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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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About Legendary DeMoNk@I

  • Birthday December 23

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  1. whats up G, Just stopping by seeing whats new here and there from the shadows.
  2. Whats up Been eons. I know. Never got around to releasing my stages here but you can check them all out at my site. some stages are collabs with Old gamer we did together. It Was always fun working with him (even with the screen packs). Anyway ive been away from the mugen forum scene heavy due to various reasons (good ones) but im peeking in every now and then to see whats new although im more so console gaming along with being a new dad these days. "Phantom mountains Reborn" DOWNLOAD SOURCE BELOW https://sites.google.com/site/demonkaimugen/ Btw i have other Mugen projects un finished i may release at some point
  3. where can I get that mugen stage in that video with ryu there? I cant remember if that's EX shadow's revised stage he did or not
  4. Nice work R@ce. I didn't want to jump in on anything seeming off about the character since youre pretty quick anyway with fixes haha. But Overall Gameplay is fun so far. I don't know much about this character in its source but for a first time in your style hes pretty fuckin cool so far. I also like his A.I. (you know I love watchin characters duel against my terry lol). He puts in work on the Aggression! Oh and damn good ideas on those supers man!......
  5. Thanks man...yeah BTW did find the right link minutes after I asked....thanks for the patches btw also cant post think link since the site here wont let me do it
  6. Im not sure what happened to his site but I cant go there and get his batman. I think he had different versions but I wanted to get them all. does anyone have a source to get to those? Thanks BTW: This site wont let me copy and past images anymore or even links. I don't know whats up with that. My new lap top is 8.1 windows but I don't think that the issue....so pardon me for not posting an image of what im talking about. That batman release was shown at MFG too
  7. That ALex AI was looking pretty damn impressive...whos it by?
  8. annoyed by the 8002A220 error. I cant sgn into my PSN smh....

    1. kosmos


      First world problems.

    2. Legendary DeMoNk@I

      Legendary DeMoNk@I

      waited it out im good. problem passed. Enjoying the download of GG Xrd...

  9. @DarkLight: That's actually false about snagit..well actually I have snagit 9. It records sounds in the background of your home because you have shut off the microphone feature on your pc or lap top so you can just record the screen action. You have to adjust it to the pc your using. It happened to me a couple days ago on my new lap top I just got. It records pretty well. But now im curious to try out camtasia since I have a better pc
  10. It was cool seeing POTS pop up at MFG for old times sake to answer questions in the "Ask pots" thread

    1. Noside


      He did!? 0.0 *back to guild*

    2. Legendary DeMoNk@I

      Legendary DeMoNk@I

      yeah hes been picked to answer questions so he was cool enough to show up

  11. Finally fucking got my new lap top...damn it feels good to see all those hi res stages and Sps with no slow down and issues!

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