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About uaguilar

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  1. Hello, I got banned from there like 3 weeks ago. Just for calling this guy out named Dizzy who was acting really effed up. Long story short, He was trying to convince another member that he shouldn't give a fuck bout respecting authors. I been a long term supporter and contributor for mugen archive, I upload my chars and stages on that site, and now people are missing out on my uploads. This guy named Dizzy abuses his power and needs to get taken down. If they need a mod, i can be the new one.
  2. Hello I'm a long term supporter of mugen archive, and i'm here cause I got banned by that piece of ******* **** named Dizzy. I was a long term supporter of mugen archive, and defender because I never ever had issues with anyone there or ever seen any issues. I upload chars and stages too. But one time I saw this guy on the comments being a real bitch, he was telling another member that he shouldn't worry about respecting authors, that he has every right to do what he wants to any character and to not ask any author for permission. And I said, "well i've been in this community for over 10 years and we always been about respecting one another and respecting the authors, especially if he is nice and respectable about his requests." and then some guy named Dizzy says something like "fuck all that respect shit, im tired of it." and then I told him "Look communities are about respecting, thats what a community is. and if you don't like it, you can gtfo of the mugen community" and then I told the other member he was speaking to, to stay away from Dizzy because he has a long history of being highly controversal and starting lots of drama. So i suggest not letting that little devil speak into your ear." and then I find out that heartless asshole is the mod lol then I get banned, even tho i add lots of content like stages and characters into the archive.. I honestly I think that Dizzy is a little prissy bitch, He is abusing his power as a moderator. I am now sad because Mugen is all I play, I don't play PS4, i dont play xbox.. I play Mugen. and this ONE guy decides to cut all that away from my life. Now Its very difficult for me to find characters/stages
  3. Hello everybody, I want to share what I been working on very hard for over 3 years. This game was made for me personally and did what I can to make the best mvc game of all time for me and my friends to play, but then later in the end decided to share it with the world. My goal was simple but a lot of work... gather up the straight up BEST mvc chars by some of the best creators/editors in the mugen community, and edit every single one of them (or most of them). And have a TRULY INFINITE Marvel vs Capcom game that can be played online competitively, with the usual concepts of team building and finding characters that have good synergy with one another... and after all the years of work, YES the game can now be played competitively like this. I been playing it online for a year now and have met some players who been able to play long sets of high level matches without constant interruptions of bugs and game crashes. It will still happen but it'll be very rare, so Shift +f4 is still a helpful button to restart a match. But yes, I consider the game now to be officially playable even in the hands of someone who likes to play MvC competitively like myself. Don't expect a corporate made perfect game by a whole development staff, But i did work on this alone for a long time, almost every single day in fact. What also needs to be considered is that I have a personal life to live too and to support, so I just focus on fixing gameplay, and don't focus on changing everyone's hitsparks and super backgrounds etc or other minuscule stuff. I just seriously do not have time for all that, and I really hope everyone can understand. Fixing bugs is the #1 priority, and everyone being able to play mvc style with good gameplay is also #1 priority. I fix everything that needs to be fixed, like mobility, broken moves, broken coding, and re-code and re-animate many of the unfinished characters like Daredevil, Elektra, and Leon for example. While some chars are very well completed and don't need much help, Many characters that have cool sprites but are not complete and some can't even do basic air combos or even supers correctly, have now been fixed and edited by me to actually feel completed, and they are now very awesome to play as. Even characters by RedHot who is a very good mvc2 editor, his characters needed help as well. Characters like Wolverine, Venom and others could not do their bread and butter combos well, but now they do. My guarantee is that you can play this game at a high level. I also worked really hard in starting a online community for MvC Maximum so players can communicate about the game and find people to play with. This game was made for myself and for my friends. But it got so good, that towards the end I decided to share with the rest of the world. MARVEL VS CAPCOM: MAXIMUM version 1.0 is out right now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_2p6FtXGBg&feature=emb_logo Make sure you catch up to date with character updates after the 1.0 release! <------ visit the MvC Maximum Discord here https://discord.gg/bCkvvJQ If you like MvC, come and show us your skills! If you looking for competition, you'll find it here. If you got any questions at all please lemme know - 4v4 / 3v3 / 2v2. - Tag ANYTIME. Just like MvC Infinite. - Assists, with assist ok being every 4-5 seconds. - Brand new stages and edits - 79 Marvel characters, 79 Capcom characters, 158 in total - Over 100 of the 158 characters privately edited by PizzaHighFive to fight better. He is still editing more.. - Brand new characters and edits like.. * Megaman X * Regina * Scream * Leon * Lilith * Cyber Blue * Donovan * Elektra * Daredevil * Human Torch and much more! - Online play using Parsec <--- Free to download - Online match making using Discord Chat, Updates, Online Play with Parsec - https://discord.gg/bCkvvJQ
  4. Well I'd like to release my creations on my channel, but how are ppl going to know of my creations if nobody is ever tuning in with just like 3 ppl knowing my channel.. I'm not asking for money, I'm not asking for a arm or a leg, but pressing a single button, only just so more ppl could be aware of my creations when I release em. How am I supposed to promote my new releases if no one knows of my channel, I'm brand new I got like 3 subscribers that's it. I guess I do apologize when I was writing about what my channel is about, maybe I shoulda just kept it being about my release only. Thanks for letting me know btw
  5. NEW kof Marco - new super, Laser Gun and better combo potential I will share this Marco when the YouTube vid reaches 50 likes. Kof Marco from metal slug now with a new Level 2 super, LASER GUN. plus he can combo longer n pull off some swaggier combos. I will be releasing new content like new stages new super moves etc. on my YouTube channel. Please like and subscribe i will also be featuring First to 3 battles against friends who are amazing fighting gamers who bring skill. Thank u very much!
  6. Hi there, I wanna give Marco(metal slug) a new super. He is Marco-Kofa By Ahuron. As of now he has a lvl 1 where he dashes in for a combo super, a lvl 1 where he sends out a p.o.w. hippie, a lvl 1 where he sends a Slug tank to run u over, and a lvl3 where he turns to zombie Marco and red vomits all over you. So I'd like to give him a level 2/or level 3 super where he pulls out the LASER GUN. I have no idea on deep character coding but I am a graphic designer and I'm confident that I can make the sprites for his "laser gun super" I am very good at Photoshop n illustrator so I am pretty artistic and patient. So if I design the "laser gun super" animation sprites, is there anybody who would like to join me in this project in coding this animation in, like I said I can handle the Sprite works, I just need someone to handle the other side of things. Thank you PS! I have all the metal slug laser sprites and hitsparks from the games in a folder and I have ripped all his png sprites that has his "heavy machine gun" move animation, where he pulls the gun out, shoots, then puts it away in a folder too. Im just planning on using that exact animation of his, but holding a different gun of coarse. which I also found a sprite of. Here is a quick sample. https://ibb.co/dtSBHQ PLEASE, I really want someone to help me with this project for I am new at this but with the help of someone I know I could get done a lot faster in time to share with all of yall.
  7. Bump. I also would like to know how to add this to the chars who don't have em
  8. That is sick!!! I want my characters to juggle more like that instead of just 1 hit juggle. What do I change in their files to achieve more freedom in juggles??
  9. Is there not an easier way? i dont wanna be making my own versus screen or anything. is there not a way i can just copy the already made VS screen from another screen pack and bring it into my cvs3 screen pack? I also just have a "Now Loading" screen as my VS screen that i dont want
  10. hey people, does anyone know how i can get the vs screen from another screen pack into my cvs3 screen pack? cause my vs screen is nothing but a now loading screen

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. uaguilar


      bro, i figured it out!!! i got the vs screen from another screen pack and it looks amazing.  thanks for all your help btw.     did you still need help doing the same??

    3. Gaulbetti


      I'll try my own words when I get enough time and motivation. Wonderful to hear it worked though.

    4. uaguilar


      ya fo sho,  if you get around in doing it, and need bit of some help dont feel shy bout messaging me.

  11. How do I copy and use a VS screen from another screen pack and use it on my cvs3 screen pack? Cause as of right now all I have for my VS screen is a screenshot that simply says "now loading". Please help, I'm tired of seeing that now loading screen when I should be seeing who's fighting next.
  12. Is there a way I can copy and use the VS screen from another screen pack and use it on my cvs3 screen pack? Because as of right now I don't have a VS screen that displays who's about to fight, all it is it's just a screenshot that says loading. Please help, I wanna see a actually VS screen before the matches it's tiring to see a screen that says "loading"
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