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Sir Ghostler

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About Sir Ghostler

  • Birthday 03/02/1998

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  1. All this complaining about characters being private is kind of pathetic. People don't realize how lucky they are and take public releases for granted. Everyone who shares their content with the community does so optionally. Nobody is committed to releasing the content they make in the slightest.


    These people need to understand this.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flowrellik


      And here I thought Windom XP with private mods were bad. Don't get me wrong, as a beta tester for alot of private mods I too find it sad that certain things in gaming were left secret or between friends but even I know for a fact that it's because it's the creator's choice. Example in a MUGEN sense: Say someone out there made a Ryu I like that has SVC Chaos spriting(I love it personally) with Color separation, KOF 2k2um gameplay, Both Tatsumakis(SF and SFEX), a good set of attacks with Metsu Hadouken as his Lvl 2 super and  Shinshoryuken as his HDSM, and it's private. Would I be sad as hell? YEAH! Would that stop me from my goals in life in mugen and whatnot? No. at best I would be lucky if said person was my friend and gave me the chance personally to test him out for keeps, but sadly that might be impossible...That and I'm not Mr. you know who with epic lifebars that make your head spin (and I know some parts in Baidu no less).

    3. WalrusLui


      Am I back in 2006? This is how life is, people want to keep their shit to themselves regardless if its complete or not, who are YOU to demand them to give it out to you? You dont know em, they dont know you, so dont expect them to give it out because of your whining, stop being stubborn guys. Yeah, if people "show off" they're dicks, but so what? It's just MUGEN, Idk why guys think that private characters are some treasure to be held up like a messiah.


      THIS IS HOW LIFE WORKS. gah. I agree with GK, who the hell takes anything seriously on MUGEN Youtubers anyway? its almost as stupid as mugen drama.

    4. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Mugen drama is indeed...stupid.

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