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Sol Knight X

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About Sol Knight X

  • Birthday 04/23/1991

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    Columbus OH
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  1. Here's a prime example. It would seem that it involves a combo of a specific length.
  2. I'm almost positive that most of you are familiar with Jesuszilla's Zeori, and would also assume you're aware that he's incapable of being beaten by normal means. There seems to be a code somewhere in his cns that keeps him alive with 1 hp. There is a flag that seems to deactivate that, but I'm unsure as to what that flag is. If anyone might have some clue as to where to look so I can get rid of 1 hp nonsense, that'd be awesome. -b
  3. I'm trying to think of an idea for sweet mountain's music. A tad bit stumped for anything unfortunately. e.o
  4. Feedback! Okay, so there is an unfortunate fact that I had to face with the aquarium stage. All the resources I had were lost when my laptop was stolen, so all I had to work with was a the background from the first stage. I do feel like that one could be much better since I had to improvise with what I had. The reason why Aquarium Park Act 3 looks so strange is because I was experimenting with the use of fake lighting to try and create the illusion of sunlight from a sunset, I wasn't expecting it to be quite so strong unfortunately, so that'll probably get removed. Also, the reason for the Sengoku Basara castle is there because I wanted the aquarium to be a giant fish bowl of sorts, and that was the best thing I could find. >.> As far as Tropical Resort, I think I can try adjusting the colors of the dancers in the back.
  5. So..... you guys remember that project I was working on a few yesteryears ago? Well, the progress halted on it for a while after my previous laptop was stolen and my backup harddrive was no longer usable. Dx But after Our Lord and Savior Ryon smacked me with conviction, I finally got back on the creator's track, and got a pretty large dent into the project. :D Here is what's releasable so far. Tropical Resort: Act 1 Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/X86N7kGOba/TropicalResortAct1.html? Act 2 Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/V9hPiEWBba/TropicalResortAct2.html? Act 3 Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/Eh-cO72Zce/TropicalResortAct3.html? Sweet Mountain Coming Soon. ;D Starlight Carnival Coming Soon >,< Planet Wisp Act 1 Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/ZfV4huK7ce/PlanetWispAct1.html? Act 2 Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/PTVSnub9ce/PlanetWispAct2.html? Act 3 Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/CMwE4X9xba/PlanetWispAct3.html? Aquarium Park Act 1 Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/0UjP7IGOba/AquariumParkAct1.html? Act 2 Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/9iHIU4Efce/AquariumParkAct2.html? Act 3 Download: http://www.4shared.com/rar/4bZ-j5fmce/AquariumParkAct3.html? Asteroid Coaster Coming soon >.> Terminal Velocity Coming Soon ._. Nega-Wisp: Form 2 Coming Soon... ;_; To those who don't know, I had planned years ago to start a giant project to create a giant collection of stages inspired by the sound track of Sonic Colors after having bought it on iTunes. Starting with planet wisp, and ending with Tropical Resort so far. I try to toss in a small sonic bit into the stages as a pinch of comedic touch in a way though it's a little lacking in Planet wisp. I'll probably update that later. xD I promised Ryon I'd release what I have, so here goes nothing!
  6. I believe that's just either a melty blood or big bang beat stage with cvs2/alpha3 sprites on it. Hang on lemme see if I can find it. [EDIT] http://page.freett.com/choiya7/stage6.htm This is what that stage is an "edit" of... If you'd still prefer the one with people in it, I'll search harder.
  7. Which is weird, cause I believe I have the latest version of 1.0 O_o
  8. I just downloaded all the typemoon characters and I get the same error for all of them in what I assume to be the cns for their ai Error message: Invalid trigger: CA Error parsing trigger1, 1 Error parsing [state -3, AI] Error in [statedef -3] Error in J_cirno_-3.cns Character mugenversion is older than this version of M.U.G.E.N. Error loading chars/ff3_0/ff3_0.def Error loading p1 Library error message: Died parsing EnemyNear,HitDefAttr != SCA it seems like omitting the 2 codes with that line in it with semi colons seems to fix it, but I don't know what removing it affects... o_l
  9. Gonna go ahead and revive this, because I've brought the project back to life. :D I just finished Aquarium Park act 1. 2 and 3 will probably come later tonight. Gonna send the stage off to Ryon for final approval checks before I continue.
  10. I have to say Aiduzzi's characters are pretty fierce to fight against personally. Of course Reu's characters as well.
  11. lolol Kyle Hebert did the voice of Kamina, Ryu, Teen Gohan and a billion other people too. He's a freaking champ.
  12. So... Ummm... Sup guys? Sorry for my obscene lack of existence for the past few um.... years... >_> I've been in a stand still for mugen for a long while. My laptop was stolen on campus and I haven't been able to do anything.... like ever. I've been pretty depressed cause I'm starting to think of all the things that I've been procrastinating on in the past. A lot of my friends from school are starting to take interest in making stuff though, and after meeting Kyle Hebert, voice acting is becoming a thing too. I'm hoping to get a new computer soon. (Currently using a friends laptop making an HD mugen for him) and when I do, I plan on putting in overtime. So if it's possible, try to bear with me, kay?
  13. Did you fix the accidental Aura?
  14. So... Boxers are making up my playset on fighting games in general. Heavy D and Vanessa in KoF (WantthemtobeinXIIIsobaaaad) Steve Fox in Tekken Dudley in SF Now Akihiko. :D He looks like he plays like a champ. So pumped to play this.
  15. special moves. An aerial fireball and an aerial rush. Also Welcome back Ryon. XD
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