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  1. so whats so different the rest of the ones made
  2. mediafire and 4share are probably one of the worst you could pick from and you forgot about quickdrive
  3. id like to apply for the collection section part
  4. a few suggestions you can either use this or dont up to you. this needs alot ot tlc try and give him moves that fits him rather then giving him other people moves such as ryu and from family guy there a lot of mugen creators out there that does either because there lazy or they just dont care if you need some thoughts and ideals since i dont think there any games with the minions in it maybe take some ideals from the movies
  5. ty for some reason kept giving me a def error when i change it to null
  6. dude you miss the other kermt https://www.sendspace.com/file/vn3a2n
  7. i feel like your missing another character but i dont think so. the one i seen was some kind of car.
  8. first off iam not your friend. secondly your becoming annoying and coming off very disrespectful by keeping it up after everyone told you they have no interests in signing up to another forum if it was up to me id give you a warning but since its not id say let it go
  9. that movie ass horrible to begin with about the only upside to the movie was the main ghost that was never introduce in any of the games cartoons or movies
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