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About RobotMonkeyHead

  • Birthday January 1

Basic Info

  • Gender:
    Not Telling
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  • Languages:
    Conversational French, elementary Japanese
  • Interests:
    Coding, drawing, music composition, cheffing,
  • Games:
    Killer Instinct, Samurai Shodown 6, Street Fighter 2HF, Mortal Kombat 2 arcade
  • Animes:
    Ninja Scroll, Death Note, Wicked City, Attack on Titan, Princess Mononoke
  • Theme Song:
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Network Usernames

  • Discord
  • YouTube
  • Evolve

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  1. This is a test request to see if the bot is working. Please ignore.
  2. Forum Banner by @TheArcadeStriker Credit for front page GIFs to come as the artists are identified If you'd like to suggest a GIF for use on the forum's front page, please do so here. Originals welcome!
  3. Absolutely! That question actually inspires me to do something I probably should've done to begin with which is to make a credits thread, so if GIFs origin can be determined, the artist can get credit. Aaand here's that.
  4. Welcome to the forums! I hope you find everything you need ok, and if you ever need help, please don't hesitate to reach out to staff!
  5. @takoApologies for that one (and the consistency of its recurrence). There is a permanent fix for that one that should be implemented by the end of the year. Thanks for pointing it out!
  6. Post a GIF and let us know what forum or subforum you think it should be used for!
  7. This is the community suggestion thread for the Member Interests forum. If there's a specific topic out there that you think enough members are into that we should have a subforum devoted to it, please do suggest it here!
  8. Insert appropriate seasonal greeting here! I have some pretty big changes planned for the holiday season, so welcome to the hype thread. This year the wrapping paper is clear, most of it anyway, and you get to see the new things in advance. Feel free to comment on this stuff, discuss, make suggestions, ask questions, throw your ideas out there, whatever you want. The entire point is to make this place better for you lol, so if you want to tell me how to do that, I'm all ears. So, anyway what's under the tree? AWARDS You will soon be able to get and give awards. Mostly get. There will be various Onion Tokens (look like arcade tokens) awarded for things like 100 posts, or 10 best answers to questions etc. In total there will be about 21 tokens you can get. There will also be various colored Onion Cards which members can award each other with, for all kinds of random social stuff. Beyond that there will be trophies for things like character creation, stage creation, cotm etc. RANKS Upgrades to the forum software have done away with our old ranking system, which was based entirely on number of posts. We now have a points based Ranking economy, where various numbers of points are earned for various activities, like 10 points for a new post, or 5 points for a reply, or 2 points for a react, etc. Points can be gained in all kinds of ways, and they will advance you through 30 levels of Rank. GROUPS Members will be allowed to create Groups, and there will also be some "site official" groups. Groups have leaders, moderators, members, and varying levels of accessibility all determined by their creator. It's possible to make a group for pretty much anything, they don't have to be Mugen related. All of the content on the front page under the Ikemen Dojo, and above The Castle / Staff stuff, will be moved into individual Groups. Those groups will be looking for mods too, so keep an eye out in them for mod threads if you're interested. REACTIONS There will be new reaction choices. We've gotten rid of downvoting, the 3 reaction types that increase the posters reputation will be "like", "rep-up", and "thanks". There will also be animated emoji reactions which do not increase the posters rep. NEW TIMELINE The timeline is getting a css overhaul that makes it look more like other social media sites, and less like an eyesore. Again, this was something that was done a while ago, but a major update to the system software killed the old version, so a new one was/is being created.
  9. This thread is for public discussion about the current issue with staff backing up Ryou's collections in the collection section. The goal is to clear the air and put everything out in the open, and let everyone discuss it in one place. Too many things are currently being relayed between people indirectly in an effort to resolve this peacefully. So in an effort to get everyone is on the same page with full transparency, so everyone knows where everyone else is at, and has full and easy access to staff for questions, here's a thread to centralize the discussion on. I know this is a tense issue, but I hope with enough communication we can get this all sorted out. This discussion is open to anyone and everyone, and will be followed by all of our staff.
  10. Moved this topic to the proper location. @yollo3to find your topic in the future look under [ MUGEN LOUNGE ] -> [ COMMISSIONS HUB ], and you'll find it there. Please try to post in the proper forum for your topic in the future.
  11. After much deliberation, head scratching, mustache twisting, and plotting with ridonkulocity hitherto unseen... or maybe just a few solid staff convos, we're happy to announce the new members of our mod squad! @Dissidia has taken on the role of G-Mod on both the server and the site. As a long standing and friendly member of the MFFA community and knowledgeable Mugen creator and gamer we're stoked to have him on the team! @gui0007 move up to the role of G-Mod on the site. He does have the position on the server as well, but his main area of focus is the forums. So if you want to contact him, that's where to do it. He's another MFFA veteran, and Mugen creator well deserving of respect and appreciation! @Neo_Fire_Sonic is our new Discord Mod . He's been an MFFA as long as any of us, and with the Discord server from its inception. Our resident feisty Sonic fanatic will now be making sure everyone remains copacetic on the server, so when he says dash start spinning! @Sir Ghostler has ascended to the rank of @Admin . Behold the apotheosis of the newest god in the MFFA pantheon! A proven G-Mod , established MFFA member, and Mugen creator with a keen sense of fairness, we're a richer team for having him in the top ranks! Much gratitude and respect to all of our staff members for the work you do, day in and day out! Everyone knows it's not easy makin the big bucks with your feet on the desk all day, but we all passively appreciate being able to enjoy ourselves without being overrun by roving droves of assholes. Thanks for all you do.
  12. Oh, I'll merge them for you. I just need to know the name on your other account. And also, just to double check, you want me to keep the other one, and merge FireHonor's content into it, correct? Also, the only way to delete your account is to request staff delete it manually, which may or may not be done, depending on the amount of content and conversations etc that would be rendered unintelligible by deleting it, given that all the posts get deleted with it. Normally we just ask people to change their name to inactive and remove their profile / cover photo and any other info they want gone.
  13. lol no worries, just happy to see you up and runnin :)
  14. There are a couple minor issues I can see on my side here. First is that it looks like at some point in the process you updated your email to add a "." which gmail ignores but some email services don't. That MIGHT have triggered an issue, I don't know. That aside something about your IP tripped our spam defense, but not to a degree where it should've prevented you from registering. Anyway, none of that matters, long story short I manually approved your account so you should be good to go. Sorry for the hassle.
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