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  1. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Galvatron in Will their Ever be a TK vs. DoA?   
    Kazuya for Bayman? Nah man, I would pit Raidou against Kazuya.

    Bayman gets the honor of getting wrecked by fighting Sergei Dragunov
  2. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Mister Fael in j   
  3. Thank You
    Darkflare got a reaction from Nep Heart in SUPER MARIO - RELEASED   
    Let me just get this over with while I still have the authorization.

    HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I have never before in my time in this community seen anyone be more of a scumbag shithead than Ax. And I've seen people be elitist douchebags, people with heads up their ass, and people that bitched and whined for just editting their character even if said edit drastically improved the character. And somehow against all odds, you manage to surpass the scummyness of all these people I've witnessed. Never would I have thought I would feel so much anger and hate for the actions of someone.

    So let me get this straight, you make these shitpiles in the hopes that someone is able to use them for their work. Well congrafuckinglations, for some reason Idaho was willing to do something with your Link. He works hard on his Link and all he requests from you is a few additional sprites. You then proceed to tell him to go fuck himself and to make the sprites himself. Uh, are you fucking stupid? If he was capable of spriting don't you think he would have done so? You've "made" the Link sprites already, the LEAST you could have done was make a few more while he continues coding.

    Oh ho ho, it gets better. You have the BALLS to call his character bad because ONE move is not to your liking. YOU FUCKING UNGRATEFUL PRICK, Idaho worked his ass to make an actual GOOD character and you proceed to shit on him? He should have been more creative with the leaf? You know....the thing that was never used as an attack and strictly for getting from point A to point B? You know what, given the source material Idaho was right to make it an intro and not an actual attack. Speaking of source material, want to know what wis the best choice to make as a super move? His smash bros. Final Smash. You know that auto combo move you hate? He shouldn't have added it because it's not creative enough? It's the worst choice for a hyper move? That's a load of BULLSHIT. Auto combo supers are still being used and why? BECAUSE THEY MAKE SENSE AND ARE EFFECTIVE AS SUPER MOVES.

    OH BUT IT GETS FUCKING BETTER. You're still not satisfied and want to shit on Idaho even more by telling him that not only his Link is a bad character(This, coming from Ax of all people? HA!), but that it will be easily replaced by another? My god, can you possibly be even more of a shithead? APPARENTLY YOU CAN, because now you claim that all those things you said were your feedback to "improve" the character. Besides the fact that your feedback is UTTER SHIT, you can't go accusing people of not taking feedback well when YOU YOURSELF DON'T EVEN ACCEPT FEEDBACK TO BEGIN WITH. Wow, hypocrite much?

    Thanks for letting us all know just what kind of sack of shit of a human being you really are. When even the white knights that were willing to defend you decide instead to turn against you, you know you've seriously fucked up. Your kind are the cancer that threatens to kill this community. Idaho had every damn right to be pissed at you. I'm not directly involved and I'm pissed off too.

    Oh and you're used to being banned? So you get banned from place to place on a regular basis? GEE, I FUCKING WONDER WHY?

    I'm done, going to cross my fingers Ax gets the hammer, but otherwise I'm done. I got my point accross, I think I've spoken for everyone here as well.
  4. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Flowering Knight in [1.1] KI 2013 Aiganos Stage by Omegapsycho released (03/05/2015)   
    Have you been hiding under a rock?

    KI got a new game for XBONE.
  5. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from gui0007 in j   
    And where exactly is he asking for feedback?
  6. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Dumanios in j   
    Not if the NO FUN POLICE have anything to say about it!

  7. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Shinzaki in j   
    Not if the NO FUN POLICE have anything to say about it!

  8. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Sir Ghostler in j   
    Not if the NO FUN POLICE have anything to say about it!

  9. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Mister Fael in j   
    Not if the NO FUN POLICE have anything to say about it!

  10. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Reigizuo_78 in Kirino by YU-TOHARU released (22/02/2015)   
  11. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Mister Fael in j   
    That Ryu is a Spy!
  12. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from thekillnator in Last Person To Post Wins   
    Another successful operation for the NO FUN POLICE

  13. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Mister Fael in Last Person To Post Wins   
    Another successful operation for the NO FUN POLICE

  14. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Dumanios in Last Person To Post Wins   
    Another successful operation for the NO FUN POLICE

  15. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Shinzaki in Last Person To Post Wins   
    Another successful operation for the NO FUN POLICE

  16. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from LightFlare_Da_Realest in Last Person To Post Wins   
    Another successful operation for the NO FUN POLICE

  17. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Xan in What would your fighting game ending be?   
    The ending begins with a scene of a launch facility preparing to launch a rocket as the countdown begins. The camera then zooms in on Trini who begins to awaken only to find himself chained into the rocket about to launch. The camera then begins moving around the rocket to reveal that Neo fire sonic and Difflok are also chained up with him on the rocket. A quick shot of their horrified faces is shown before showing the countdown timer at 5 seconds. The screen then shows their faces again as they continue to struggle to get free, only for the rocket to begin launching as they begin to scream in horror.

    The scene then shows a far away view of the rocket launching, barely showing the presence of an observer of the event unfolding. The screen then changes to the binocular view of the observer, as he focuses on the expressions of the unfortunate victims. The screen then goes to a frontal view of the observer who is revealed to be Darkflare as he slowly puts down his binoculars and begins to laugh like a maniac.
  18. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Galvatron in What would your fighting game ending be?   
    The ending begins with a scene of a launch facility preparing to launch a rocket as the countdown begins. The camera then zooms in on Trini who begins to awaken only to find himself chained into the rocket about to launch. The camera then begins moving around the rocket to reveal that Neo fire sonic and Difflok are also chained up with him on the rocket. A quick shot of their horrified faces is shown before showing the countdown timer at 5 seconds. The screen then shows their faces again as they continue to struggle to get free, only for the rocket to begin launching as they begin to scream in horror.

    The scene then shows a far away view of the rocket launching, barely showing the presence of an observer of the event unfolding. The screen then changes to the binocular view of the observer, as he focuses on the expressions of the unfortunate victims. The screen then goes to a frontal view of the observer who is revealed to be Darkflare as he slowly puts down his binoculars and begins to laugh like a maniac.
  19. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from ArtistofLegacy in What would your fighting game ending be?   
    The ending begins with a scene of a launch facility preparing to launch a rocket as the countdown begins. The camera then zooms in on Trini who begins to awaken only to find himself chained into the rocket about to launch. The camera then begins moving around the rocket to reveal that Neo fire sonic and Difflok are also chained up with him on the rocket. A quick shot of their horrified faces is shown before showing the countdown timer at 5 seconds. The screen then shows their faces again as they continue to struggle to get free, only for the rocket to begin launching as they begin to scream in horror.

    The scene then shows a far away view of the rocket launching, barely showing the presence of an observer of the event unfolding. The screen then changes to the binocular view of the observer, as he focuses on the expressions of the unfortunate victims. The screen then goes to a frontal view of the observer who is revealed to be Darkflare as he slowly puts down his binoculars and begins to laugh like a maniac.
  20. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from sonikun in SUPER MARIO - RELEASED   
    Let me just get this over with while I still have the authorization.

    HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I have never before in my time in this community seen anyone be more of a scumbag shithead than Ax. And I've seen people be elitist douchebags, people with heads up their ass, and people that bitched and whined for just editting their character even if said edit drastically improved the character. And somehow against all odds, you manage to surpass the scummyness of all these people I've witnessed. Never would I have thought I would feel so much anger and hate for the actions of someone.

    So let me get this straight, you make these shitpiles in the hopes that someone is able to use them for their work. Well congrafuckinglations, for some reason Idaho was willing to do something with your Link. He works hard on his Link and all he requests from you is a few additional sprites. You then proceed to tell him to go fuck himself and to make the sprites himself. Uh, are you fucking stupid? If he was capable of spriting don't you think he would have done so? You've "made" the Link sprites already, the LEAST you could have done was make a few more while he continues coding.

    Oh ho ho, it gets better. You have the BALLS to call his character bad because ONE move is not to your liking. YOU FUCKING UNGRATEFUL PRICK, Idaho worked his ass to make an actual GOOD character and you proceed to shit on him? He should have been more creative with the leaf? You know....the thing that was never used as an attack and strictly for getting from point A to point B? You know what, given the source material Idaho was right to make it an intro and not an actual attack. Speaking of source material, want to know what wis the best choice to make as a super move? His smash bros. Final Smash. You know that auto combo move you hate? He shouldn't have added it because it's not creative enough? It's the worst choice for a hyper move? That's a load of BULLSHIT. Auto combo supers are still being used and why? BECAUSE THEY MAKE SENSE AND ARE EFFECTIVE AS SUPER MOVES.

    OH BUT IT GETS FUCKING BETTER. You're still not satisfied and want to shit on Idaho even more by telling him that not only his Link is a bad character(This, coming from Ax of all people? HA!), but that it will be easily replaced by another? My god, can you possibly be even more of a shithead? APPARENTLY YOU CAN, because now you claim that all those things you said were your feedback to "improve" the character. Besides the fact that your feedback is UTTER SHIT, you can't go accusing people of not taking feedback well when YOU YOURSELF DON'T EVEN ACCEPT FEEDBACK TO BEGIN WITH. Wow, hypocrite much?

    Thanks for letting us all know just what kind of sack of shit of a human being you really are. When even the white knights that were willing to defend you decide instead to turn against you, you know you've seriously fucked up. Your kind are the cancer that threatens to kill this community. Idaho had every damn right to be pissed at you. I'm not directly involved and I'm pissed off too.

    Oh and you're used to being banned? So you get banned from place to place on a regular basis? GEE, I FUCKING WONDER WHY?

    I'm done, going to cross my fingers Ax gets the hammer, but otherwise I'm done. I got my point accross, I think I've spoken for everyone here as well.
  21. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from The Unexpected Visitor in j   
  22. Upvote
    Darkflare reacted to Laharl in Green Ranger - Might Morphin Power Rangers   
    he only gave credit AFTER when they spoke up about and asked him to stop he just ignored them.
  23. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Demitri in Help With Creating a CVS Inspired Roster?   
    Just download all of Warusaki's CvS characters...
  24. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Galvatron in Help With Creating a CVS Inspired Roster?   
    Just download all of Warusaki's CvS characters...
  25. Upvote
    Darkflare got a reaction from Sir Ghostler in Help With Creating a CVS Inspired Roster?   
    Just download all of Warusaki's CvS characters...
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