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Mugen Free For All


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About Forehead

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    In a faraway unknown land.
  • Interests:
    Video Games, Anime, etc.
  • Games:
    Fallout, Halo, Gears of War

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  1. Looks really nice, I might try it out. 1+
  2. Can't wait for that 3DS version to come out tho o.o I need some smashing!
  3. Probably a character selection screen change in Brawl. Looks cool but it's pretty obvious.
  4. Mmm will try this out when I get the chance :D Ehhh... M on his forehead? :/
  5. Cool hope to download this soon when it's released. A very interesting character you've made man.
  6. To be honest with you, SSE was fun alone and with friends :D Especially on the harder difficulties where team work matters. The Maze was the most enjoyable part out of all.
  7. Cool I'll check out more of you're stuff Duck. Hope somebody helps you with that AI patch.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMhNUKuIUlc Here's how the character is and plays bruddas...
  9. Was planning to get it just for boredom. I mean I do still own SSBB, just the fact it's broken. So maybe this will act as a suitable replacement whenever I'm tired of my Xbox.
  10. @Added, everyone who posted on this thread. No, I'm really serious.
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