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About TotalDramaXtremist

  • Birthday 02/02/1997

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  1. So the palette fix is gone. I kinda need it atm, since I'm rebuilding a MUGEN roster for personal reasons.
  2. Been a hot minute. A shame with what's happened with Ryoucchi, but as they say, the show must go on.
  3. Damn, I never would have guessed that you'd actually release these lifebars. What a way to come back, Phantom!
  4. An old idea from a few years back, but I figure this would be kinda more relevant than before thanks to the advent of games released by Netherrealm Studios. Kusanagi (King of Fighters '02-'03) vs. Kyo Kusanagi (King of Fighters '94-XIV) Kusanagi: You will burn, Kyo....... Kyo: Haven't heard that one before from Yagami. Try me, though. Kusanagi: You're a dead man walking! Erron Black (Mortal Kombat) vs. Ryougi Shiki (Melty Blood) Erron: I reckon we're not here to parlay, are we? Ryougi: As far as I'm concerned, you're just another gun-toting nuisance. Erron: That talk will end with you six feet under, missy. Chucky (Child's Play) vs. Monokuma (Danganronpa) Chucky: You know there's only room for one killer doll...... Monokuma: I'm no doll! I'm the loveable Monokuma! Chucky: Yeah, yeah, who gives a flying fuck, anyways?
  5. Thread has been updated with newer requests, with the completed ones being marked as such.
  6. I checked. It's not there, unfortunately, despite there being other patches for some of Kohaku's characters.
  7. Boy, oh, boy, it has been a loooooong while, hasn't it? Been busy IRL and been doing some things over at MFG for the better part of a good couple of years now, but I'm back now just wondering how so much has changed and with some missing stuff I could help in locating. Current Requests: 1. AI Patch for DivineWolf's Rock Howard 2. A version of Yuri Sakazaki with her stance from KOF XIII and XIV? I am aware that an edit of that is in KOF Wing, but I want to know if that exists outside the game's parameters. 3. This Orochi stage edit named "Joya Yasakani no Magatama": 4. Forest of Green stage from SVC with these weather transitions: 5. This edit of the Sky Noah stage, by the looks of it? 6. Fa8ble by Saphira 7. This stage: 8. This stage: 9. Safa Ahmed by Mambojambo 10. NESTS Kula. Was she ever released, or is she still a private edit lost to the annals of time? 11. Alpha EVE by A-KUE 12. Black Rock Shooter Project MUGEN Screenpack (Both links posted here are dead) Completed Requests: - AI Patch for Kohaku's Ryougi Shiki by sw - Ruth by JuanABL - Kana-Chan by Miyabi & DHQ - Rainbow Moon Night by Manny Lingle - Fallen Seraph by MOTVN - RedMoon by MadlaX
  8. For my next batch of requests: Oume Goketsuji, KILL, and Kloss
  9. Requesting portraits for Constans II, Constantinus III, and Robert Garcia:
  10. (OOC: Hey, look! Haven't abandoned you guys.....) Erza: "Hey, if it's all the same to you, I'm ready as well!" Malin: "Let's go nab us a win, guys!"
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