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Posts posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. 4 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    The man explained to Frank that if he really wanted to get some good pictures, he should head north. The leader of the Knights of the Forsaken, Hakumen would be giving a speech.



    I'll make sure to write that down.


    Frank smiled at the man, before turning around and pulling out his notebook, writing the tip the man had told him so he could remember later.



    Thank you, sir; you've been very helpful today. 


    Frank put his notebook in his pocket.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team 3



    Mirfah: Geh...!!


    Lucina's explosion surprised them, as she separated Mirfah and Tommy from Agni.



    Agni: Ahh... thanks. My arm was going to hurt so bad...


    Then, Yui began to talk. She seemed really stressed with everything that happened between them and it even got her back to the past as well. After listening to her, Mirfah began tearing up as well.


    BGM: Sis Puella Magica! (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)



    Mirfah: T-That's not it..!!. I... lost someone... because I was like Tommy... that's why I don't want him to get too close...


    Agni: Mirfah...


    Mirfah: My whole squad... I lost my whole squad to demons... and he reminds me of... of a partner I had there. He and Agni are so alike that I... I can't help but wanting to protect him!


    Mirfah: This was another chance given to me! I can't... waste it...


    Agni: ...

    Mirfah kneeled and cried as well. This had suddenly become a sort of sad moment... but Agni tried his best to comfort them;



    Agni: You two... I'm not leaving you both behind. But let's make one thing clear. We're protecting each other, I'm not for being protected alone. We're here for each other first and foremost. And also...


    Agni went towards Yui and smiled at her. He knew that, even if the details weren't at his possession, she went through a lot.



    Agni: We all lost something that's important to us. However, we can't just stay crying, getting all ahead on the past. You saw me back at the Hangout. I was just like you.


    Agni: If you need someone to talk, to deposit your sadness, you can depend on me. I'm here for you all, as a friend.


    Mirfah: A... Agni... you...


    Mirfah got up and looked at them, wiping his tears. It seems the past has gotten the better of him. After seeing Agni once more, he looked back at Tommy.



    Mirfah: A-Alright, Tommy, I give. I was being hard on you back then... to fix our mistakes together, we'll both protect Agni with our lives!


    Mirfah: But if you mess this up, I really won't forgive you! Got it?! *extends his hand*

    Mirfah forgiving Tommy genuinely surprised him; however, Tommy extended his hand either way.



    Wow... you're really forgiving me that quickly.


    Tommy smiled.



    T - thanks, Mirfah... I... would've never expected that.


    Tommy turned over to his other teammates.



    So, let's get this show on the road, shall we? Let's make sure no one screws up; that's our number one priority! We're a team; everybody sticks with everybody else! Got it?


    BGM: Teen Age Riot

  3. 6 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



    Yui: I'm not going to say you did the wrong thing by forcefully separating them... but threatening them with a sword is just to going to make things worse.


          She could see how both Mirfah and Tommy held Agni in high regards...but it reminded painfully well of how she behaved near her brother and how she reacted with the implication of him being replaced by someone else.




    Yui: Calm down Tommy. She cares about Agni as much as we all do...It's just that...people express their care in a different way, just...don't let it hurt you.


          Then, she looks at Mirfah.



    Yui: I know you don't trust Tommy, but don't you think that what you're doing might be hurting Agni? I know he seems like the kind of person you want to stay close too all the time...


    Yui: But...You have to learn how to stand up by yourself...to move on...when you lose something...or else...you won't be able to face reality...


          Yui was trying her hard to hold back her tears. She felt like she needed to keep a strong exterior in order to make her message come across.

    Tommy looked over at Agni. All that yelling had gotten Tommy prepared for whatever would happen next.



    I agree with Yui...


    Tommy smiled, trying to do his best to prolong the inevitable.



    ...maybe we could share Agni instead?

  4. 14 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:


    Lucina, who had remained silent, meditating on how long will it take to end this ordeal, and get answers that might lead to Magio and Argento's fate, witnesses this childish spectacle, and breaks the silence by brutally exploding


    Angry.png ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!! (violently throws Tommy and Mirfah off Agni, and makes sure to leave both away one from the other) Agni's our leader, not a babysitter, he's here to guide us through this dangerous path, and you two are behaving like little children who did not get a toy for Christmas! act civilizedy, or else, I will be forced to use my Falchion, UNDERSTOOD!? (walks by Agni's side) sorry for the outburst...but I needed to discipline those two

    Lucina's yelling completely broke Tommy; he stayed standing, too petrified to move a muscle, crying the entire time.



    W - what a nasty little bitch... why would she yell at me like that!?

  5. 4 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


    Agni felt his arm being pulled by a running Tommy. But before he could be caught and taken away, Mirfah held his arm strongly.



    Agni: Agh...!!


    Mirfah: (You're not taking him...! I'm not risking his life, not like I did with Krantz!)


    Agni: E-Enough... I'm not a rope to be used in this tug-of-war...!


    (crying) L - let him go! I don't want to lose another brother!


    Tommy let go.



    I - I already lost most of mine a long time ago...

  6. Tommy knew that there had to be somebody close by to him... but who? Just that thought scared him; it was blatant, considering the fact that he was shivering slightly, even while trying to hide his fear.



    M - maybe a bit of guitar playing might help the f - fear...


    Tommy decided against it; he wasn't getting backtracked no matter what happened.



    ...no. I'm not going to get myself distracted when I have bigger concerns at hands.


    Tommy looked at Agni; maybe if he could get his attention, he'd help Tommy become less scared.



    B - brother! I'm scared! What's going on!? Why do I feel like someone's right behind us!?


    @Agni Blackheart plz

  7. 3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)



    AgnI: What?! Tommy, get down from there this instant! A guard will spot you!


    Mirfah: Guess he won't change. We might as well move on. C'mon.


    Mirfah grabbed Agni's arm tightly, surprising the ngel.



    Agni: M-Mirfah, what are you doing?


    Mirfah: If we stay around, we're going to draw attention. Let's go.


    Agni: OK, OK, but don't drag me like that.


    Mirfah: We don't have time. Hurry, his scream will give us more problems.


    Without waiting for the others, Mirfah dragged Agni with him to somewhere else. Surely, guards would appear and give them a very problematic situation.


    Wait, what!?


    Tommy immediately jumped off the roof... and caused a small crack in the ground, but at least he landed feet-first, and didn't get knocked over either!



    Shit! Wait for me, brother! We're going through this together! We're like a family! We stay with each other no matter what happens! No matter how stupid someone acts! We have a bond that'll never be separated... well, except for Mirfah, but that's beyond the point.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


    The commotion would certainly call some attention. Luckily, there weren't guards near the area anymore. Still, the people were looking at the scene they caused. Agni sighed hardly.



    AgnI: ... I'll just move on and pretend this never happened. You two will resolve this on your own, don't pin this problem into me.


    Agni moved along, following Yui and Hinamori. Mirfah was surprised: not because of the scream, but because Tommy screamed.



    Mirfah: So you can scream. Never thought you even understood the concept of rage.


    Mirfah: Anyway, that ain't changing my opinion of you so quickly. I still think you're a brat that lives in a colorful world, full of unicorns, rainbows and where you can sing and dance freely. Sad to say, you didn't manage to wake up back to reality yet. But at the very least, I can give you respect. However...


    Mirfah held Tommy by his collar and looked at him fiercely. The alien boy was a reminder of his past self, something he hated with all of his guts.



    Mirfah: Don't drag Agni into your little magical place. It's idiots like you that make people like him sacrifice in order to let you living.


    He pushed Tommy away and went after the others. Mirfah gave him a last look before moving.



    Mirfah: Since I don't want to cause him more problems, let's not talk with each other, got it? We can TRY to be friends once you fully realize how dire our situation actually is. Keep being that smiling, innocent lunatic if you want, but don't get near me.


    Mirfah finally walked a little far from Agni and the others. As Hinamori looked at a corner, he noticed what she had found there.



    Agni: (A gleaming web? What is that?)


    Hmph. And I thought Ed was a grump... looks like I was mistaken.


    Tommy noticed a nearby building; this gave him an idea.



    (...maybe I might be able to stealth-attack whatever creature is making that if I just catch up to the team without it seeing me... it seems like a fairly good idea in my book... plus, no guards will be able to catch me if they can't see me...)


    Tommy used a fire boost in order to launch himself into the air, high enough to land on the building he was eyeing.



    Heh. I can see Agni from here. Maybe I could even get his attention to he could see how high up I am... he might be impressed for that one...


    Tommy proceeded to perform parkour, leaping from roof to roof in order to catch up with his team, as well as his "brother". Once he was close enough...



    Hey, Agni! Can you hear me from up here!?

  9. 3 minutes ago, A person said:

    Hera chuckled as she led the group out of the throne room and towards the north side of the castle.



    Hera: His Majesty most certainly would not mind your excitement! After all...he needs it at this point in time. But that is a story for another time, I suppose.



    Hera: Since I am leading you, I do not suppose you would be willing to give me your names, Masters and Mistresses? I feel obliged to refer to guests by the names they wish to have!




    Edward hesitated about telling his name, but eventually decided that it had to be done.



    ...my name is Edward Thompson?

  10. 11 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:

    Team 3



        Suddenly, a strong gust of magic wind fanned the flames caused by the explosion, putting them out. It was Yui's doing.



    Yui: I know how you feel Tommy, I really do...But I don't think that you should blame your lost race for the anger you feel for someone else.


    Yui: We will resolve this matter later...What you did right now certainly called some attention.


    Hinamori: Hm?




    Hinamori: What...


    Yui: Let's go Hina.


    Hinamori: Okay... (Is someone watching us?)

    Tommy immediately realized that he had accidentally called some attention to his team.



    Oh... I - I screwed up...


    Tommy cringed slightly when he realized that. Suddenly, something else caught his attention.

  11. 4 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

    @Tony Redgrave @Mister Fael @NijikakuFan61


    Meanwhile LightFlare notices some guards getting close to his position. He lets out a whistle and begins to head further east hoping the others take notice...



    (Time to relocate...)

    Kyosuke simply walked away, putting his pistols in his pockets and whistling innocently in order to not get any attention drawn to himself.

  12. 9 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)



    Agni: Good job, Tommy! *pets his head*


    Mirfah: Oh wow, at least ONE job done right. It's going to rain meteors, everyone get your umbrellas.


    Agni: C'mon, Mirfah, stop it. You're treating him as if he was a amulet of misfortune...


    Mirfah: And I'm not wrong.


    Agni: *sigh* Honestly, dealing with this is becoming slightly difficult..


    Even if Tommy's smirk hasn't made Mirfah mad, hearing him call Agni as a "brother" made things slightly tense.



    Mirfah: Hey, what the hell do you mean by "brother"?! He's not your family!


    Agni: H-Hey, don't go overboard with this. I don't mind it, anyway...


    Mirfah: Besides, a weirdo like you would just embarass him. Between us here, I'M qualified to be his brother, not you.


    Agni: Wha- now you're going to discuss that?!


    Mirfah: You can't deny that I'd actually be the best brother you'd ever have, right? *hugs Agni with one arm*


    Agni: (What are you, a preschooler?)

    Tommy: Alright...


    Tommy had held it in with Mirfah up to this point; however, his judging of Tommy due to him calling Agni his brother finally pissed him off. He decided to make his anger blatant by creating a small explosion of flames behind him.


    Tommy: Can I just say ONE FUCKING THING!? The reason why I consider him my brother is because he's arguably the ONLY FUCKING PERSON HERE THAT'S TREATED ME NICELY SO FAR OTHER THEN YUI! Nemesis is such a fucking temperamental bitch that she'd probably turn me into a fucking pin cushion JUST FOR A MINOR SLIP-UP! Meanwhile, Magnum's so occupied with his important little "job" for him to EVER FUCKING CARE ABOUT ME!


    Tommy turned all his attention towards Mirfah, probably the person he was most upset at.




    Tommy was so angry at Mirfah that he ended up pointing right at his face while he was yelling at him. He turned towards Agni... that anger had turned into tears.


    Tommy: ...I'm sorry for yelling like that... eight years of pent-up anger over having your own race wiped out can change a person...

  13. 1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


    Tommy's jumpy hug startled Agni for a little bit, but he couldn't help but smile. However, as he left, something surprised him.



    Agni: Did... he called me "brother" or was it just me...?


    Agni: (Not that I mind it, anyway. He's just a kid, so getting worried about it doesn't fit.)


    He left once again to continue asking in the area.


    A few moments later...


    Agni and Mirfah reunited and waited for the others to come back. However, they already started discussing what they found.



    Agni: How were your finds? Did you manage to discover something?


    Mirfah: It's all so scrambled... there are people who are in favor... people who are against... people that don't even know what's going on...


    Agni: Those were the same results for me, I suppose. I don't have a single clue about the rebellion itself or who's leading it...


    Mirfah: Maybe Hina and Yui have something.


    Agni: Aren't you excluding someone?


    Mirfah: That peanut-brained kiddo? He'll never find a clue. Heck, I don't even know how he's able to differ left from right.


    Agni: Mirfah...

    Tommy heard exactly what Mirfah had said, and immediately walked over to him.


    Tommy: Well, actually, I did get some answers...


    Tommy cleared his throat, ready to give his speech.


    Tommy: The lady that I had asked said that the guards were patrolling earlier and had a confrontation with two guys, both of whom I have no idea in term of names. Yet again, it was only two of them, but they were apparently pretty strong. Now their leader, whoever he is, has become more vocal, apparently. He wears s mask apparently and is known as Hakuman, no idea who he is, but I believe her. He supposedly is a Royal Knight, don't know what that is, assigned to this area for a special project, don't know what it is. But what that is is unknown, even to me. She said that apparently, "he says it's to make our community a safer place".


    Tommy smirked at Mirfah, before turning over to Agni and smiling.


    Tommy: Is that enough information for you, "brother" Agni?

  14. 8 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    The lady said the guards were patrolling earlier and had a confrontation with two guys. It was only two of them but they were pretty strong. Now their leader has become more vocal. He wears s mask and is known as Hakuman. He supposedly is a Royal Knight assigned to this area for a special project. But what that is is unknown. He says it's to make our community a safer place. Who knows for sure..

    Tommy smiled. He had finally been rewarded for asking correctly.



    Thank you for the help, ma'am. I'm forever grateful.

  15. 5 minutes ago, A person said:

    The queen nodded her head slightly.



    Queen Rupina: Of course...


    She then pointed her staff at Nemesis.



    Queen Rupina: And your name?


    Nemesis bowed once again. There was no point in hiding the truth any longer.



    Nemesis: My name...is Idealis. Idealis Furtivus. 



    Queen Rupina: And I assume that you, too, have lost something?


    Idealis nodded.



    Idealis: Yes, your Majesty. Unlike them, I did not lose my skills, but, rather, I have lost most of my belongings during the travel between my world and this one.


    The queen nodded her head slightly.



    Queen Rupina: Ah, do not fret; yours is a similar story to others. 


    She diverted her attention back to everyone in front of them.



    Queen Rupina: There are many others who have had the same experience as those three, and they have also come here in the hopes of discovering the reason why they are here.


    Her face grew serious.


    BGM: 07. 降りてきた神秘



    Queen Rupina: And, fortunately, we believe we have finally discovered the answer to that question. The answer lies within a kingdom to the north; there, resides a powerful oracle who has sensed that the world is in great danger, a danger that not even we are capable of handling alone. He was the one who has summoned everyone to our world. I must apologize in his stead; his decision was made entirely out of desperation, and though I am certain that your worlds are in no danger even if ours was to be destroyed, which is, unfortunately, inevitable, I believe he assumed that you would all be willing to aid us in protecting it. I understand if you are unwilling to; being dragged from your home planet without warning can be jarring, and the grief those close to you would experience must be unimaginable. I am certain that we can find a way to banish this threat without outside aid, but I suppose, since our enemy is unknown, we should attempt to gather as much aid as possible before a possible altercation. So, I ask you all; are you willing to join us in our quest to defend our world from that which threatens it?


    Tch... I gave up on caring a long time ago... but my little brother's going to be much more eager about the whole "saving the world" thing...


    Edward sighed.



    ...in that case, I guess I have no choice but to say "yes'.

  16. 2 minutes ago, A person said:

    The queen couldn't help but chuckle to herself, earning her a gentle nudge from the king. She regained her composure.



    Queen Rupina: And have you, perchance, lost something?


    Not exactly...


    Edward suddenly remembered something that he, in fact, did have.



    ...well, much like my fellow teammate Seth, I might have forgotten my powers...

  17. 13 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

    After a moment of sleeping like a log on the infirmary's bed, Kirimuri suddenly wakes up, feeling refreshed and full of energy.


    Kirimuri: *incomprehensible mumbling* "zzz... Whoa! I'm still alive. And great as well. Seems like the debuffs wore off."


    He proceeds to get out of his bed and stretches his limbs. Then, he takes off his jacket, his mask and his cap, then picks up a pair of training nunchucks from his bag and proceeds to swing it to get his muscles working normally.



  18. 25 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


    As they listened to the answers, a sudden question called their attention. Agni knew Tommy was a little "different", but Mirfah wasn't taking it as an excuse.



    Agni: I see. Well, thank you, miss. And sorry if I bothered you.


    Mirfah: Yeah, I feel what you're saying. Anyway, thanks a lot, dude! Walk in the shadows!


    Agni and Mirfah went back to the others a little, with the latter snapping as he came back. He didn't scream loud though.



    Mirfah: You idiot! What the hell are you doing?! This is the second time you blow it up! If your loud "no" wasn't enough back at the bus, now you throw random questions at people!


    Agni: M-Mirfah, calm down.


    Mirfah: Goddamnit... I'm going back to ask around some more before I end up screaming and giving us away! Tommy, you better not mess this up! I'm not up to fall into a trap because you're stupid!


    Mirfah left to ask some more people in the area. He was unable to know if this was related to before, when he was lost, but Agni sighed eitherway.



    Agni: *sigh* How energetic...


    Agni: Tommy, if you try to ask someone and forget what you're asking, don't throw the first question in your head. Properly say that you're sorry for disturbing them and come to me or someone else.

    Tommy: Okay!


    Tommy hugged Agni.


    Tommy: Anything you say, brother.


    Tommy approached another random person, prepared to ask the exact questions that Agni wanted him to ask.


    Tommy: Excuse me, ma'am; I happen to be a private detective, and I'm currently investigating an ongoing problem; do you have any idea about what's happened to the guards?

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