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  1. Ryou's post in Can reupload Colonel McPain/Podem fazer um reupload do Colonel McPain was marked as the answer   
    This is belong to request section, moved.
    Anyways: colmcpain.rar
  2. Ryou's post in AI Patch for Thedge´s Guile was marked as the answer   
  3. Ryou's post in Help needed to make a minor change was marked as the answer   
    I'm not really keen at character's coding, so one way i could suggest is to locate and remove them manually with Fighter Factory 3. I'll post more details if you interested
    Actually i tried to look into the cns and i finally understand how to disable them via code. I will post the details shortly.
    Okay, let's open the Kohaku_S.cns with notepad.
    Use CTRL+F to find this line: ;ƒXƒgƒ‰ƒCƒJ[ŠÖŒWiãʼnj
    Scroll down until you find a line of states with type = Explod
    Change those type = Explod to type = null
    Don't forget to save the change afterwards.
    And the result:


    Hope that helps.
  4. Ryou's post in Requesting Lin-AKOF by Lifeend was marked as the answer   
  5. Ryou's post in What is this screenpack? was marked as the answer   
    Nocronite by Lith
  6. Ryou's post in Character Below stage was marked as the answer   
    Assuming you are using 1.1, it has problem with z-offset link, somehow it does not work correctly as it does in 1.0. But this is an easy fix.
    Open the .def file and find for this line:

    [BG Dummy];‘«ê‚ð”wŒi‚Ì“®‚«‚ƃŠƒ“ƒN‚³‚¹‚é
    type  = dummy
    id = 20
    start = 0,-22;244;ã‹L‚̃IƒuƒWƒFƒNƒg‚̉ŠúˆÊ’u‚ð0‚Æ‚·‚éB
    positionlink = 1
    you have to decrease the x value of the start position (-22) until the characters show up on the right place. Here i'll subtract it by 108.
    [BG Dummy];‘«ê‚ð”wŒi‚Ì“®‚«‚ƃŠƒ“ƒN‚³‚¹‚é
    type  = dummy
    id = 20
    start = 0,-130;244;ã‹L‚̃IƒuƒWƒFƒNƒg‚̉ŠúˆÊ’u‚ð0‚Æ‚·‚éB
    positionlink = 1
    The result:

    Hope that helps.
  7. Ryou's post in these stages was marked as the answer   
  8. Ryou's post in Request: SSJ Son Gokou and BROLY + AI Patched was marked as the answer   
  9. Ryou's post in Request: Dragon + AI Patched was marked as the answer   
    AI: http://www.mediafire.com/?b186ftg3g336cby
  10. Ryou's post in Game Archade SAGA(baki) stage was marked as the answer   
    STAGE 恵曇愁子専用ステージ「ゲームセンターSAGA」
  11. Ryou's post in Good HD res MUGEN 1.1 stages with zoom? was marked as the answer   
  12. Ryou's post in How do i add more slots on mugen 1.1? was marked as the answer   
    Just click this batch file when you want to use the ultra big layout, it'll automatically access it


  13. Ryou's post in Dracket was marked as the answer   
  14. Ryou's post in Danganronpa Stage was marked as the answer   
  15. Ryou's post in Winter/Snow/Christmas Themed Stages was marked as the answer   








  16. Ryou's post in Need help finding a stage was marked as the answer   
    Shouldn't this in request section? 
    also http://www.mugencoder.com/authors/details/169
  17. Ryou's post in Help me convert stages to 1280x720? was marked as the answer   
    under [stageInfo] in the stage .def file   add "localcoord = 425,240" and reduce the boundright and boundleft by 55.
    Note: if there's localcoord = 640,480 already, change it to localcoord = 850,480 and reduce the boundright and boundleft by 105.
  18. Ryou's post in Where do I class my MUGEN character? was marked as the answer   
    Of course you put it in the Release section when you're going to release it. It's more noticeable that way instead of putting it in the warehouse section.
  19. Ryou's post in Chandelure AI Patch was marked as the answer   
  20. Ryou's post in Oswald by Vans was marked as the answer   
  21. Ryou's post in Request: Souji Kusanagi by Ahuron was marked as the answer   
    Web Archiver is your friend.
    草薙蒼司 2014/12/16 RELEASED 
  22. Ryou's post in Which version of the character in this onedrive is the latest version? was marked as the answer   
    You can also switch to the details mode by clicking this icon  to check the uploaded date
  23. Ryou's post in How do i download Chazzanova's characters from his website ? was marked as the answer   
    Same problem here, but here's mirror link.
  24. Ryou's post in How to download that one New Pork City stage? was marked as the answer   
    Looked up some trick in Youtube
  25. Ryou's post in Error message was marked as the answer   
    Just find and delete this entire line
    [State 5900, 10] ;Intro W/Partner
    type = TagIn
    triggerall = partner, stateno != [4510,4512]    ; Partner not waiting outside the screen (thus on stage)
    triggerall = NumPartner
    triggerall = ID > Partner,ID
    trigger1 = roundno = 1
    trigger1 = Time = [0, 1]
    trigger1 = RoundState <= 2
    trigger1 = Partner, Life > 0
    trigger1 = StateNo != [4510, 4512]
    stateno = 4510
    partnerstateno = 190
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