for the characters? (I'll provide a link to better explain what I mean.) One more question is regarding the states that I saw that were already in before I actually started coding. Should I get rid of it and start fresh or do I leave it there and add what is necessary for the character? To summarize my questions How would I go about fixing the error? How should I actually start the coding process? How do I get multiple CNS files, such as the one shown in the link? Regarding the already implemented states in the current CNS, should I get rid of them and start from scratch? (I am in fact using the template) Error Message I got when trying to test Naoto: https://imgur.com/a/dF0iILT CNS: https://imgur.com/a/nEjHM41 States: https://imgur.com/a/J4pn5tn Thanks for taking a look having a good night.
  12. So I'm happy that my buddy Celest helped me out with Naoto, so shout out to Celest. Byt what I need help with now is some of the effects. I do have an idea of what to do, but I wanted to be absolutely sure that it was correct so can someone tell me what to do step by step. I really wanna make Naoto a character worth downloading, he deserves it since BBTCB did him dirty. So to be more specific I'm trying to get rid of the backgrounds for the effects specifically the ones on the bottom. As for the Blood Drive Moves. These are only a few examples of what I mean, but if anything I think I might have to gt rid of the colored background. Which is what I' exactly trying to do, but I want to ask if I should photoshop it out or get rid of the background in FF3? Any type of response for this is helpful. I'll make sure to make Naoto a great character to play just like he was in BBCF. Thanks, and shout out to Celest again. Effects:https://imgur.com/1otJ4Oh https://imgur.com/JdIvgyH https://imgur.com/GaYSIUo https://imgur.com/AOMGldZ https://imgur.com/ACroLvJ https://imgur.com/pV8uFrJ Blood Drive Moves https://imgur.com/7XEfPjZ https://imgur.com/g9lWkg6 https://imgur.com/Zjr6se3 https://imgur.com/udWIcFR https://imgur.com/Wbt1wW8 https://imgur.com/bIC58br https://imgur.com/VCWFQUG
  13. I made a JoJo MUGEN/IKEMEN compilation 5 different MUGEN games New characters and stages Updated sound effects, voice lines, and a revamped soundtrack from the anime, ASB, and EoH OST Enjoy
  14. Here's a brand new rendition of my Kanon School Hallway stage I made a year ago. The coding feels a bit better to me, but it's also in 640x480 as well. If anyone wants a 320x240 version like the original, let me know. This stage was done because the original version from IceNinja77 is unable to be downloaded anymore due to the site it is on being frozen. So I took it upon myself to recreate the stage from scratch. The coding behind it wasn't as good as it could have been, so I did the stage again, but in better coding. This should be for when I make more stages in the future. I have downloads on MediaFire and OneDrive available so I hope you enjoy! MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/v8dir0jfrg2abby/Kanon+School+Hallway+NEW.zip OneDrive: https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=B8B05A5991857721&resid=B8B05A5991857721!129&authkey=APTYbIKhP3RirDo
  15. This is my second character,Artificial Human 17 from Dragon Ball Z Please tell me any flaws and I will try my best to fix them. http://www.mediafire.com/file/4xsyr0cneg4vrcm/17.rar
  16. This is my first character,so please go easy on the feedback. Most of the errors in this video are fixed. Here's the link:http://www.mediafire.com/file/jcvhbw1cl6pjw37/Vegeta.rar/file
  17. PREVIEW (NEW UPDATE!) DOWNLOAD https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AIZVdG4fpxJ0TMA&id=EC53FF9C3EC05CB5!105&cid=EC53FF9C3EC05CB5 INFO The best Goku for MUGEN gains a new update a month ago. 280gou did some adjustment on Goku. Here's the update log. - Configuration and AI revamped - AI fixed - Power cost fixed in some supers like Super Genki-dama - Goku is now invincible when the assist character attacks during Genki-dama charging - Bugs on the sprites fixed - Some other adjustment are in this patch by NKYMD https://ux.getuploader.com/NKYMD/download/90
  18. Hoje trago a última versão desse jogo de dragon ball no estilo JUS, ele tem 46 chars 29 stages, essa versão não foi acrescentado tanta coisa como nas ultimas, mas é sem dúvida a que mais teve mudanças, agora vamos falar do que mudou: UPDATES: - Agora nas transformações personagens tem superArmor para ataques comuns, pois estava muito dificil se transformar, mas eles aidna podem ser empedidos com especias ou supers. - Agora a cada especial e SuperPause tem zoom, foi removida o efeito se superCharge (agora que tem o zoom não vejo poruqe ter ele) - Personagens não voam, agora eles caem lentamente, e se voar pra trás ele vai meio que dar um dash no ar e cair. - Agora Jiren transforma em 100%, e goku em ISou seja não são mais personagens separados. - Goku e Vegeta DBS tem todas as tranformações (essa entra na lista de vocês pediram tanto que tive que atender), pra se transformar com ele é um pouco diferente, por exemplo SSJ2 do Goku é baixo + A, porém com duas barras, já o três a mesma cosia só que com 3 barras, o Blue é baixo + B com 2 barras e o baixo + C é instinto superior, não muda tnato dos outros... - Melhora nas paletas em geral, principalmente dos LSSJ. - Adição da Arale e do Boo gordo. - Adição do stage do Gohan Ozaru e o de quando o Jiren está sendo eliminado. - Personagens que ganharam mais combos foram Super Buu, Kefla, Kale, Android 18. - Androids ganham energia automaticamente, mas não podem carregar. - Bug do Android 17 perder vida parado removido. - Toda e qualquer tela branca que restava como efeito de explosão foi removida. - Tenshinhan trocado para o do Pleneptune, esse não vira o Vegeta nem fica dando chute no vento (não estou críticando o outro). - Telas do Screenpack trocadas (sim de novo), e as logos da introdução refeitas, agora tem o logo da Elecbyte, da toei, e os criadores de chars e codes que usei nesse MUGEN e pude representar eles de alguma foram(no caso com a logo do canal de cada um). - Tela de carregamento de VS agora tá em OpenGL, bem mais bonita que antes. COMANDOS : Combo 1: A Combo 2: B Dispara energia: C Carregar energia: S Transformar(todos que tem um simbolo na frente do nome ou uma exclamação no nome): ↓+ A/↓+ B/↓+ C Destransformar: ↓ + S Especial 1: ↓→ + A Especial 2: ↓→ + B Especial 3: ↓→ + C Especial 4: ↓← + A Especial 5: ↓← + B Especial 6: ↓← + C Super Especial: ↓+Y DOWNLOAD LINK https://mega.nz/#!iQohUa7L!gTYksHCViZBSlA7kNOH4HQ2mkyimQpCi96ArGWSpJC4 MY CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7gpxUKHcSbNwlEkJqgQhg
  19. O jogo de hoje creio que é o melhor que consegui fazer até agora, queria fazer um só de One Piece, mas não tinha chars muito necessários como o Law e o Doflamingo, então resolvi fazer um versus, que já tinha uma ideia de fazer a um tempo. Agora vamos a descrição do jogo, ele tem 28 personagens os mais balanceados que consegui, sendo metade de DBS e a outra metade de OP, tem 15 stages, metade dos dois animes também, e as múscias nos stages são as melhores que achei dos respectivos. COMANDOS: Combo 1: A Combo 2: B Dispara energia: C Carregar energia: S Especial 1: ↓→ + A Especial 2: ↓→ + B Especial 3: ↓→ + C Especial 4: ↓← + A Especial 5: ↓← + B Especial 6: ↓← + C Super Especial: ↓+Y DOWNLOAD LINK: https://mega.nz/#!PE4nkR7Z!lywJf-XcKDjKEe4i7EmBlmC3ybjeGDMDTK9pHNRlnhk MY CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7gpxUKHcSbNwlEkJqgQhg
  20. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD https://www.4shared.com/rar/9-gn1PUwee/astrokimba.html INFO Original Topic Two legendary characters created by the master Osamu Tezuka arrives to MUGEN! Plays good, but need some improvement.
  21. Joseph Joestar Hi guys, here an edit that I made from creations of various people. Is Joseph Joestar in his animated version with the great voice of Tomokazu Sugita. CREDITS: Char by Nimame New SFF and Palettes by JohnVyttalRay Sounds by the guy who has the nickname "asdfghjklzxcvbnm" (little edit by Iver) Portrait by Iver (me :p) Images: "Niceu niceu, very niceu Caesar-chan" "NIGERUNDAYO!!!" "Cracker Volley!" "Tsugi ni omae wa Yare Yare Daze, to iu" DOWNLOAD https://mega.nz/#!P0RSwZLC!5-RcKkvjEPnAO_mq1lFw7n03ctTlSaD9i_QA3K0fy8A
  22. (I speak spanish, sorry if my english is bad) Whats up people, the other day I started editing a mugen about jojo for me, but without excess characters. So I wanted to share it with you, and in passing see the things that I added. Features: MUGEN 1.1 with gui0007´s edit of KFM´s old screenpack 39 characters from Phantom Blood to Steel Ball Run (yeah, the recent johnny char) and Dio Over Heaven from EoH (Being honest, I put it to fill space of "characters that have renders of recent games" :p). Voices from ASB/EoH/Anime for "old" characters. Some new palettes so that the characters are more like the anime made by me, as "Black and Dark Green" Jotaro or "Purple with Red scarf" Lisa Lisa. Hi-Res portraits of ASB/EoH made by me, with some edits. (Except for High Dio, but I found a good image of Stardust Shooters) 24 stages, several with zoom. Demostration Video, so you can see how it is: Download: https://mega.nz/#!G8An1LjL!6HvQdzkR_i1Be4jHHRTb-4_HNfx5Ph424MRbrIanTjE I did it for fun, I hope you like it :)
  23. A stage from ep 22 of the anime Lucky star Features - Super Jump - Music - Zoom - Only for MUGEN 1.1 Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/bquwq3k8vu7db5u/Kanata%20Izumi%27s%20flower%20field.rar
  24. Yep she is now here to kick everyone butts, She is AI only but has some really funny attacks like making you go on a game show and stuff its really fun char. I dont want to spoil too much just download for yourself. https://ux.getuploader.com/migo/download/92
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