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About DuckMannnn

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  1. Sub-Zero: Your help is greatly appreciated. Shall we proceed right now to get things sorted quickly? Or must I wait for a moment for you to finish your businesses?
  2. Sub-Zero: I'd appreciate your help if you can isolate him into a secluded room, put him under constant surveillance and prevent him from potentially causing any trouble, should he rise back from his slumber. We don't know if he is going to suddenly become berserk and attempt to massacre everybody in the facility again. Sub-Zero: I feel that our suspicion seems to be mutual. There could be another organization behind the replication of the Cyber Initiative. Although I agree that we should avoid prying into his body, I think that we should try to verify if he is receiving any kinds of signal that seems to be coming from those who are controlling him. The Cyborgs simply cannot independently function without a host, otherwise they''ll be shut down immediately.
  3. ???: I suppose you are the one who runs this place? Allow me to introduce myself first. Sub-Zero: My name is Kuai Liang, but I am more known under the kodename Sub-Zero. I am the current Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, a Klan of assassins dedicated in the protection of Earthrealm.The reason why I have come to this world was to investigate on some anomalies detected here which was presumably caused by a major incident that affected my world a while ago. I volunteered to inspect these anomalies alone, as it is also something that personally concerned me and my klan before. Sub-Zero: As you can see... this cyborg here was once a normal human who was a part of us. During a project called the Cyber Initiative, lead by the former Grandmaster of the Klan, most of us, including me, were converted into Cyborgs against our will, and then we lost our personal conscience and became soulless machines.When the recent incident took place, the man who was behind the happening of the Cyber Initiative was restored back to existence and attempted to create another army of Cyborgs. Sub-Zero: The disabled Cyborg here, who went by the alias Discharger, was one of the victims who were kidnapped by that man. I have successfully shut his system down, but there are two questions that are raising my concerns: Why haven't his human conscience come back and how was he able to still function normally despite the fact that we eliminated that man and destroyed his factory and the network system again? Sub:Zero: While my request may be selfish, I would like to ask for your help in monitoring Discharger's situation, as I cannot simply go back to my world right now just to deliver his body; the relocation process would be somewhat complicated for me, especially when I still need to continue my investigation here, whilst my companions in Earthrealm and Outworld are too busy to spare a helping hand.
  4. The man lifted the disabled cyborg again to check the floor, which is fortunately still intact. ???: My sincere apologies. I shall move it elsewhere and position it more carefully to avoid damaging the floor. Then, he puts the cyborg's body over his shoulder to carry him elsewhere, and proceeds to carefully place the huge chunk of metal in a corner. He lowered himself down to check on the cyborg with a worried look on his face. ???: (After that incident, me and the late Master Hasashi have shut down the Cyber Lin Kuei factory again, alongside the remaining cyborgs. And yet, how was he still able to function normally when the network system had been terminated a long time ago? I will need to consult with the owner of this facility to monitor Discharger's situation.)
  5. At the same moment, the door of the Warriors' Hangout opens wide. An aged, but robust and oriental-looking man enters the main lobby, while dragging a disabled robot on the ground by the arm who seems to be... LK-8ZP?!? He scans the place around him then turns his head at a nearby Mech-Hisui and asks her a question. ???: Pardon me for my sudden interference... but is it possible for me to request an audience with the owner of this facility? I am in need of some assistance regarding certain matters from him. Then he drops LK-8ZP's arm on the floor, creating a loud and metallic BANG.
  6. LK-8ZP: You amuse me. The Lin Kuei clan has allowed me to achieve peak performance and get rid of all imperfections from my former self. Their missions hold ultimate meaning and our loyalty is unmovable. He quickly dashed back before pointing his sword at Umbra. LK-8ZP: May I remind you that you and those so-called "guards" were the one who decided to show signs of hostility towards me first. Had you all not resisted, we would have spared your lives... Which is why all of the passengers below are still in one piece. Their death will not be beneficial in any way. His detector alerted him. More of the heroes were coming down, and the number of pirates has swiftly dwindled. It seemed like the ship was also packed with competent fighters, while most of the pirates did not possess any superpower or something similar. It would be pointless for him if he continued to engage in combat, since he would be outnumbered. LK-8ZP: Incompetent... FOOLS! Consider yourself lucky today. My mission is no longer relevant and thus, I will cease to participate in this fruitless and meaningless fight. Though I am sure our path will cross again one day... He quickly jumped out of the ship via a nearby window to flee the place and vanish in the clouds... But not before launching a big energy bolt inside the window which would land in the floor again as he just exited through the window.
  7. LK-8ZP: Mere puppies cannot stop me. He quickly drew out his sword and slashed upwards from the right, which should hit all of the 5 wolves in the same time before they could react. After slashing them, he pointed his sword at Umbra. LK-8ZP: Emotions are a human's biggest weakness. They interfere with your thinking, making you weak and vulnerable. Then, he instantly dashed at Umbra to close in the space and slashed diagonally upwards from the right. The sword was buzzing with electricity, which would create a thin but long line of electricity that travels at quick pace in a medium distance. If Umbra tries to parry the attack and if his axe is made of metal, it may conduct electricity and electrocute Umbra instead.
  8. Umbra was right in front of the cyborg, but the cyborg already had an idea to counter his attack. He quickly opened his chest again, revealing another charging bolt, ready to be fired off. LK-8ZP: Foolish and rash. He slightly jumped to allow his feet off the ground, then proceeded to blast the bolt in front of him. The blast would head straight at Umbra while LK-8ZP gets pushed backwards due to the recoil of the attack and the fact that he's airborne, which would allow him to dodge the attack. Super Meter: 0/3 Successfully hitting Umbra will grant LK-8ZP 1/3 of the meter, allowing him to use enhanced moves of his special attacks.
  9. LK-8ZP moved quickly to the third floor, which is the shopping area. The place was deserted after everyone fled to their rooms with their doors shut and their locks tight. He could detect movements from the floor above him, and noticed someone who he presumes to be Rufus to be on there, holding off against two people. LK-8ZP: I'll bring one of them down here to give both of us an equal fight... then finish them off quickly. He readied himself by lowering his center of gravity and opened his chest which revealed a working blue reactor. He charged for a while, forming a growing blue bolt, before launching it diagonally upwards at the ceiling of the floor, which created a hole and revealed the floor above. Anyone who was standing there should fall down through the hole. LK-8ZP: Disabling safety measures... He blows off some steam from his neck and joints, before covering his hands with buzzing lethal lightning.
  10. As Umbra is retreating, LK-8ZP detects multiple unknown heat sources in the direction Umbra was fleeing to. It would have been an uneven fight if they cornered him, but luckily his companions finally boarded the ship, so he decided against pursuing the runner and let the raiders handle the job instead. LK-8ZP: I have no need to waste my time following you. Instead, you will come to me later... provided that you don't die first under their hands. LK-8ZP climbs off the deck and enter a nearby window left carelessly opened a few floors below, then was met with a woman who was visibly startled by the sudden entrance of the cyborg. Woman: EEK! SOMEBODY HE- Before she could finish her sentence, he knocked her out unconscious, then proceeded to tie her up using nearby clothing. It was unfortunate for her as the rooms were soundproof, in order to enhance privacy. After disabling her, he unlocked and opened the door leading to the hallway, scanning around for threats.
  11. LK-8ZP was targeted by the charging axe and the two wolves, but they were not dangerous enough for him to deem them as imminent threats. He quickly identified their nature then came up with a solution by taking a few steps back to drag the wolves and the axe closer to him before separating and ejecting all of his body part to the sides to dodge the projectiles. The body parts regroup almost instantly right behind Umbra, then LK-8ZP attempts to grab the axeman with his hands, buzzing with deadly electricity. LK-8ZP: Your attempts are futile. I will put you down right now.
  12. ???: Mission accepted. Commencing the operation... Between the clouds above the ship, an orange-yellow light suddenly appeared among them. It was faint at first... then the source of light began to expand and become brighter while falling down straight towards the ship. Some of the guards on the top deck noticed it and started to become worried. The source of light was approaching them at an alarmingly fast speed. Security Guard A: Ben... what's that orange light? Security Guard B: I don't know Adam... but I've got a bad feeling about this... As the source of light got out of the clouds, a humanoid figure can be seen heading straight towards the back of the top deck. It looked as if it was definitely going to hit the ship and smash it. The Security Guard A informs his colleagues to ready up and prepare for the impact. Security Guard A: APPROACHING OBSTACLE! IMPACT IS GOING TO BE IMMINENT! ON YOUR POSITIONS! The humanoid figure lands on the back of the deck, smashing the ground and leaving a huge dent on it while slightly destabilizing the ship with a nudge on its back. ???: ...Multiple hostiles detected. Proceeding to commence the neutralization of all hostile beings in proximity. Hearing the threat, a few nearby guards approach the cyborg, seeking to stop him from unleashing any damage. But, they were all wiped out in mere seconds, as it quickly killed them by pummeling their heads with its fists while electrocuting the last one before throwing the unfortunate victim out of the ship. They did not leave any single scratch on the cyborg. ???: Three hostiles have been neutralized. Requesting assistance to ensure the capture of the ship. The cyborg's gaze turns at the group of heroes. ???: I, unit LK-8ZP of the Lin Kuei clan, am tasked with the mission of exterminating all resisting target. Prepare to die.
  13. Nice, and we're also not surprised by the fact that it's a recurring habit for you to keep dragging this feud since 2016 despite the fact that we have legitimate reasons to limit access to MA from MFFA. There were a risk of getting users exposed to viruses and stuffs from adwares. PLUS, they were trying to make money off free content, which was a no-no. Even if the money was meant to keep the site running, it is still not a decent excuse. And nobody cares whether MFFA is a small community compared to MA, not everything is meant to be of equal size. MFFA never claimed to be the biggest and the best site ever. When we try to present our evidence, AKA facts and logics regarding the incident, you dismiss them by saying they're hogwash and victim-blame us instead while white-knighting MA as if your life depended on that forum without actually giving any relevant argument... just like what you just did to NetherMage. By the way, you claim that the site is dead for years. The number of different users who have been online in the span of 24 hours usually varies between 100-150 and it's been like that since 2015 or something. We do not have a giant community, but we have a small one full of friendly and loyal members who have been here for years. You can't really make such a claim if you only come by here once or twice a year while blindly believing in your assumptions. See you next year around this time in another thread where you'll be bashing the staffs and management again under the pretense of giving a constructive feedback or a personal opinion. Hope you have a good day.
  14. Kirimuri settles himself on a chair near a relatively quiet corner and starts flipping through his tome. Kirimuri: (...Should I also make another tome? ...The name Manananggal suddenly came to my mind. Or maybe should it be scrolls instead?) Lucent walks in the training center and is immediately noticed by Kirimuri. Kirimuri: (...Doesn't seem like he's fighting.) He moves his eyes at a television showing the current match between Anwalt and Raina. Then he looks at Lucent again. Kirimuri: (...They look like brothers. Probably the polar opposite of each other. Reminds me of the 2 maids who are serving Corrin... Although different in terms of attitude and quality and not in terms of... competence.)
  15. Uninterested in continuing this conversation, Kirimuri politely leaves. Kirimuri: ...'Scuse me. I need some space and fresh air.
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