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About 5555thExplosionMage

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  1. Now I got Linne from Under Night In-Birth recently and I want to use her in my MUGEN however, she crashes my game when used. The creator of her said she works on 1.1 but I have 1.0. Is it possible to adjust a character to they work with 1.0 or will I have to get 1.1?
  2. I'd like to see ol Nep Nep in MUGEN. However I don't have any skills in sprite making. I can only edit stand-still images that are premade. I can sorta splice but that takes 5 hours depending on the complexity.
  3. Okay after a VERY long break I am getting back on track and I'm going to do my very best to make Deemo and Alice playable (mainly because I just saw Papyrus get released). So, I'm getting to work on first setting up a walking cycle. However, I am changing something. Instead of them changing forms from selection. Just for me to save time I am changing it to they change forms for specific attacks. Myosotis mode will have the dubstep part of the song Myosotis playing as they attempt an auto combo. Saika mode will have the intense part of the song Saika playing as they send a tornado of drums over. The modes will last the extent of that location of the song and should (hopefully) be enough to deal a quarter damage to Kung Fu Man. Each of their sounds will be a piano note instead of my original idea of a young girl and whispers. Seeing how that doesn't work with the game (or spoils it depending on how you look at it) and it is just impossible for me to gather. There will be a story part for the arcade. This is will be the chapter of Deemo called, "The Falling Girl" and when you beat arcade you will see a credits sequence showing everyone who helped with this character and of course Alice (and a certain someone) waving at the player with the words "Thanks for Downloading the Character!" Pretty much everything is planned but if there are spriters who would like to help that would be absolutely perfect.
  4. I posted it on a forum about Brave Frontier but I'll also post it onto a subreddit
  5. Thanks again. I am currently streaming on Twitch the creation of Deemo and the Girl if you'd like to see.
  6. Now I need to hunt that stage down. XD Also I may or may not try and make a Deemo stage that comes with the character. The stage will come with it's own soundtrack for when you fight Deemo and different music for when you fight another character. I'm targeting Magnolia and Myosotis for this.
  7. Gonna try and get one of my friends to voice Alice making the grunting sounds in her attacks. That helps so much! Thanks! Looks like Deemo and Alice will have a selection as to what boost form they'll have. Saika will be more speed based and I think that Myosotis or Magnolia... will be more power based. Thanks very much Snivy! Thanks! Hopefully they are easy to play!
  8. Well I really want Deemo and the Girl in MUGEN which is why I am currently making them. Other characters I would like to see would be... Corrin or Kamui A Linne that works with 1.0 and Cubone EDIT: A Len and Rin duo character that uses these sprites Rin and Len sprite sheet :P
  9. Yeah hunting that is going to be a real pain but it'll be worth it.
  10. I am having a major problem with pallets in fighter factory. What's going on is I want the sprites to have pallets that make them all work HOWEVER, FF thinks that all sprites should have the same pallet and thus all the sprites and portraits are all messed up. I've been trying to find a way to fix this problem for the past 4 months or so and I still haven't found a solution. If you need images of the problem I'm more than willing to provide them.
  11. I've been trying to get this character in for years so a decided awhile back that I would try and make Deemo. Of course things don't always work out for me...
  12. So I wanted to make Deemo and Alice from Deemo as a character for MUGEN. Update Log: 1 Thanks to Snivy I now have sprites for lots of different stuff. I can get to work on the boosts and maybe a boost select. The sprite sheet separator decided to be the biggest jerk ever and crash causing all of my progress to be deleted. Back the old drawing board... What is Done Nothing What I have access to that needs to be done ATK 2 ATK 3 ATK 4 Boost I'm wanting Deemo and Alice to change forms if a specific combo is placed out. It's going to increase their attack and speed but lower their defence by a bit. Idle ATK 1 Portrait Running What I want to do but have no access to Blocking Stand Blocking Crouch Low Attack Jump Special ATK 1 Going for a reference to the song 9.8 basically an attack that involves the opponent falling. Flowers could be there maybe? Special ATK 2 Going for a Utopiosphere reference. Giant clock reaching 12:00 and exploding? Crouch As a note some other sprites need separation from each other. Such as a charging attack.
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