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  1. Lol yeah all I did was copy and paste files. But since some people wont want to copy and paste it themselves, I made this one that has it already transferred in.
  2. Speedster made a great MUGEN build with many different resolution and slot number options to choose from, however, it was only for MUGEN 1.0. I ported this to MUGEN 1.1 by copy and pasting fight.def, fight.sff, and all the system.def files into a MUGEN 1.1 build. Now MUGEN plus can be used in MUGEN 1.1 Download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/utdpc1ab4u37uba/mugen-1.1bPLUS.zip There are instructions included in the zip on how to change the slot count and resolution.
  3. I updated this to buff the Octopus move and Judge moves, the download link is the same.
  4. Mr. Game and Watch Edit (Originally by Nodog) This is my second Mr. Game and Watch edit, the first one was from Gif Mr. T's version, but now I made a version which is an edit of Nodog's Mr. Game and Watch. I actually released this quite a while ago, but I decided to post this here if someone wants to download it. This edit adds more comboing, move changes, and an Octopus move. Download: https://sites.google.com/site/tbamugen/chars/edits/mr-game-and-watch---new-version Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiQZkvk7dKE Movelist:
  5. Townsvile City by Toupou http://www.mediafire.com/download/43dlww8ytsb2gcx/TownsvilleCity.rar
  6. I added a minor update to Timmy, I fixed a few bugs and balancing issues Nodog mentioned. I didnt fix anything with the sprites yet, thats stil soon to come. He also has a different big portrait. The download link is the same (on my website).
  7. I made better kick animations for TImmy. If youre wondering why the pallette is weird its because im using this pallette for color seperation. In actual gameplay he will use the normal colors.
  8. 1) I'll try to find different sounds to use for him in the next update. 2) Those sprites actually come from Fairly OddParents video games. The reason I used those is because I'm not a great spriter so it would be easier to use those instead of making bad sprites for them. 3) Again, I'm not a great spriter but I'll try to improve the animations in the next update. 4) Yeah, I tried to make a proper throw animation but it looked bad so I just used the Cosmo and Wanda throw instead. 5) The sprites for Fairy Blaster are from Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots DS. I edited them so they would match the pallette. The reason I used those is again, I tried to make my best to make my own sprites but again they looked bad so I used those. 6) I tried my best to balance them, for example Fairy Blaster Weak has low range but can chain up to 4 hits, Fairy Blaster Medium has long range but can only do one shot, Strong version is low range but high damage. Do u have a specific example of bad balancing in a special. 7) I did that because it's meant to be chained from Cleft Glove. After Cleft Glove comes in contact you can cancel into Big Wish. 8) It's supposed to be that way, you just choose a different version depending on how far the opponent is, they all have the same amount of damage. 9) I'll fix that in the next update. 10) I can't really think of any ways to make it different. 11) I'll make it cost 250 energy in the next update. 12) I'll look into what's causing it and then fix it in the next update. 13 and 14) I'll make them usable when crouching in the next update. 15) I'll add a taunt in the next update. The Fairy Beam moves are roughly based off his special from Super Brawl 3. Fairy glove and Fairy hammer are from Super Brawl World.
  9. Hmm that's a great idea, it could go like this. Cosmo: "Hey Wanda!" (to Mario and Wario's Wanda) Wanda: "Cosmo you idiot!"
  10. Timmy Turner Finally, an okay version of Timmy Turner in MUGEN! This character uses sprites edited from Jarquin10 and edited sprites from some Nicktoons Video Games. Download: https://sites.google.com/site/tbamugen/chars/original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKyi_JNQeI0 All Moves: D, DF, F, a/b/c: Wish D, DB, B, a/b/c: Fairy Beam D, DF, F, x/y/z: Cleft Glove D, DB, B, x/y/z: Fairy Blaster D, DF, F, a+b: BIG Wish (1 Bar) D, DB, B, a+b: Jorgen Von Strangle (2 Bars) D, DF, F, x+y: Cleft MegaPhone (1 Bar) D, DB, B, x+y: Super Fairy Blaster (1 Bar) I hope you guys enjoy this character! I tried my best on it but any feedback or recommendations would be reccomended, I might update this in the future.
  11. The Peach char is really good but the way the idle pose is facing diagonally down is just really off-putting to me
  12. How do you make sprites from MMD models? I want to make more Love Live characters for MUGEN using the MMD models. But, how do you do that? Do you have to use a seperate program or is there a way to do it using MMD?
  13. Well one thing that could work is First, add a varset in the attack, set any open variable to 1 (for this example i'll use 30). It should trigger right when the attack starts [State 0, Varset] trigger1 = Time = 0 v = 20 value = 1 Second , add a varset to statedef 0 [State 0, Varset] trigger1 = TIme = 0 v = 20 value = 0 Last, go to the CMD and add a triggerall to the move so that it requires the variable to be zero. triggerall = var(20 = 0 I'm pretty sure this should work, if you run into a problem ask me
  14. I don't really have anything against punching bag chars, they're just pretty much useless since fighting against an opponent in training mode is the same as a punching bag.
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