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About 087-B

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  1. So I've started working on my FIRST EVER smart-palette/CS patch, for the recently released X-23 beta. Have a gander at the template:




    Took me a few hours to get right but she's HEAVILY separated now and I'm definitely putting time and effort into this one.


    Here's a proof of concept of a palette I threw together based on Red Arcuied:




    It ain't perfect but I'm not exactly a palette king. But hey, I figured I'd tackle something like this anyhow and as tedious as it is it's also actually quite fun! I will keep everyone updated. ❤️

    1. Genderless Child

      Genderless Child

      CS sounds like fun. Any plans on Sonic by Seanaltly for a movie pallete?

    2. 087-B


      Afraid not, I don't have any CS plans outside of this one.

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