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About Forehead

Basic Info

  • Location:
    In a faraway unknown land.
  • Gender:
  • Interests:
    Video Games, Anime, etc.
  • Games:
    Fallout, Halo, Gears of War

Network Usernames

  • Skype

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18,610 profile views

Forehead's Achievements

  1. Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay, my friend.
  2. Jesus christ, right before July 4th, the waters of Florida are being contaminated. So much bad stuff has been happening down there.

  3. I haven't been on here since... forever. Lol.

    1. Forehead


      As a result of this, I'll change my weird name. Lol

    2. Egnaro


      b...but you changed it to something weirder.......

  4. Happy Birthday, even though you might not see this.

    1. Forehead


      Thanks! I happily appreciate it!

  5. Looks really nice, I might try it out. 1+
  6. Almost on MFFA for 3 years and only have 10 reputation points. lol... .-.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Forehead


      I know that is what makes me a failure.

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Don't say that. You don't need to post that much to be a badass

    4. llyyr


      You can release a mugen hack that makes mugen 3D and you'll gain 1k rep points from one post, if it actually works that is.

  7. Sure haven't been on for a long while :333

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Galvatron


      Hey whats up Man! where have you been. :-D

    3. Forehead


      The xbox all this time lol. But fuck the xbox now, I have nothing left for me on there.

    4. Forehead


      The xbox all this time lol. But fuck the xbox now, I have nothing left for me on there.

  8. it can be very stressful having a girlfriend at times -_-'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PlasmoidThunder


      Be like the rest of us who will probably be lonely for the rest of our lives.

    3. Gaulbetti
    4. thekillnator


      Just hang in there, everything can get better. Not all the time is bad just keep your head held high and hope for the best in the future.

  9. Mcdooper Poopers

  10. Super Smash Flash 2 Version 9b is coming out today... can't wait :D

    1. Arya Chan ☆

      Arya Chan ☆

      huh, i tought it was going be after 27 but anyways..

    2. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      it is? well then.

    3. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      it is? well then.

  11. Everybody left the chat room like.

    1. DartzPie


      I was still there :L

  12. Can't wait for that 3DS version to come out tho o.o I need some smashing!
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