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Status Replies posted by Cook4251

  1. My Resolution for the M.U.G.E.N Community:


    Accept the feedback be it negative or positive to improve on your mistakes.

    Stop dickriding creators nuts just because "He'S YoUr FaVoRiTe".

    Adapt to a new style BESIDES P.O.T.S(Ohmsby style is looking pretty good.) style.

    Do not get in your feelings this year and nut up or shut up.


  2. If there was a Mugen rewind for 2019, it'd just be a list of badly edited pots styled characters and sucessfully ohmsby styled characters. Butthurt reactions from creators who could not accept CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK, Darkflare's feedback triggering people(Man i love that dude, PAUSE), Dissidia pointing out the flaws in the "New pots era" characters, and creators now charging via paypal the prices of RENT MONEY.  Yup that's Mugen Rewind in 2019. *Plays Porky Pig that's all folks*

  3. -Picks Infinite's Jin-

    -Uses it against Chuchoryu's characters-

    -Sees Savage victory quote-



    1. Cook4251




      Actually it's, "You are nothing but a defect..."


      The quote Gui said is a direct quote if fighting against himself(mirror match).

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Nobody:
    Mugen Creators in 2019-2020: Y'all got any more of them Paypal Donations? *Tyrone voice* 

  5. Fuck YouTube and their shitty rules and that COPPA shit! (well, my content isn't intended for children anyway. :3)
    I won't give up of my channel and i'll still with my edits and also still sharing some good MUGEN stuff on YouTube.

    1. Cook4251


      YouTube started going downhil in 2010. At this point, i'm not even surprised at what will happen next...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. So, what are any of your thoughts on the Gill Trailer? I see they got Gaara to voice Gill which is a plus. 

  7. After 22 years, it finally happened.

    Ash Ketchum (Satoshi) of Pallet Town has won the Pokemon League.


    1. Cook4251


      I'm happy for him, but it's like that one underdog player who took 20 something years to finally win his MVP ring. Nontheless, congrats for Ash. 🙂

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Zafina returns!


    She absorbed Azazel?!?

  9. So i'm trying to use 1.1 and all i'm getting is a black screen when loading the stage. Any help please? It'd be greatly appreciated.

    1. Cook4251


      I thought it had something to do with WIndows 10. What should it be set to?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. So i'm trying to use 1.1 and all i'm getting is a black screen when loading the stage. Any help please? It'd be greatly appreciated.

    1. Cook4251


      I am not sure, but whenever i use it,(1st time, i had a black screen with stage and everything cloning out on stage, then the 2nd time, the stage worked, but i had a black screen at said bottom of stage).

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Life update:

    I i was hospitalized for almost a week due to finding out that i am a diabetic and that really hit me hard this year but i will beat it that i promise you. I'm on insulin shots so i can get my body back on the right path.

  12. I'm gonna take a break from here and mugen. My life as of lately has been nothing but mental abuse, bullying, and my mind can't take it anymore. Don't know when i'll be back but i just need some time to get myself and my mind back together. Just need ta focus on myself for now.

    1. Cook4251


      EXECUTIVE CQC BRUH! But yeah, thanks for the laughs guys. 🙂

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. "Look at all those Eggman's Robots" ~ Tails


  14. So, Simon Belmont's now in Smash...now Castlevania fans can die happy....oh and Richter Belmont is there too (He's just an echo fighter of Simon)... Just thought to point out the obvious....also Chrom's there, I think he's a echo fighter of Lucina who is a echo fighter of Marth....Echoception perhaps?

  15. So.... King K. Rool actually made it into Smash.


    Also, Shovel Knight is in.

    As an Assist Trophy.

    Hey, better than nothing.

  16. The Belmonts, Chrom, Dark Samus & King K Rool, oh my! The Kroc is unlocked!

    Those trailers were sick! Ultimate gets more amazing by each day:



  17. Every figthing game at this year is basicly a Mugen

  18. When P.O.T.S Styled first came to the scene: Yay!

    Later on: Yay... -Flatly-

    Now: Yay... -Rolls eyes and sighs-

  19. Apparently, everyone is shocked about terry being turned into a female. Do you guys NOT remember when Miss X was Iori in drag? This is SNK people. Why are y'all surprised? Ash Crimson who looked like a trap, single handedly took over the world, but seeing Terry turned into a girl, blown everyone's mind?

  20. Sooo.... in 1 word I want everyone to tell me what i've missed?

  21. Would you look at that... Diamond is Unbreakable already gets an English dub! I almost thought we had to wait for eons for that... my curiosity is directed especially to what my boy Kira will sound like.

    1. Cook4251


      I'm curious how my boy Josuke will sound though. I look forward to it.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. Yakuza 3 has to be my least favorite out of the series. It's a good game in all, but it was mostly just slice of life with a tiny bit of drama(Until the end). 

    1. Cook4251


      Same here, but the only substory that i liked was "Hometown Girl". 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. Yakuza 3 has to be my least favorite out of the series. It's a good game in all, but it was mostly just slice of life with a tiny bit of drama(Until the end). 

    1. Cook4251


      Don't get me wrong, the substories and other mini games are great, its just that the story didn't get good until about the end point of the game. I won't say it is HORRENDOUSLY BAD, it's just bad in terms of storyline wise for the game.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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