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About Cayne

  • Birthday 10/04/1985

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  1. Deadly Commissions I asked this of another member, but I figured why the hell not ask the community. Im looking for a coder to add two functions to character. A fatality and an Ultra, I will pay a commission if this is what you require. Here is what I propose... I send you a char, lets say goku and you code in a Kamehameha fatality ala goku vs cell style. Have the words finish him pop up and force the opponent into dizzy state of course. As for the ultra, have triggered the same way it would in a killer instinct char. If anybody is interested you can either respond here or PM idc. Quick Answers: 1) No char I send you will be created by me, once you have the char your free to ask pernission to edit the char, however I will not be releasing the char publicly unless both the creator and editor wishes to do so. 2)This commission is simply to bring universal game mechanics to all chars in my compilation. 3) If you have a problem with me having a char edited, get over it, I cant code this shit and their aint no tutorial on coding this shit so fuck it. Dont hate on the next man making a little change on a regular basis's. 4) Their is no exclusivity here. You want to do it, negotiate your fee and ill send you a char. Finally, look at 8400 slot select screen categories from the IMT blue SP and thats the diversity of a char I may send you. Feel free to request a specific char.
  2. Cayne

    Sky Spire

    Beautiful Stage! I need links to Audiosurf and Hakugyokurou please. Simply amazing.
  3. If you could code fatalities will have a long relationship. Pay you all year long brother!
  4. Awesome. This Ryu knows Gum gum gattling
  5. Whew. I was worried the MFFA was going the way of the dodo
  6. I agree. BvS was just a cash grab so they can fund a justice league movie. The writing was terrible, the work out montage was terrible, doomsday was terrible, the easter eggs were terrible. The reasoning behind BvS fight was dumb. Lex luther was only accurate when he had superman beat. DC really needs to grab a better producer and director and focus more on TV series. There better at that. Fuck Superman. Dc just keeps retconning his powers and origins and demeaner. there own company said his power set is just too boring. It worked in the 40's -60's, but now it just shows that the character has no depth.
  7. I kinda figured when they allowed Goku to come back. Im pissed about the tourney in general. The Universe 6 fighters are all disappointments including hit. He's just guldo with a power boost. Frost is weaker than frieza, the bear was a joke, Kabe vs vegeta was damn near Goku vs Uub, The robot needed a closed room gimick. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
  8. And if you aint down with that we got two words for ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Got to agree on that ish. I been working on a char off and on since last august lol
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