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About StrongestPotato

  • Birthday 12/06/1999

Basic Info

  • Gender:
  • Location:
    IDK, last time I checked it was Earth
  • Languages:
    Spanish, English, French (sorta)
  • Interests:
    Anime, Toku, Gaming in general, sometimes Comics, Western Animation sometimes...I also love cooking so there's that.
  • Games:
    As of now, hooked on YGO Master Duel.
  • Animes:
    As of now, watching nothing.
  • Theme Song:
    Use this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNDXNV2Co54

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Golden Child (11/20)

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  1. I would say this is the definitive Decade, but the commands were changed from the past one. Is there any way to revert them?
  2. Furikake's Ultraman has been released, and oh boy is it a godsend for both Toku fans and fighting game fans: https://mega.nz/file/rU4GhByZ#4zOagoJvhgrHYcH9QVOB7yolL_474fsETAViMy0EJPI
  3. And now it's no longer a problem, without further ado, I present you Ennki's Decade, circa Zi-O!: https://mega.nz/file/uJwwXLha#qzTlPexmzbAVL0KSWaQymc_2gZ2x1vb8_iYFdY68xNo
  4. that's exactly the problem. It's on Mugen Archive. And because they're Mugen Archive, I can't download more than 100 MB characters. So I need someone else to upload it to Mediafire. I would show the link but because it's Mugen Archive, I can't.
  5. I have found Ennki's Decade, circa Zi-O. But it's on a blacklisted site, and I cannot quite upload it to Mediafire as it won't let me download beyond 100 MB (which is bullshit mind you). So if someone else could give me a hand, it'd be much appreciated.
  6. Another great character for Bleach, I am looking forward for your take on Ikkaku Madarame, and was that Tia Harribel on Ichigo's demonstration? does this confirm her next?
  7. Not to come off as a "know-it-all" or the sort, but what you guys call "Alien Dada" is actually the powered version of Dada, the one that's not an alien, but actually a computer virus: https://ultra.fandom.com/wiki/Dada#Ultraman:_The_Ultimate_Hero I suggest moving Powered Dada to the "Ultimate Hero" section, and renaming him, as we do not have a true "Alien Dada", that is until Kirbey inevitably makes a regular Dada (given his taste on seijin and kaiju, I would not be surprised)
  8. Late, but given that you give music to your stages, I think I've found something that fits a desertic training ground:
  9. Nevermind, found it, and backed it up, CVS Luffy by Mordecool: http://www.mediafire.com/file/dn9544hng8lkuga/Luffy.zip/file
  10. I remember seeing a CVS Luffy somewhere, anyone know where to find him?
  11. Found a new one: Anphans Nexus, for your roster (now if only we got Junis, Junis Blue, and Noa with this): https://www.mediafire.com/file/s417za0vhm29cmo/Ultraman_Nexus_(Anphans).zip/file EDIT: I come from the parallel universe where Oxyon pays attention to the thread, excuse him for posting an already existing character
  12. I have finally completed my compilation of decent anime characters in MUGEN, now I need a screenpack, does anyone have one with 204 slots? (+1 for random), I need it for MUGEN 1.1b
  13. it doesn't seem to start up, it says I can't access it
  14. neat! can't wait for you to make a decent Kung Pow or a Kangoo in this 63 1/3-esque style, would definitely main that
  15. I have uploaded his """ROSE""" (I swear I'm in pain while typing that), but I assure you it's of abyssmal quality http://www.mediafire.com/file/g6mk92g1il7y5lt/Rose.zip/file
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