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About MrSteve81

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  1. MrSteve81


    Had a bit of a cold so I haven't had my proper voice for a couple of weeks now. What do you need me to record though? I think he is almost there as far as gameplay mechanics go. Maybe another hyper or 2 would be nice. If I recall correctly all his hypers are just predetermined special move combos.
  2. That should be 2 hit boxes at most. 1 for the entire body, and 1 for the head. Anything with that many hit boxes is going to use more processing power to run. If you've bought a computer in the last 5 years that won't be an issue, but not everyone has.
  3. MrSteve81


    Truth be told, apart from more specials and sounds this isn't far away from being properly finished. I'm completely free of all the little real life things that get in the way of mugen (next weekend) so I'm going to start work on him again. Don't expect anything within the next few months, I've got to relearn coding first, but I'm going to release the first English sounding Eagle. I shall use my own voice for his sound pack.
  4. MrSteve81


    Looks exactly the same as my version! I've been trying hard lately to get back into some of my old hobbies. Mugen being the main 1 from a few years back. This was actually my 3rd character. Phantom Blood has my Kim Jae Hoon, and my old dead hard drive took Megaman to its grave. As I've always had an issue with finishing things in the past, I took this character to an almost releasable state before putting it down. It was supposed to be a temporary break, but 3 years is a bit longer than temporary. :)
  5. If you're not happy with the characters that are being created you have 2 choices as far as I can see. 1. Create something yourself. 2. Deal with it. If you're unwilling to do number 1 then your only option is number 2.
  6. Depends how far through it I get before getting bored. :)
  7. Well until I start creating or playing again, I'm going to need all of you to post more stuff in RC to keep me entertained. Who knows, if my attention is kept well enough I might just actually finish making a character 1 of these days...
  8. The "popularity" of this topic kinda shows me, that it's probably a good idea.
  9. Counterfeited? I prefer the word found...
  10. Random chatter used to have hundreds of posts everyday. Now it's super quiet. What's up with that?
  11. Ryon's new tutorial makes this look quite rubbish unfortunately.
  12. Fuck me, that's JNP on this little old forum. I've been out of the game too long.
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