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Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

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About Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

  • Birthday 12/20/1916

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  • Gender:
    Not Telling
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    . Waifus ain't shit but hoes and tricks
  • Interests:
    Snatching waifus. One ho at a time.

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  1. I'm really disappointed with the character designs. They look awful. Aquaman looks like your typical flabby cowardly COD nerd. Black Canary looks like some CW actress who was in the salon too long, Ivy looks like somebody's smart-assed mom, Catwoman looks like a deviantart cosplayer from Ohio. I mean, cmon now. The only decent ones in the lot is Supergirl, Beetle, and Batman. They could have just made a copy of Steve Reeves (NOT Christopher Reeves, but STEVE Reeves) for Superman, not that turd-kaplunk. They should have just named this: Low Budget CW Housewife Fodder: Part 2.
  2. WH2 Papua by fengkkkkkkkkk [Feb 23, 2017] https://twitter.com/fengkkkkkkkkk thanks for the waifu2x http://waifu2x.udp.jp/ hope you like it! it base on Papua by Reginukem http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/world-heroes-2-jet-updates-final-145285.0.html https://onedrive.live.com/?id=7E4A75B233A27687%21188&cid=7E4A75B233A27687
  3. Pullum Purna [SFEX] by armin_iur [Feb 22, 2017] http://www.mediafire.com/file/9bytz4gk0bwzksk/pullum.rar
  4. SNK Sakuraba Sakazaki (Takuma's father) by Malevka1 [Feb 18, 2017] https://www.sendspace.com/file/51lbsv
  5. Alice the Madness: Hatters Domain by RU Design [Feb 22, 2017] http://www.mediafire.com/file/2e7zwt0b1rw3afz/RU+Design+-+Hatter+Domains+HD.rar
  6. Kotal Kahn's Courtyard by RU Design [Feb 15 2017] http://www.mediafire.com/file/79clb5n1x9ibcab/RUDesign+-+Emperor's+Courtyard+HR.rar
  7. Batman: Arkham Asylun Injustice by RU Design [Fabularyous 20,2017] http://www.mediafire.com/file/4mgx84w4vikc5x8/RUDesign+-+Arkham+Asylum+HR.rar
  8. Undertale Stage 3 (Waterfall) by sumin2393 [Feb 17, 2017] http://blog.naver.com/sumin2393/220938189732
  9. Cassandra Murata ROTD KOF Style by Mugen Zone (Zadkiel Mugen) [Fed 17 2017] https://mega.nz/#!9sEzXIoK!FFLclmm27a...
  10. Oni Inomura ROTD KOF XI UM Style by Zadkiel Mugen (Mugen Zone) [Feb 23, 2017] https://mega.nz/#!shkGECKa!rSt5QUyhhU...
  11. oshitora Tokugawa KOF XI UM by Zadkiel Mugen (Mugen Zone) [Feb 8 2017] https://mega.nz/#!FgcxXI6B!h6kZcjOI7p...
  12. Big Home Narutoverse by Manoichi https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgGg-qWE82pOjU-syw83vglY2_EP
  13. Konoha House by Manoichi Open GL Mugen 1.1 https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgGg-qWE82pOjVHC1lkGgweFsqcP
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