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  1. Neo_Fire_Sonic's post in Giving a character multiple intros? was marked as the answer   
    190 is your preintro, which decides which intro to go into, for example a way to make it so you have random intros for 190 to go into try this under 190 instead
    [State 180, 1]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = time = 1
    value = 191+(Random%2)
    that would suggest if you made a new state for 191 and 192 to be new intros.
  2. Neo_Fire_Sonic's post in Adjusting Jump Height. was marked as the answer   
    Well there's your problem right there, the yaccel should not be that high, change it to something lower like .52
  3. Neo_Fire_Sonic's post in Converting character to specific Mugen. was marked as the answer   
    your character probably isn't mugen 1.0 version
    in your character's def file change the mugenversion to "1.0"
    all the characters in the kof ex unlimited match thingy are 1.0
  4. Neo_Fire_Sonic's post in Helper issues was marked as the answer   
    I can help with your first problem, to make it so your character is not able to perform the state which makes them summon the helper
    [state -1]
    type = ChangeState
    value = 1000
    triggerall = numhelper(put helper number in here) = 0       <- Right here, in the command file for your character, make sure the change state has this code on it.
    triggerall = command = "Somecommand"
    trigger1 = statetype = S
  5. Neo_Fire_Sonic's post in CyberLizard's Master Chief? was marked as the answer   
    ok i happen to have that master chief BUT one thing
    the author's name isn't credited to "cyberlizard"
    it says "Xihark" but it is the exact same character from that video though.

  6. Neo_Fire_Sonic's post in Problems with my first char was marked as the answer   
    do you have a hitdef in the state which is your standing light punch?
  7. Neo_Fire_Sonic's post in How to see/copy a Mugen character sprite? was marked as the answer   
    you need fighter factory.
    btw is this what your talking about?

  8. Neo_Fire_Sonic's post in Gallade 'n' Rayquaza was marked as the answer   
    "Rayquaza is my top favorit pokemon few year ago. Why I doing this because
    the is no boss charater from super smash bros. brawl except master hand.
    I take Rayquaza sprite from sprite recorch. It look difficult to make this charater.
    So I clone Giga Bowser. The first Rayquaza was crappy with no share pallet. Than I make
    this beter and chang his color. The bad thing is Rayquaza Can't Fly."
  9. Neo_Fire_Sonic's post in Searching for certain creations was marked as the answer   
    i think those were made just for that video
  10. Neo_Fire_Sonic's post in Lava Reef Act 3 or Hidden Palace Beta by MGSSJ2 was marked as the answer   
    i have one of those stages
    now about hidden palace beta, i'm sorry but that stage download never worked to begin with, and i used to be good friends with MG, but he has quit mugen now.

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