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Mugen Free For All


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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  2. Man... this topic is like a ghost town nowadays.
  3. "God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven. I can't live with that." - Paddy Constantine, Dead Man's Shoes (2004)
  4. Is the official Nijikaku website down? I tried to check it out and got nothing.
  5. Uh... okay. Good for you. Now, could you explain why you hate it so much?
  6. Time to use my last nomination slot. Real Police Dude by Brergrsart - 2
  7. Haruhi Suzumiya by Nep Heart - 2 Lou by Glaciacloud - 1 Earthworm Jim by Basara-kun - 1 ()
  8. I've seen videos of this character... and what I've seen has deterred me from downloading it.
  9. Edward got away from the creature in order to avoid whatever attack it was going to perform. Damn... this... thing... is tough...
  10. Tommy's body rolled on the ground after getting sent off the spear. Blood started to cover the ground as he laid on the ground. He was dead; no doubt about it, as his lower body had been completely split in two. In fact, the only part of his body that hadn't been sliced in half was a bit of his upper body, his neck and his head.
  11. Edward took a step backwards. He then proceeded to rip another boulder out of the ground, before breaking it into two smaller rocks. He proceeded to throw one of the rocks at the creature, keeping the other one close to him in case he needed to use his Earth powers again. However, another thing caused him to be fairly concerned, not like that distracted him from the fight. (...why hasn't Tommy called me yet...? D - did something happen to him?)
  12. Edward aimed one of his hands at the ground, before pulling out a rock down from the Earth. He then proceeded to use his enhanced strength to throw it at the creature.
  13. Frank noticed the bailing guard. ...I think we have a chance to leave the scene from here... we'd better do it quickly, or we might get caught in more violence.
  14. Tommy screamed in agony as his wound became bigger; it was beyond healing at this point. I... can't go... not... like this... Tommy started bleeding out; there was no point in saving him anymore. He would die no matter what happened.
  15. Grr... get back here, you bastard! You'll pay for kidnapping Agni like that! BGM: Goin' Down Kyosuke began to chase Agni, aiming at Rokurou's legs the entire time; nothing was going to stop him from saving one of his only friends from getting kidnapped, even though in reality that wasn't what was happening.
  16. Unfortunately, Kyosuke saw Agni and Rokurou; this caused him to believe that Agni was being kidnapped. Kyosuke: HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO AGNI, YOU PUNK!?
  17. Frank pulled out his pistol and shot at the fifth knight, before shooting at the knight that shot at Dante. This is why you don't fuck with a photographer!
  18. Frank shot the guard in the leg in order to dispatch him, dodging the bullets the entire time.
  19. Frank pulled out his pistol and used his enhanced speed to shoot the guard that was shooting at him. He proceeded to turn around and attempt to shoot any guards behind him, before turning back around and shooting any guards that were in front of him.
  20. Correct, sir. I was able to take down two guards before they could do any real harm.
  21. Frank turned back to his front, apologizing to any civilians that he had scared in the process. Sorry!
  22. Frank proceeded to pull out his pistol and shot the two knights. He then turned around and shot any knights that were behind him. Eat lead, baby!
  23. Frank noticed the guards, and proceeded to pull out his camera in order to create a flash to blind them. If that worked, he'd pull out his pistol and shoot the guards, before turning around and shooting any guards behind him. I'm covered from both corners, you bastards!
  24. Tommy stayed impaled on the spear., blood coming out of his wound. F - fuck... I - I think I'm... almost dead...
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