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About OldGamer

  • Birthday 04/01/1960

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    Family,friends,Sunday Bible study, Bingo and Playing old school video games

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  1. Okay everyone here the final Preview of My Screen Pack. This Demonstration will show you the huge version of the M.E.S Screen Pack and also Show the rest of the life bars for the Sumil Mode and the Turns Mode :D



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OldGamer


      Thank you CoolAnimeHustler.At first  I wanted to make a Mugen Screen Pack Base on Arcade Collection  but I had a lot problem with the ram issue and so what I did was I had try to reduce size and change it up at first but the problem its look so terrible that's when I had to Banned the Project for Mugen Arcade Collection. I ts really broke my hear that the Mugen Arcade Collect had so many issue and and its did not work at all, But that when My good friend DemonKai and Dannie came to me. Said Why did banned Mugen Arcade Collection, and I did explain to them that the screen pack giving a MASSIVE OVERHALL ran of 1,3BG when loading and that why I scrap the Project. but then Demon kai came to me with a stages Idea on making a remix version of Bionic Commando Stage. that when Dannie said WOULD BE awesome if we had Mugen Arcade Collection to be more like the Old Nintendo Console but in mugen theme and right there was the new beginning for the M.E.S project. So we had long long discussion on who we make this happen. and BOOM there you have it XD haha 

    3. sonikun
    4. Anastasia


      That looks amazing and fabulous as always OldGamer. I love the way the screenpack looks plus the animations in it. Very smooth and flows. I'll give you five stars on that one, looks good as always!!!

      Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~


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