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Posts posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. 2 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


    BGM: Layer Cake still playing


    After walking a little, they reached the northwest area as they have planned.



    Agni: OK, this seems like a good place to ask around.


    Mirfah: Tommy, DON'T ask the armored guys! They'll kill you.


    Agni: You don't need to scare him. Although that isn't a lie...


    Agni: Well then, let's go. We need to ask around as well.


    Mirfah: Alright.


    They went through different directions and asked the people around. Public opinion was important to define the movements of the rebels.



    Agni: *approaches a woman with a baby* Excuse me, miss. I was wondering how life was going and I wanted to know if things here are acceptable or not.


    Mirfah: *approaches a punk* Yo. Hey man, how are things going out for you? Do you like it or is it annoying as hell?

    Tommy approached a random person, thinking of a question he could ask him.


    Tommy: Uh... excuse me, mister...


    Tommy drew a blank and decided to ask the first question that came out of his mind.


    Tommy: ...have I told you about our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, yet?


    Tommy turned over to Agni to look for approval.


    Tommy: That's how I'm supposed to ask questions, right?

  2. 24 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    @Mister Fael @NijikakuFan61 @Tony Redgrave



    Lightflare's Team went east to question the locals residents on the recent arrival of the "soldiers" in Slum Village...



    Looks like there are no guards in the immediate area. Let's spread out a bit and see what the locals know...


    LightFlare approached a  group of young men. They were laughing and joking amongst themselves. Being an orphan in his early days, LightFlare knows the streets. He knew he had to communicate with them in their "language", or they won't trust him. LightFlare quickly tries to gain there trust...



    Sup fellas? Can I "holla" at y'all a minute?


    The young men looked and LightFlare and apprehensive at first, but one of them a answered...



    I kinda new round here. It's all good, but these guards are all over the place. I mean, is this place on quarantine or what?!




    Heh... something like that. These dudes just showed up. Said they was here for "our protection". Kinda seems like a prison to me nowadays. It wasn't always like this, but a recent incident spooked them and they beefed up security. Used to be just a couple guards. But slowly the number increased. Them just earlier, something made them go into panic mode, homie.



    Yea, I hears about that...




    Man! These dudes trip'n! Who ever I charge must have gotten a demotion. Cuz nobody wanna work THIS part of town.



    Fah sho. Well, I ain't gonna hold y'all up. I gotta keep it moving. Yall be safe. 


    LightFlare gives a fist pound to the young men, and heads down the street...



    (Hmm...just like I thought....)

    Kyosuke: ...was it really necessary to be using "gangsta lingo" just to make yourself sound cool? I mean, you were trying to blend in so they could trust you, but couldn't you just have done it in a more low-key way?

  3. 18 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    (Time to spread out...) Etomo...Ryuko... Kyosuke...Lancer. Let's head east. 


    @Tony Redgrave @Mister Fael @NijikakuFan61





    1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


    BGM: Layer Cake still playing


    Agni and Mirfah nodded at Light and descended from the bus. They looked around and saw that "guards" were walking around alongside the public.



    Mirfah: Darn, there's a heavy concentration inside as well.


    Agni: This is going to be difficult. I doubt we'd blend in with the public that easily here. Let's move to remote areas of the slums and ask.


    Mirfah: Let's take the northwest route then. The others can see where they want to go, right?


    Agni: Yeah, let's not stand around too much. Ask to the people about the situation of the slums and if they agreed with it or not. Let's reunite back here and discuss what we could find.


    Agni and Mirfah went towards the route to the northwest section of the slums. They looked back at the others while walking, to see if the rest of the team was coming along. Standing still would definitely raise suspicion coming from the guards.

    Tommy was definitely coming along.



    So, the first person I see I get to ask a question to, right?


    Tommy paused for a second, still walking the entire time.



    ...well... that's how it worked last time I asked questions to people...

  4. 37 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


    BGM: Layer Cake (Persona 5)


    Dante and Light's answer made it clear: those weren't the normal royal guards. Agni, having some knowledge and experience in war, began to get a hypotesis. One deadly and chaotic hypotesis.



    Agni: It's just as I thought then. Those guys aren't the actual royal guards...


    Mirfah: Hold on, aren't you guys thinking too much about this? Maybe they're just new and don't know how to do things right-


    Agni: Being new doesn't explain the old armor, Mirfah. Those guards are nothing but rogues. I'm starting to feel there's a bigger picture behind this whole shenanigan. This whole issue... it's starting to sound as if the people of the slums are planning to do something.


    Mirfah: Whoa, that's some progression! How'd you managed to go that far?


    Agni: Like I said, it's just a hunch. By all means, I could be wrong.


    He thought about it. The investigation had to proceed, but how they would be able to do it? There was a point that drove Agni's attention.



    Agni: (Is the discontentment of the slums affecting the people and the public opinion moved towards it? If it is, then...)


    Mirfah: Agni... let me get this straight. What are you actually saying is...

    Agni: ... the Slums are organizing something. What that something is, I don't know.


    Agni: Right now, we need to discover what's going on here. Let's split into the teams and ask around.


    Mirfah: OK... but what exactly should we ask?

    Agni: If people are discontent.


    Mirfah: What?


    Agni: Listen, I'm starting to have a general idea of what's going on behind this and I'm not liking it one single bit. If we know the public opinion, we'll reach the answer. After all...


    Agni: You all got the grasp of the idea I have, don't you...?


    Mirfah thought about it. Soon, he managed to reach another point of view, sharing it with Agni. His worriness eventually grew.



    Mirfah: ... Hold on, that's... crazy! What the hell?! If this is right, then...!!


    Agni: So, you got it. And what about you guys? Have you managed to understand the theorical situation I though?


    @LightFlare_Da_Realest @Tony Redgrave @Mister Fael @NijikakuFan61

    Tommy: Um... I don't think I get it... could you explain again...?


    Tommy thought for a few seconds, then remembered some of what Agni had said.


    Tommy: Wait... am I supposed to ask questions about what these thugs we just saw are doing?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


    BGM: Elsa Maria's Stage Theme begins playing again



    Mirfah: Yeah! Even though we almost slipped up... right, Agni?


    But as he mentioned and looked back, he could see that the angel didn't seem happy with the situation. On the contrary... he was even more worried than before.



    Agni: (There's something bothering me. His actions were completely different from the ones of a normal guard... even the way he talked wasn't normal... this is...)


    Mirfah: Agni, why the hell are you so quiet for? C'mon, it worked!


    Agni: ... There's something weird in all this. I know we managed to pass and I'm happy about that, but...


    He wanted to commemorate with them, but the situation wasn't letting him. Questions swirled in his head and he needed to confirm it. Depending on the answer, it could be a sign that even worse things will happen.



    Agni: That guard... the way he did things wasn't normal. At least, not the procedure I can see as normal.


    Mirfah: What... do you mean?


    Agni: I need to confirm this. Light, Dante... since you both are here for a longer time, I need you to sincerely answer this. Is this usual coming from the guards or this is a once-in-never experience?

    Tommy thought for a moment, before releasing his personal opinions about how it had happened.


    Tommy: Maybe we were just lucky? I mean, depending on how Light and Dante answer, I could be correct... but who am I to speak opinions, considering my intelligence is... below average, so to say...

  6. 4 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    The guard looks puzzled, but then comes to his senses...


    What's going on here?!


    LightFlare quickly seizes the opportunity...



    (Here goes nothing...)


    LightFlare comes from behind the chair...


    I can explain. Hello my name is LightFlare. This is my band. We have Tommy on lead, Dante on Bass and Kyosuke on drums. Together they are...



    ...TOMMY-KAZY! An up and comming band that performs all over. We're on our way to my private studio to record or next hit. Here's my ID. My studio is at my home...I live in this community. We rented this bus to transport ourselves, as well as our equipment and rodies.


    LightFlare cuts his eye to towards the bus driver. Amazingly, the driver smiles and nods in agreement with LightFlare's story...



    (The driver is playing along...this couldn't get any better...)


    The guard pauses. He looks the bus over. Then responds...



    Ok! You can pass....


    The guard steps of the bus and signals to the other guards to let the bus pass. The bus drives through the checkpoint...



    Nice work guys. Way to improvise on the fly. I was worried we were gonna have to knock the guard out and fight our way in. I'm sure we could have gotten in but it would be an all out rumble from here on out before we even asked ANYONE a single question. Everybody cool?











    ...I can't believe that actually worked.

  7. Tommy got brave enough to stand up, still playing his guitar the entire time.



    Whomsoever I've cured... I've sickened now... whomsoever I've cradled... I've put you down...


    Frank simply looked at Tommy, amazed at his sheer bravery.



    I'm a search light soul they say... but I can't see it in the night! I'm only faking when I get it right... when I get it right...

  8. Just now, Tony Redgrave said:

    The guitar playing gave Dante an idea. Even though he wasn't sure if it would end up working, it was all or nothing at this point.



    He pulls out a purple guitar with a rather bizarre design, and begins playing as a backup for Tommy. He also looks over at Kyosuke, and gestures towards his drums, implying that he should bring them out and join in.



    (This is one of the dumbest things I've ever done. Considering this is, well, me of all people, that's saying a lot.)

    Kyosuke nodded, before getting into his drums and doing the drum beat to the song.


    Tommy: Now I'm doing time... 'cause I fell on black days... I fell on black days...

  9. 6 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


    BGM: Lights, Camera, Action! still playing



    Agni: Alright, so it's Light, Etomo, Ryuko, Kyosuke and Cu Chulainn on team 1... Ludger, Hugh, Frank, Dante and Joseph on team 2... me, Mirfah, Lucina, Tommy, Yui and Hina on team 3...


    Mirfah: I suppose that does it right. Now that we're ready, let's do our best!!


    *BGM fades*


    Agni seemed satisfied and returned to look at the window. However, the sight was indeed horrible.



    Mirfah: Agni? What's wrong?


    Agni: Oh no... Look right there.


    BGM: Elsa Maria's Stage Theme (Grief Syndrome)


    They reached the slums, but from the window they could see something. The security of the whole place was tightened. Guards were everywhere, from the street to the roofs. Heavily armed, for purposes unknown.



    Mirfah: Holy hell... those're a damn lot of guards!


    Agni: I already knew it was going to be bad... but something like this...


    Suddenly, the bus stopped without reaching the bus stop they were going to land, near to the entrance to the Slums. When Agni looked at the driver, he made a strange signal, like a salutation to something in front of him, but he could get the message.



    Agni: A guard is coming towards the bus! Get behind the seats and stay quiet at all cost!


    He and Mirfah lowered the profile. It could be something overboard, but something told Agni this wasn't going to be an actual nice trip like Light said before...

    Tommy hid behind his seat, sneaking his guitar under one of the seats so it wouldn't make him be a dead giveaway. Frank and Kyosuke hid behind their seats as well, guns out in case they got noticed.


    Tommy: (clearly scared, but quiet as a mouse) A - am I gonna die today? I - I don't wanna die young!

  10. 17 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team (Agni and Mirfah)


    BGM: Lights, Camera, Action! still playing


    They went inside the bus as LightFlare paid their fee. It was actually empty, which would help them to discuss plans without worrying people. The driver didn't seem to mind it much. Then, Light asked for his and Ludger's opinions about the division;



    Agni: Well... this is hard. I can't imagine how tight will be once we arrive. I do have a feeling we'll end up finding a lot of trouble...


    Mirfah: I think we should split into three groups. I mean, everyone here's well equipped and we're not losing that easily in a fight.


    Agni: Problem is, we have to limit ourselves. We can't rush and use all of our powers. And while we're talking on that... Changing Paradigm to Medic.


    Agni changes his skill set before arriving. He feels as if he'll be more useful healing. He could change to Synergist, but the situation doesn't seem to call it. As for the separation, he reached a conclusion. It was based on a hypotesis, but...



    Agni: I'm positive they have informed about the incident with Light... it's hard to think about the situation being in favor to us, even if I'm speaking hypotetically... even so...


    Agni: Let's separate in three groups. Light will lead Team 1, Ludger leads Team 2 and.I'll take Team 3, if you don't mind.


    Mirfah: I don't! I call dibs on Team 3!!


    Agni: D-Don't be hasty, we need to know if everyone agrees with the idea first!


    Eh, I agree; in case it does happen, I choose Team 3.



    I choose Team 2; I think my photography might be fairly useful this time around.



    Team 1, just so I won't get annoyed by these two morons.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

    Flare looks at Tommy.



    "Hey kid, if you see your photographer friend be sure to give this to him."


    He proceeds to throw a smaller pouch to him.


    Very well, sir! I'll make sure my big bro gets this gift!


    Tommy put the pouch in his pocket for safe keeping.



    Well, guys, I'm just as ready as you are! Let's get going, shall we?

  12. 3 minutes ago, A person said:

    Nemesis sighed. With all of their excitement, she was almost certain that someone was going to mess up somewhere. And the thought alone of what would happen depressed her.



    Nemesis: I'll lead the group to the king...





    ...I have a feeling that this is going to be an annoying friendship... just judging from your sheer excitement at the moment, it's just as likely that you act like this all the time.



    ...just you wait...



    Point proven.

  13. 8 minutes ago, A person said:

    Nemesis let out a sigh. More responsibility...she turned to Darkflare.



    Nemesis: Do you know where a hospital is? I guess he needs to get his face looked at...




    N - no. Trust me, lady; I'm fine. I've been in worse situations. Excuse me for a second, won't you?


    Kyosuke turned over to Tommy, ready to give him a full-out rant... until he noticed Tommy's guitar.



    ...is... is that a real guitar?



    Tch... yeah... I've been playing this guitar for a lo -



    OH MY GOD! You play an instrument too!?









    H - how did you just change moods so suddenly!?

  14. 2 minutes ago, A person said:

    They didn't need another one. She shot a sharp glare at Tommy.



    Nemesis: TOMMY, PUT HIM DOWN, NOW.


    B - b - but he's my new friend!



    Lemme go before I put a bullet in your brain, goddamnit!


    That somehow distracted Tommy as he thought just how a bullet would hurt him. Kyosuke fell face first to the floor, but got back up.




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