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About WattaWright

  • Birthday 02/12/1997

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  1. Bro I think you're high. Gen made these and I confirm that myself as I was with him when he had the beta ready. He made these on his own so take your pointless accusations and do something productive. I doubt you'd enjoy it if someone accused you of copying someone else's work too if you actually made something. Come back with real evidence or gtfo
  2. Gopal. Why did you do this to me. That twitter link cringed me for life ;-;
  3. For Beginner's Signature of the Week over at GFXResource
  4. I should be more active here >_> <_>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WattaWright


      Get lost Excahm. No weeaboos allowed.

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      >Has an anime avatar


    4. WattaWright


      Liking anime doesn't make you a weeaboo. Being excessive about it and having "waifus" makes you a weeaboo. Therefore you qualify, whereas I am an ordinary anime fan who does not exaggerate the size of his e-dick.

  5. Does it happen even when you click on the main website? I'll have to ask Alexei about that.
  6. If you are receiving an error page, go here and navigate the site :) http://mugencoder.com/
  7. Age of Evangelion For Mugen 1.0 -640x480- -Animated- -Glowing stuff- -Fun for the whole family- This is basically the same deal as last time, but I've cut down a lot of the file size and omitted the berserk animation. The animated has been omitted due to the reason that it is impossible to index. I've tried several times with different softwares and only one method has been proved successful, but that would mean indexing every image one by one (that would take a VERY long time as the head and body are separate animations). DOWNLOAD Thanks to... -GLB: For teaching me stage making -Mark: For his secret stage concepts and his bro-knowledge -Gen: For being my bro and always helping out -Alexei: For graciously hosting my stuff @ MugenCoder -All my friends: For supporting me and bullying me too much in chat -You: For downloading my shitty stage.
  8. My Top 5 1. Great Teacher Onizuka I laughed and I laughed and I laughed. So many funny jokes. Onizuka's facial expressions are legendary. This anime is amazing, as it offers not only a hilarious story with interesting characters, but it also takes on some serious problems and handles them beautifully. Amazing anime. 2. Steins;Gate The plot is well written; the characters are unique and amazing; great character development; honestly, it's a very solid anime. The plot starts out slow and somewhat interesting but it goes insane half way through. The story is about time traveling, but don't worry, you will probably be able to understand most of it. I don't recall noticing any plot holes, which is rare in the time travel based story, so that was great too. The characters are probably what made this anime shine more than anything. 3. Cowboy Bebop I'll be honest in saying that some parts were boring, but the overall it was something really different. It probably made its own genre. The characters are ones that you can never forget. That ending was perfect. ;~; 4. Neon Genesis Evangelion I had to watch it twice and ask Quickfist for help to understand it completely, but it was worth it. The story isn't what you expect it to be. It's no mecha anime, I'll tell you that for sure lol. I wish that it were better around the second half as the production company went bankrupt and unfortunately that affected the quality of the anime's story somewhat. The original ending was a terrible piece of shit which shouldn't exist, but the movie End of Evangelion gave it possibly one of the best endings I've ever seen. 5. Mushishi I actually started with the manga and eventually got to the anime. This series is unique; I've never seen anything like it before. Anyone who's into anime/manga should at least watch this once, I doubt that you will regret it. Honorable mentions: Psycho Pass, FLCL, Shiki, Darker Than Black, The Place Promised in Our Early Days, Zankyou no Terror, and Mononoke.
  9. Been a while since I stopped by. How's life going for y'all?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prodigal Trailblazer
    3. Galvatron


      Hmph!! My 3DS been stolen by some jake-ass. >:-(

      But im not going to stress about it.

    4. WattaWright
  10. Two of those seem fine though. Well, what I would do is save that 9000,0 image, remove it from the SFF file, and then reinsert it back into the end of the SFF file. This kind of problem often occurs when using custom portraits.
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