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About setsuna22

setsuna22's Achievements

  1. Elque - Really overpowered super moves, and when you get him down to about 25% health (Which he can recover) he becomes nigh-invisible. Annoying Orange - Let's just say he lives up to his name... Super Hildegarn - Blockwhore with lots of HP who can't be grabbed and all his attacks can't be dodged. Sometimes his AI will just crash and is easily beaten but still... TIS2012's Rocko - Dat (non-existent) hitbox.
  2. Sorry, post deleted. That was impolite of me...
  3. I still enjoy playing this one, one of the best on the NES imo. Gotta love the boxers you fight against, like King "My pants are size-XXX large!" Hippo and Vodka Drun..er, Soda Popinski.
  4. Bulbasaur's poison type sure didn't make Red/Blue easier, just saying. Granted, that was back when Psychics ruled the Pokemon world. Anyway, I'm not really sure who I'll pick this time.
  5. It's because SC linked to the a blog announcing Agito's release, not the site with the actual download... Here it is: http://u10.getuploader.com/ruina-00
  6. Yeah, I hate that. No to mention all the people who ask for impossible trades like a Level 1 Reshiram.
  7. I only managed to get a complete Gen 2 dex...in Heart Gold. It helps if you're savvy with GTS.
  8. Really? I thought the soundtrack was great! To each their own though. The Piranha Plant Pond music is "Beware the Forest Mushrooms" from Super Mario RPG.
  9. Tekkaman Blade(Or any Tatsunoko character really), Sgt. Keroro, and a Charizard that isn't a lame spriteswap..
  10. About that...I got the pic from an archive of the page (http://web.archive.org/web/20040517095346/http://weapon-x-web.hp.infoseek.co.jp/stage/mani.htm), I'm guessing it's a character Weapon-X was working on but never finished/released.
  11. Anyone have this stage? I had it years ago, but it got deleted and I've been trying to find it again, it looks like this.
  12. - Bloated stats for no reason, like having twice the attack/defense/HP of a normal character. Actarus Peter Griffin is an example of this. (Or anything made by Actarus really) - Characters with 1 hit KO attacks for no reason other than to "balance" them because they're really weak otherwise. Bloo by Hyper-Beaner and WlanmaniaX's Zim are examples of this. - Bad hitboxes which make it impossible to figure out how to hurt the character - AI that spams that same attack or guards all the time and does nothing else. - Spriteswaps. Who doesn't hate em?
  13. Looking forward to this, I really liked Black/White and X/Y looks very promising! The battles look great too, kinda reminds me of Dragon Quest Monsters.
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