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About Gladiacloud

  • Birthday 04/24/1983

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  1. Gladiacloud here. We are all going through a bad time, that's for sure. But let's not give up. Having said that, let's talk about my release. By now my spriting has improved so much that I'm noticing that the sprites of my old characters are bad. I noticed this on one particular character... my second Capcom character. And who is it? Michelle Heart? No, she was the first character. And I had already revamped her 2 years ago. Okay, I tell you. After 5 years ... MAGMA DRAGOON GETS A REVAMP! SCREENSHOTS : DOWNLOAD LINK (UPDATED 4/11/2020): https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhR_leeckGIJEC7TX?e=8ucjsH It had to be updated. And heavily (especially his moveset). This time, unlike my previous Capcom Works, I used the Kenshiro99 template. And even here, the help of Kenshiro99 was crucial. I have nothing more to say except that now our new Magma Dragoon is much more solid and fun than before, so have fun! Do you want to know something about my next wip? Well, I'll tell you this: it's time to complete what I started a year ago.
  2. Gladiacloud here. I guess you read the name of this character in the title of this topic. Well... I know very well what I wrote about it when I released Lou last year: And believe me when I tell you I was serious. The problem was first of all the moveset: no matter how hard I tried, no move came to mind for him. So what happened in this period that made me change my mind about working on him? Two particular events: 1) Gtaguy sent me via PM on Discord the old version of Unknown Soldier created by Mazemerald, but very well coded (thanks to Kenshiro99). 2) We had gone back to work on the Beximus' full game "Capcom Universe". The character was practically done... he just needed good sprites. So I intervened. I'm talking about the main character of Forgotten Worlds... UNKNOWN SOLDIER! SCREENSHOTS : DOWNLOAD LINK: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhRVPrcKyRZF56zSe?e=SePDQ9 Now all the MVC special partners are complete, right? I think you noticed that I included Mazemerald among the authors of Unknown Soldier. After all, this Unknown Soldier is the 100% completion of Unknown Soldier made by Mazemerald created several years ago, so it seemed right to add him. Now that my work on MVC special partners is officially finished, I'll work on the revamp of another old character of mine, then I'll take a little break from the MVC characters. Enjoy!
  3. It's happened again. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhQ_UPlz_q4gVuSlv?e=6h88HA https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhRApsRvJQrj_pDmj?e=sLFYQb https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhRECxMJ8HdpS36Q-?e=oEkzvT https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhRJj3ePyuJHws-1c?e=paaBdb https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhRPHYGUAYUB34lb0?e=TKSZF0
  4. Gladiacloud here. Have you missed me? You should know that I have not been inactive during these months. In February, after Lou's release, I simply decided to do some private mugen works, for fun, before working on the my new character, which today I decided to release with great satisfaction. After so much time and hard work and, above all, having had some creative blocks and despite the lack of respect I received, I can finally release a sonic character that I wanted since I discovered the Mugen, around 2002/2003. VECTOR THE CROCODILE! Yes, I know, it is my habit to post the screenshots immediately after the announcement of the character, but today I will make a small exception to tell you how my character originated. It all started simply from this Mugenhunter's screenshot I found on Google Images several months ago: I was postponing Vector for many years now, and this screenshot had what I needed to get started: the source for an initial sprite. However, due to the non-human physiognomy of Vector (it's a crocodile!), making this first sprite took me a lot of time. But there was also another problem: it was too much small. And so I scrap this sprite and recreated it from scratch using as base a resized version of a Vector custom sprite that I found on Spriters Resource, hoping to create it with the same method as Cream. Also in this case, too much time spent drawing it because of the physiognomy ... and also for too many details. I then had to resort to the good old "Charizard method": Xnalara screenshots and tracing. I was almost close. And to my help came my friend MotorRoach, who gave a nice final touch. In addition to Xnalara, I also had to use the graphics tablet to make the complete spritesheet. And, in the end, the result is what you see in the screenshots below: SCREENSHOTS : DOWNLOAD LINK: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhQwvcWu_PF9kURlp?e=7gkuRl Well, I inform you that this is the last character I will release ... for now. After a lot of work, I think I deserve a little vacation, don't you? Have fun with Vector!
  5. Gladiacloud here. There is not much to say, except that we have finally finished another MVC special partner for the Mugen! I had already mentioned that I could do it ... and I was speaking. I made it especially because it is a character from one of my favorite video games of my youth: Three Wonders. I think you've already figured out who I'm talking about... LOU! (Three Wonders) SCREENSHOTS : DOWNLOAD LINK: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhQrDt467RLw8XmFr UPDATE PATCH: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ulf62qsuffn0fa8/Lou.zip/file UPDATE PATCH 2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f3k2wvinb8wk64a/LouX.zip/file Making sprites was easy, the same can not be said about coding ... especially for Options. I was about to give up on them, then I discovered some Tabasa's staff codes that were very helpful to me. To conclude, a big thank you especially to Shinzankuro and Kenshiro99, who helped me to fix it and complete it. Now only one MVC special partner remains... but I have already mentioned that I do not want to make him. At least not alone. Enjoy! P.S: For the first time, I have no idea what will be my next character.
  6. Gladiacloud here. It's only been two months and something since the release of Crocodile. Despite this, in a record time that I did not even imagine, I completed the revamp of a character that I realized almost five years ago (in December, exactly five years would have passed from her release). What will this character be? Well, it's my real first Capcom character I've made, as well as one of the MVC special partners. In other words, after almost five years... MICHELLE HEART... ... GETS A MASSIVE REVAMP! SCREENSHOTS : DOWNLOAD LINK: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhQk2mf8mO6E-nK2b I know, it was unexpected ... right? There is no doubt: the graphic tablet has really helped me a lot. Compared to my first version, all the sprites were made from scratch and there are also some brand new ones, I used the Beximus' codes used in his game Capcom Universe... and I also made some scraps. Who will be my next character? I don't know... but working on this character has aroused my desire to do another MVC character. Maybe I'll do another special partner, the one that, in the past, I mentioned that it would have more chance of being realized. Have fun!
  7. Gladiacloud here. After several months, I am ... or rather, I and Kenshiro99 managed to complete our One Piece character for the game Dragon Ball Z vs One Piece full game. The character comes from the game One Piece Great Pirate Closseum, but it is not a character that is part of the main roster. I wanted him to be put on the roster, but it did not happen. So I decided that I wanted to do him a full sprited character, but I had to wait for the right opportunity to make it happen, and the kenshiro99's full game turned out to be that occasion. But who am I talking about? Obviously one of my favorite One Piece characters. It has a hook and has sand power thanks to Suna Suna-no Mi. SIR CROCODILE! SCREENSHOTS : SCREENSHOTS : https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhQb9c-H0R6EDEvTD The fullgame of Kenshiro99 is enriched with this captivating character, and soon you will see it in the next beta of the game. About my next wip: I have not decided anything yet... Enjoy with our new character!
  8. Krookodile released + other Pokemon character updated by Gladiacloud and Solarflared! Gladiacloud here. After a month, the dynamic duo (me and Solarfeed) churns out a new Pokemon character for you. KROOKODILE! SCREENSHOTS (thanks to Solarflared): DOWNLOAD LINK: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhQJjVOSu46TyszDk It is not really a new character: it is a revamp of the old Krookodile created by Dragonrod, a mugen creator who seems to have retired. Oh, we forgot: has been updated other Pokemon characters too: CHARIZARD: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhHxxGFMVHEe0ssO- HERACROSS: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhHrbqv7G2UqGXdnG PIKACHU: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhH7GJi9tDCrPamjp MEGAMEWTWO Y: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhH_njsjWIM5E4GlG About my next wip: I have not yet found a way to draw it, but in the end I will be able to find it. Enjoy!
  9. Dormammu released by Gladiacloud & Shinzankuro Gladiacloud here. Again. Finally I succeeded. The summit of all my creations is finally complete. The reason why I decided to work on the Mugen was to create my favourite character. Just him. However, without Ahuron, who created his D_Rugal, I would certainly have had a lot of trouble. And without a 3D model on Xnalara, I would have certainly had three times the difficulty. Actually worse: I would not even have started him. But now it's enough. It is finally done. He is him. He's the Lord of the Dark Dimension. He's the Dread One. He's the main enemy of Doctor Strange. ARE YOU READY TO BARGAIN? DORMAMMU!!! SCREENSHOTS: DOWNLOAD LINK: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhQFObdVsyQN1XP_8 (Updated 03/06/18) A big thank you goes to Delusiontrim. Even if he did not actively participate in my project, he was fundamental: he created a very excellent Dormammu sprite, and he gave me permission to use it. What else to say ... this is my final character. For now. Do not worry, I will not leave the mugen (at least for now): I have only completed all my personal characters and, at the moment, I do not have any more in mind. There will certainly be some characters that I will do in the future, but in the meantime I will work on other projects. For example ... I'm going to make a revamp of one of my Capcom characters. After many years of her release, I think she has the right. Enjoy and see you soon! :) P.S: This will be the last time that I'll work on a character so challenging to sprite XP
  10. MegaMewtwo Y released + other Pokemon updated by Gladiacloud & Dylanius Gladiacloud here. This February will be a special month... because my 2018 main creation is almost at its conclusion (except for unforeseen events). You will have to wait for some other day. While we wait, enjoy the last Pokemon character that my friend Dylanius and me have created: MEGA MEWTWO Y! SCREENSHOTS: DOWNLOAD LINK: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhH_njsjWIM5E4GlG Not only ... but also my old Pokemon characters CHARIZARD HERACROSS and PIKACHU have had a big update thanks to my friend Dylanius. DOWNLOAD LINKS: Charizard: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhHxxGFMVHEe0ssO- Heracross: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhHrbqv7G2UqGXdnG Pikachu: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqetQpKH8pFlhH7GJi9tDCrPamjp Have fun with them and get ready for my upcoming character (maybe)!
  11. New 2 Samuray Deeper Kyo characters can be found in this pack made by Kyotaro: Akira and Bontenmaru. https://u1.getuploader.com/chara_make/download/412
  12. I'm curious to know what will be your next character :3
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