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Status Replies posted by Cook4251

  1. You grab a frying pan...and you cook up some numbers and ta-dah! you just made Cook4251!

  2. You take one MFFA member, give him bad jokes to make, and you got Cook.

  3. Need a little help on the button config for Gui Santos' MKP Season 2.9

    (Need help with the button config for controller pad for a 360). Help would be appreciated.

  4. tsIocSY.jpg


    Your jokes are bad and you should feel bad.

  5. tsIocSY.jpg


    Your jokes are bad and you should feel bad.

  6. Need a little help on the button config for Gui Santos' MKP Season 2.9

    (Need help with the button config for controller pad for a 360). Help would be appreciated.

  7. Threep!

    Take a lone rouge warrior! Give him some guidance to the path of Light! You now have @LightFlare_Da_Realest

  8. I forget how much i liked reading The Roleplay Paradise. Darkflare, Lightflare. Dumanios, Duckmann, A person, and others really know how to bring drama, suspense, emotions, comedy into one series. I need to catch up on Lightflare and the others on Kalos City. :)

  9. I forget how much i liked reading The Roleplay Paradise. Darkflare, Lightflare. Dumanios, Duckmann, A person, and others really know how to bring drama, suspense, emotions, comedy into one series. I need to catch up on Lightflare and the others on Kalos City. :)

  10. I forget how much i liked reading The Roleplay Paradise. Darkflare, Lightflare. Dumanios, Duckmann, A person, and others really know how to bring drama, suspense, emotions, comedy into one series. I need to catch up on Lightflare and the others on Kalos City. :)

  11. Question: I tried applying some new palettes to Kohaku's Kirino, but all that show up are the default ones. Is there an error with it or something?

  12. Finished one stage, tho, should make it also for 1.0??? [View]








    Not something detailed or fancy but it´s allright i guess.

  13. Polnareef. He's in the chrome of the steering wheel. (Actual Dub Inflection)

  14.  What resolution you guys using in MUGEN?

  15. FCC WINS...


    Maybe? JUST maybe?

  16. Just realized it's been 10 years and 4 days since Reuben Kee passed away.


    Never knew the dude in real life but he seemed to be a nice person... RIP.

  17. I'm baaaaack! And with good news. Sometime by Next Thursday, i have a new laptop put on a layaway. It's an HP flyer red laptop, i found for $279 at Wal-mart. Is it a good laptop. Please let me know. :)

  18. I'm baaaaack! And with good news. Sometime by Next Thursday, i have a new laptop put on a layaway. It's an HP flyer red laptop, i found for $279 at Wal-mart. Is it a good laptop. Please let me know. :)


    No Yamate! Yugi!


  20. My reaction to the Kolin reveal trailer 


  21. Princess Trunks...!

    Please no....

    You lied to me.


  22. Aftwe a lomg hiatus, i have returned with a new laptop. Its a chromebook 15 by Acer.

  23. From what it looks like, it appears as if our collections are safe and sound!!! XD

    Now all we've got to do is wait until the collections thread is up and running again!

  24. I'm not even trying to think about what's going on with the community at this point. 

  25. Remember the mugen elitist years? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


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