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About Winmugen11

  • Birthday 12/03/1993

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  • Interests:
    Mugen, PC-gaming, books (all kinds of genres except romance & girly stuff), sports (tennis, badminton, pingpong & mountainbiking)& helping out my family and friends =P

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About Me

Hey there dude/dudette!  :hi:


Thanks for taking enough intrest in me to view my profile. Here I shall (naturally) talk a bit about me.


Okay, where to start? I know, how about the origin of my username? Because you see, to me it means a lot. Before I registered at this site, I was wondering which username to take. This was really important because as far as I know, you can't change your username. That's why I have chosen to take the username that is currently shining on my profile.


In order for you to understand, let me first talk about my introduction to mugen...


My introduction to mugen was actually the way most people who have never heard about it get introduced to it (I believe). One day I was surfing on the almighty interwebs when I stumbled upon Youtube. Granted, YT is a very popular site but in those days I barely knew anything about it. So after watching some videos my eye got caught by a video in which I saw Ryu (from SF) fight Link (from LoZ). I found this to be very intriguing because I knew of no game in which those two characters could go head to head. Apparently it was a fight which was made possible with a wonderful engine known as mugen. Curious as I am, I wondered if it was free and if more character match-ups were possible with it and turns out it was! I really was a newb back then, having to look up tutorials about everything. Even for very simple stuff like installing a stage/character and later screenpacks.


This amazing game/engine quickly became a favourite of mine and in that time I was somewhere in the lower years of secondary school. Winmugen back then was the mugen to use before that fancy mugen 1.0 and later, mugen 1.1 came along so that's where the first part comes from. The second one, the '11' was just the class number I was assigned and so the combination was an obvious choice. It was the very first password I used for my school account and since then it has stuck with me throughout the years   :truestory:  .


Anyways, in terms of other interest, please take a look at the interests part of the profile. If you're to lazy to do that, no worries. I was planning to elaborate on the matter here anyway  :awesome


First up is PC-gaming. Let me make one thing clear : PC is and will be THE game console of the future, long after PS4's and XboxOne's will be nothing more than memories. I only play PC-games because PC's often have more cheaper and more entertaining games than consoles. That and PC is generally cheaper then consoles so yeah...


In regard to the game genres I like, those would definately be (in no particular order) RTS, RPG (only in turn based combat), action, FPS and occassionally games from other genres which aren't a part of my mainstream intrests.


Reading is also something I absolutely LOVE. It's without a doubt my second most favourite occupation. You're more mobile with a book than with a laptop and some stories you can dive into are so exciting. It's an experience which can't be simulated by a game.


Sports are another thing I like to do but these are sports I only do casually with friends/family.


And finally helping out friends and said family because there's nothing worse in the world than to have nobody who loves you/takes care of you/likes you.  :joyful:

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