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About Kibora

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  1. I couldnt find Infinite's cloud. Do you think you can provide a download link or link to where it is if it is in the forum as I cannot find it
  2. Believe it or not... Super_Nicholas's Kirby... He has killer AI and when I pitted his AI against Airmoto...Airmoto lost...
  3. This is what SSBR should be like... A WiiU version of Playstation All-Stars. Simple enough
  4. Personally, I hate any character with poorly-drawn sprites. It doesnt matter on AI, but I focus on the artistic stance, and poorly drawn sprites are my pet peeve. (Also hate chibi characters)
  5. 1. PS4 and 720 will be backwards compatible 2. PS4 and 720 will rival any gaming computer as it will have the same number of processors. (So we will see 32 v. 32 matches in Battlefield 4) 3. These are set to release in November, 2013 at the earliest. 4. Details about these will be released around April 5. From what I hear, you will be able to transfer your current Xbox LIVE or PSN username to your NG console.
  6. I wish that Square Enix would have gotten in on this, as Square and Nintendo have worked on several games together, but nothing recently. (I think the most recent was Chocobo Tales for the DSi) If they had of gotten together, I would have expected to see either Cloud or Sephiroth in it. Sadly, Square did not get included as of yet, but I am still hoping.
  7. I want good characters of Gorillaz (2-D, Murdoc, Russel, Noodle, RoboNoodle, and Del the Funky Homosapian)
  8. Are there any Gorillaz characters? (2-D, Noodle, Robo-Noodle, Russel, and Murdoc.)
  9. "Even in darkness, the light shall always remain"-Best victory quote EVER!!!!!!
  10. IF Princess Molestia (Spoof of Princess Molestia) was in MUGEN I guess your body wasn't ready, That was some good molest...I mean fighting. Oh, over so quickly. Excuse me, I left Applejack in the dungeon again. Royal duty calls. Now is when I break out the crops and flogs.
  11. Try fighting The Warrior on Borderlands 2 on Vault Hunter mode...holy shit
  12. New hard bosses: Queen Black Dragon (Runescape) Alex Mercer {Insane Difficulty}(Prototype 2) Safer Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
  13. Just for your information SWAG was developed back in 1969 by gay hollywood stars as a way to inform other gay men about an orgy. It stood for "Secretly We Are Gay" SWAG
  14. All characters have been added to the roster
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