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Mugen Free For All


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About OskeinO

  • Birthday 01/10/1990

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  1. though this is a old post the password is mugen
  2. finding out what 4chan is.... is my regret
  3. i play this on ps4 on a regular im nice i just don't like how teamwork is so needed cause i can't clutch if theres a full team of roadhogs team chaining shit lool
  4. After actually spending time to beat this i just sent it back to for my fire emblem fates pre order it gets dull after a good while :l
  5. well that helps and i appreaciate it :D
  6. Im still entirely new to the create a character process. I'm making Rise from persona 4 arena ultimax and i could use all the knowledge about auto comboing i can get.
  7. most hype show of all time. wish it was longer.
  8. that was sho's but i manage to find a video for hers thanks though.
  9. so i was doing some FOB on MGS5 needed some stuff while im chatting with my boy Vizualyze also show some love to my channel twitch.tv/oskeino the ending was funny and thats all you really have to see. I gotta find a way to have better upload speed so i can get HD videos exported.
  10. by any chance do you know where i can rip rise voice in P4U
  11. yea at one point in time when i was i was a little younger i tried to make valentine but i just couldn't get myself to do most of what needed to be done plus i thought of it as a hard thing to do so i gave up but now im trying to make rise now. im just trying to find effects for her before i continue.
  12. The King lost weight xD will try
  13. ah you beat me to it. good luck on her :D
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