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  • Birthday 08/29/1996

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  1. I finally managed to upgrade my laptop's OS from Windows 10 to 7 and literally everything is better.

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    2. RicePigeon


      I'd imagine people are still spooked about the security concerns revealed a year or two ago, that or the aggressive upgrade campaign that Microsoft had that pretty much shoved the upgarde down everyone's throats every time a Windows Update took place, to the point where it left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

    3. PlasmoidThunder


      It just performs better for me, has less compatibility issues and just seems more stable.

      I will admit that the changes to Task Manager and Regedit were appreciated, but not enough to win me over.


      I suppose I should go into detail so as to not appear to be merely saying "Windows 10 sux lolololol".


      Back when I was using 10, there was a minimum Nvidia GPU driver version required that would increase as new builds rolled out in order for performance to remain acceptable and services like ShadowPlay to actually work, though any version that wasn't the one supplied by MSI themselves (which was from 2016, might I add) caused issues with certain applications:

      • MSI Afterburner/Predator, which is what I use for screen recording, became unable to record applications running on the Nvidia GPU, outputting a black screen.
      • Sony Vegas could not properly detect the Nvidia GPU, meaning video rendering took far longer than it should have since CUDA wasn't actually being utilised.

      There was also the infamous diagonal screen tearing issue whenever an application was running on the Nvidia GPU, which only occurs on Optimus setups where the Nvidia GPU runs through the Intel GPU, as well as some applications refusing to run on the Nvidia GPU even when forced via NVCP or NV Profile Inspector. The latest build of Windows 10 (1709) caused performance issues with the Nvidia GPU (stuttering, frame drops, etc.).


      These issues are not present in 7 at all.


      Now for a general rundown of my experiences of Windows 7 compared to 10:

      • Battery life is longer, somehow.
      • Framerates are smooth, instead of the intermittent stutter I'd experience on 10.
      • Older DirectX applications don't require DirectPlay to run, meaning their framerates aren't throttled.
      • Games that flat-out refused to install/run on 10 work fine on 7 without issue.
      • I genuinely prefer 7's GUI to 10's.
      • You have more control over Windows Update, which is great because it kept installing buggy graphics drivers on Windows 10 and I couldn't do anything to permanently stop them from installing outside of installing the latest versions from Intel's/Nvidia's website, which had its own share of issues.
      • No forced integration of OneDrive, Xbox and other things I don't need (yes I use OneDrive, but I don't need to sync my files to it).
      • No checking whether I still want to keep using a certain application to open files.
      • Probably some other things I can't remember.


      In short, Windows 7 is better for me than 10 was. I'm sure for many it's a different story and 10 is perfec, but it's just not the case here.

    4. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Totally forgot both of those Window OS existed, in fact i forgot which one was mine--- Been on W8.1 since like forever.

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