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About GuyZero32k4

  • Birthday 10/25/1973

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    San Antonio
  • Interests:
    I'm into collecting comics, video games, martial arts, anime, women and booze. Started drawing again.

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  1. Comic Con happened here in San Antonio awhile back and got some stuff. I spent over $1000, on artwork for my house more than anything. Got to meet Stan Lee and other celbs. One of which was the new Punisher, Jon Bernthal.: Of the artwork I got, this one made me chuckle, so I had to buy it. I like Arthur Suydam's Zombie art, got lots of his stuff. I wanna commission him for some zombie anime characters.
  2. Altered Beast (Yeah I know of the PS2 sequel. Don't you even dare....) Power Stone F-Zero Snatcher (on PSN and XBox live Sega CD port at fucking least) Guardian Heroes (Online bitch. Im throwing money at my screen and nothing is happening.)
  3. I'm from Texas too. I actually use guns for my line of work. I also have a license to carry a handgun concealed or for the open carry at the beginning of next year. My current favorite personal gun is my concealed carry gun, a Sig Sauer P938 Equinox. Have it with night sights and a laser sight on the trigger guard. My favorite SciFi gun would have to be the Classic Robocop gun. Not that shitty remake one.
  4. Good job bringing Mio to life here. Didn't see this till now. Hoping you do the rest of the cast, Id like to see Ritsu.
  5. Attack on Titan fan fiction. If you've never seen it...:
  6. When I was doing endings, I wanted to see team ups of meetings of characters that otherwise more than likely would never happen. I'd Photoshop what I wanted to see, to tell the story I thought up, and I was still learning as I went. I'd learned a great deal as time went on. I wanted to have the most fun and draw my endings myself, so then i could honestly say my intros and /or endings. Then delays, one after another. Offers to make money for art for anime conventions, being commissioned for an art piece, new boss at work hearing of what I do having me do work related stuff. And most recently being in a car accident set me back. Some people asked if I was done. HELL NO. I thought "great on while I'm out of work can I finish the endings (yes multiple) I've been working on?" Well, my laptop got AIDS and some of the work was lost. Fortunately I did have a chunk saved on home PC. Just for shits and giggles, I'd like to show everyone of the process of making just one scene with the new methods I'm using now, I had to dig and find a scene that doesn't give anything away. The next ending was going to be savage Hulk. So keep in mind that while working on that I also had Duke Nukem and Batman Beyond I've been doing. So, here's a scene from Savage hulk's ending from sketch to almost final. A rough sketch, John Byrne and Dale Keown are my biggest influences on how I draw the Hulk. Inking, and not happy on shadows due to planned scene in my mind. Outside in the desert. Fixed up and make sure he looks pissed. . Color through any means. Seriously. Gonna get touched up.... Fixed with Photoshop and added the background. Didn't add the word balloon or text yet, so not give away what's going on. Just wanted to show everyone I'm not done. Not by a long shot. I just want to be sure I put out a good product.
  7. I like Guy. Always played him, even when Final Fight was new. Thats a damn long time isn't it? Liked his attacks better then Cody's to me. When Alpha came out and heard Guy was gonna be there, I forced myself to learn how to play him. Played the Alpha games alot during that time period. Zero 3 or Alpha 3 was when he got that new super he had in Zero 2 Alpha, and my favorite version of him. 2k4 is when I got really active on internets for me.
  8. I think this is a good example too. I fear for these kids who really write like this for real.:
  9. Characters that I can understand and play. Gameplay I can pick up if I've never even heard of the source game. Not a character who's style is custom and is a gameplay aborition.
  10. Guess I'll share since I haven't been around in a while. I collect lots of things. Games for example. Still got all my original systems, and they work. Even a late 70s pong if I wanted to go back that far. I still play games, and always will. Or at least till arthritis takes hold. Done Karate since 1989, and dabbled in other styles also to learn more. I still like to watch anime. I collect comics. Got lots. Lots and lots. Got 3 walls of my study covered in em, and that's not even 1/4 of the ones I have. Got inspired to get into art when I was a kid due to comics. I like to draw, used to paint haven't done that in years. I just still can't color digitally for jack shit though. I go to the gun range every so often to practice. (don't judge me its for my job)
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