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About PhantomBlack

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  1. so there's no vid..you call this amazing and then you say you might try him out? lol "okay" - Jay Z Story of O.J. voice. jk enjoy fam.
  2. This is nice but he lacks sounds on fireballs, and on teleports. You could even use dbz sounds if nothing else. It'd make him more so complete because he plays very well.
  3. you should probably give a lil more info on the character fam. These characters of his seem to be originally sprited He's from the Dies Irae series Plays like his archer Has a few awkward sprites and animations (a lot of good ones that show the potential of the creator) One infinite A smooth gameplay style 4 buttons
  4. my responses are not in order. - tiger genocide lvl 2 (im assuming purple supers are lvl 2) - lol -the lil attack with the two heavy buttons pressed simultaneously can be spammed (he slams his knee and elbow together) - I'd just ask around about those hit sparks - I understand why you kept certain attacks a lil weak now - I guess that makes sense, tho he get's an infinite amount of time to choose a pal but preference is preference and it's not a problem.
  5. I love this sagat. Goes without saying this is the coolest one in mugen rn. - the multi jab can be used twice in combination (idk if that's preference) -i don't really like the multi jab (my opinion) -there's a few different hitsparks in his attacks, i dont really care for those either. - his lvl 2 supers only take one bar -some of the normals seem a lil weak compared to the original sagat. -kof hitsparks on kick grab instead of cvs3 like other attacks -just one pal selector for the whole arcade run is enough rather than one per stage that's about it fam, good job
  6. lmao the transformations and the exaggerated specials make this a pretty funny char.
  7. he was just put back up. he wasnt there before.
  8. I just went through all of those folders and I can't find him.
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