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About OldGamer

  • Birthday 04/01/1960

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    Family,friends,Sunday Bible study, Bingo and Playing old school video games

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  1. I am not saying that I'm quitting Mugen I'm just saying I'm not coming here anymore I am going to spend most of my time at Mugen Fighters Guild and infinity Mugen team I get more feedback and suggestion over there then here at MFFA. I don't get much feedback or suggestions when I release my content here at MFFA so therefore I am moving elsewhere where everyone appreciates my work, So everyone at MFFA Community you have a good one and happy holidays and goodbye from old gamer 👍

    1. Ryou


      its not that nobody appreciates your stuff here, its just that 99% of the folks who comes to mffa only does so to browse around the warehouse section, its hardly a place where members actively give feedback to each others. it happens not only to you but to everyone else who posts their creations here as well, myself included. while it indeed is sad, i'm afraid there's not much that can be done about it. respect your wishes though.

    2. jo19sh92


      Take care OG, sorry you're not getting the attention you desire. Don't get me wrong, I wish MFFA was more active, but since all sorts of stuff have caused MFFA to kind of become more or less a hosting spot, and with a lot of other resources and activities shut off from a lot of people, that tends to happen. You might have better luck on MFG, but nonetheless, thank you for everything you do. Personally, as Ryou has said, I come here to browse. While I would be willing to post extensive reviews of characters, I only do that for people who actively request it (and if I happen to notice they uploaded something that won't take me forever to download, lately a lot of people's characters are getting bigger and bigger and its just becoming obnoxious to download them on my crappy net). Plus, nobodies like me don't really have an opinion that matters my dude, so if you want some serious constructive criticism, why not just visit like TrinityMugen or something, I do believe many of the people there are far more active in the talking department. MFG is kind of the same, but there's also a lot of people on there that tend to be VERY demanding of creations, so you'll have to basically go 200% to get any recognition. I only even go to MFG anymore to upload game resources for people to MUGENize and to download stuff. I guess you could try MA, but that's a cancer upon this community.

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      I feel ya OG. See ya round...

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