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About Hephaistos31

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  1. Ah!!! :) I'll have to check for portraits for him and make my magic! Thank you for this release, dude!!! :)
  2. Can I ask for a reupload? I'm currently remaking all of them, but maybe it's useless, if ExShadow already made them.
  3. Kaiser: Ah, I'm sorry, dude! Be sure that I'll never do it again. Great to see that you're still kicking asses, bro! Keep it up!!!
  4. Of course, I'm always here! :) Just that I prefer to be on MFG. Sometimes I come on the chat, it's awesome. :) Now let's send a cookie to R@ce, and like that his rester will be shorter. Edit: Ok, Idon't derail the thread anymore. ;) (Admin Note: Spoiler'd a giant cookie...)
  5. Good luck for your rest, man. :) See you when you'll come back, full of energy. :)
  6. For me, it's a part of it, yeah. It's pretty simple, To-Six is Duracelleur's style. :p And honnestly, you play with a hi res hitspark chars vs a low res hitspark one? Not me. ;)
  7. Thank for your answer, men! I've checked the rare mvc edit page, I got some candies there. Erroratu, I'll check those chars! :) Thrillo, Duracelleur's chars are not as Infinite Style, Hitsparks are low res, and portraits at each hyper is low res too.. For me it kills the work (In My Opinion). I asked Duracelleur if he could put Hi Res hitspark long time ago, but he prefers low res ones. :) I'll check other links you gave me. Thanks!
  8. Can you help me finding good chars like Mr Infinite, Jmorphman, Race, Chazzanaova, Quickfist styles? Thank you so much! :)
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