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About Neo_Fire_Sonic

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  • Gender:
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    meanwhiel at mcdonalds
  • Interests:
    interested interstin stuff dats interesterally intersatin stuff

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  1. [Full Game WIP] The project is not finished.
  2. its a remix of the "passionate duelist" ost from the japanese version of the yugioh anime, whenever yugi duels usually. As for what remix, I don't know, but its a start.
  3. Finally, the original post has been updated with newer information, and the final link to the game itself.
  4. I've been with the discord chat since the very beginning, I'd be a good pick since you know, I'm sane, and I'm online literally all the time.
  5. Oh look, its done now. https://mega.nz/file/sl8kARAY#p8xJ1xbe7jBED5nWkLG-kGZvRjO-EYIlOqX9W661at0 whatever. 2013 feels like so long ago.
  6. I'm confused as why mugen archive is advertised there when the reddit recommends people to not go there
  7. You haven't been helpful to him at all, you just want something that has literally nothing to do with his full game at all. Anyways, I've tried team sonic fighters, didn't know what to expect but, one thing, if you want it to be like MvC2, you need to have all the normals be able to cancel into each other. I haven't run into any glitches or anything, other than character sprites misaligned. Also you should not use conflicting voice fx its very... jarring marty sonic If you want me to be honest here though, tsf is not very visually appealing to me, everything looks like its too close together. When you upscale sprites, it ruins their quality, alot. also I noticed you tried to parallax floors, you'll have to work on that more because, if you move the camera, you'll notice the delta's of everything is off. Like really compare the floors and such to the stage of mine you used(you know which one.)
  8. Compare your characters to normal, balanced characters. If you really want to be good at something, repetition is something you'll have to consider doing, instead of just giving up.
  9. Demo 4 New characters and stages, plenty of bugfixes, and new content altogether for some characters Also I made the commands less restrictive, be sure to check each character's "readme" in their folder to know how to do their attacks. https://mega.nz/file/8ksDXS4A#DBzTzeP1E29woJCwXm1ExdLTsqsuv5bWryu3b7bfP_U Also, updated original post with newer select screen.
  10. https://mega.nz/#!pwNj0S5J!FC7yGuezxJJ7d714pgDcngm73D9XOtNf0pUrToHyIF8 Update, Demo 2 -Some new characters, and stages, and some characters have changes.
  11. ya just remove dem from da blacklist and instead hate each other in secret and act like nothing ever happened who the fuck cares at this point also DON'T ANSWER THAT
  12. Wow don't you just love it when people spam your topics and the moderators do absolutely nothing about it? I mean no offense, maybe they should at least know if this stuff is happening. anyways, https://mega.nz/#!JkE23C7T!e6CVkOhQWvOmPP_JtmOM6NnwUgzcR4Mn-KHLQIiW9l8 A week or so back I released a new update to Sonic Fighting Remix Unlimited Match, unfortunately there aren't any new characters ATM, but it does fix most of the problems from the second demo, and almost all the characters have been updated, and a few more things I might have forgotten.
  13. Its been awhile since I've done this, obvious reasons......you can thank the spamming stalker for that. This is my latest full game, Sonic Legends. It is a 2-D fighter using the fighting game engine Mugen 1.0. Basically, the characters will be 4-button instead of 6. This time, I've been trying to make the gameplay simple, and no fancy crap. Now I guess you're probably asking at this point, who are the playable characters? As with the above image, I am using the more underused Sonic characters (of course some of the main characters will still be in the game) along with plenty of secret characters. Oh right, the game has its own story. Basically, Knuckles was kidnapped and the Master Emerald was stolen by Gemerl and his group of robots made by Eggman, but who is it that their are really working for? That's all I'll say for now. Here's a few more images. come at me penders lol Anyways, recently I managed to release an early build of this game, due to that fact, there are only a few characters available at the moment, however please tell me your feedback https://mega.nz/#!RoU23YxJ!TEpsDHlPBrsm0osMp354vnSOMGL4L2Uq5bs2g8c95xI
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