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Status Replies posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. so it turns out that in response to barack obamas same sex marrige thing DC comics is going to make one of their existing characters openly gay

  2. Soundtrack Hunt #3-Shadow the Hedgehog

  3. I got robbed earlier -___- I fuckin hate this city

  4. i....so.....Tired =)

  5. Need more beta testers for Kanon, who wants to be one? (2-3 more spots left)

  6. My Black Ops keeps freezing & I just bought it!! WTF!

  7. does anyone have any recommendation for a aint virus/spy ware program

  8. in regards to the new dmc, I would actually be prety amped for the re-boot IF he looked like Dante. Gameplay looks great but...that isn't Dante ._. maybe they should say its his son or something

  9. some guest person just pmed me some bs.... im scared...

  10. looks like iam going to be broke again 350 for my new apartment 80 for my phone bill 100 for my replacement 20 for my probation officer and somewhere in between food :( on the upside my date lastnight went amazingly awesome

  11. ok had to let them upload overnight, but the Shades Of Manhattan complete roster collection is up and running, check it out under collections.... also thanks so much to TotalDramaExtrmest for help with giving me the characters that sean never released from the fullgame, u were a big help bro

  12. Uploading another stage in a little. It won't focus on 1 color like before though.

  13. if any1's interested, i kut & kreated a 4-Disc Whitney Houston set myself, cuz alot of these "Hits" albums out were seriously lackin' to me. hit me up here of you want dem shitz.

  14. You will notice most of my previews are gone from old posts. This is because mugen coder is down for maintenence I will slowly be fixing them so unless you want to make your own please just wait for them to be fixed.

  15. Cant Sleep,Clowns Will Eat Me, Cant Sleep Clowns will eat me

  16. sorry i've been seemingly neglectful as of late y'all. i try to do too damn'd much at 1 time, so i've been on overload. shit, i need a vacation.....

  17. Small room, smaller bathroom but free wifi! Or it would be oui-fi? * lame pun!*

  18. No Green 4 SCV -_-

  19. DAMN wont be playin MUGEN 4 awhile..............

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