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About Lanthus

  • Birthday 05/21/1991

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  • Location:
    Parts Unknown
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  • Interests:
    Writing music, Pro-Wraslin', Touhou, Ponies that may or may not belong to me, and mugen of course.

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  1. Woah this one's wacky even for you! Love it though, this Omanyte perfectly embodies TwitchplaysPokemon and you're the perfect one to make a character like this work.
  2. Alright, I'll just wait 'till then as this isn't a world ending issue. Best of luck on this, I'm a big fan of your characters. I'm particularly hyped for your Pinkie Pie!
  3. I'm a huge fan of your work RockRage! quick question though, Is the cutscene-less version as up to date as the normal one? I'm thinking of switching over to it as the cutscenes slow my pile of trash PC down a bit. thanks in advance!
  4. I'm redownloading My Mugen favorites as my PC was wiped clean and What do I find? Number Muncher. You truly are an eclectic genius when it comes to Character Creation, Royce. I love it!
  5. thinking about starting completely over with mugen instead of trying to re-find everything, anyone got favorites they recomend?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kanbei


      Date Masamune by Neat Unsou

      Jedah by Deuce

      Akainu by XASOR

      Squall by Sean Altly

    3. Erroratu


      Mutekis stuff,

      The ninja by Basara

      that new MvC Tao

    4. Lanthus


      alright! thanks guys, a bit of these were already on my list to re-add, so great minds think alike, eh?

  6. I'm back! but all I've lost all of my work... yay broken computers!

  7. Just letting all y'all know my Laptop's bit the dust it seems so It might be quite a bit before I'm back around. likewise my project will most likely be on hold until I get this fixed/a new computer. Sorry!

    1. Lanthus


      *derp* Make that "Projects"

  8. Oh, almost forgot. I also translated her spring onion (leeks!) box for the lols. here's a preview of that
  9. p415's Miku is one of my favorite Mugen characters. While her grove selection isn't as extensive as a certain other Miku it's still very nice, and who doesn't love those 3D MikuMiku Dance sprites? (that aren't so hi-res it kills your compy like that a certain other other Miku.) Anyways, I've made an English translation spritepack for her groove selection screen for ease of 'Murican use. Her Selections are: Boxer a quick, punches only option with lots of dodges Mishima A Tekken styled option based on the Mishima Clan Miku Hatsune (her name, silly) An odd seemingly unfinished set that to my knowledge only allows ducking punches. [Download] http://www.4shared.com/archive/eLtUNZq7/EnglishMiku.html? just unzip and replace her old .ssf with this new one. Easy-Peasey. [Comment] Enjoy!
  10. Try to make a funny post. sneeze and hit enter too early.

    1. Winmugen11


      Try to make a funny reply. Sneeze and hit enter too early =(.

  11. Here's the Mediafire Links to those stages for those to lazy to go to the Wiki. it's oddly saying i don't have permision to do any image embeding or use most of the edit tools as well. Facepalm Pony http://www.mediafire.com/download/a0uikc7wh1yq6n4/Facepalm+Pony.zip Facepalm Pony 2 http://www.mediafire.com/download/2zyi44odnd4b92t/Facepalm+Pony+MK2.zip
  12. Great job on these RockRage! the're near perfect conversions, I love 'em! ( even if they do constantly remind me of Fighting is Magic's cancellation)
  13. Just downloaded him. I like him, but I really wish he wasn't so Shotoclone-y... or incredibly OP at points. I'll most likely keep him just because I've started a cat-based Mugen collection (Yes, silly I know.)
  14. Howdy, I'm Lanthus, I'm brand spankin' new here and rather than make a billionth "Hi I'm new here. Please pay atttention to me!" post I figured I can let my music do the talking for me. Here's a song I wrote for a cancelled non-Mugen Fighter I was part of. It's unrelated, but I feel it works really well as stage music for Kung Fu Man or those thousands of edits of him that we all make. you can find it here: https://soundcloud.com/lanthusvernalis/netfighter-theme-4
  15. Feeling like approaching, new challenger style.

    1. Ryon


      wow. thats a feeling you don't feel everyday.

    2. Lanthus


      maybe if I were an amnesiac . ^_^

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