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Riku Minato

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Status Updates posted by Riku Minato

  1. Mega Fight Between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Maywheather on May 2

    1. Wargame-kun


      lol i dont expect too much on this fight inb4 mayweather chicken out again

    2. Cayne
    3. Hellzone


      I hope pacquaio knocks maywheather out

  2. G'Morning I'm fine guys whats yours!?

  3. Just playing arcade games......

  4. If you were a Final Boss in a game, what would be your battle theme and your stage theme?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. yaminogun


      stage is dying planet by margatroid alice

    3. Zzyzzyxx


      Yankety Sax, fighting in "The Price is Right" stage.

    4. Riku Minato

      Riku Minato

      guys check out in "RANDOM CHATTER"

  5. Guys need help what is the best sub-boss characters!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doomguy


      I have those guys, too. Except they are Sub-Sub Bosses for me.

    3. Demitri


      Nightmare Geese.

      Oh you said sub-boss

    4. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      kain is not a sub boss he's a final boss, you mean grant

  6. Anyone gave a special victory quotes for Zeroko after beat SSJ3 Son Gokou, same for SSJ3 Son Gokou.....please

    1. Doomguy


      Look up Quote Codes for Mugen on Google.

  7. *sigh*its hard to be a Beautiful Girl.......

    1. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      It's even harder talking to one.

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      took the words right out my mouth

    3. Cook4251
  8. I'm soooooooo Hungry :-(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trinitronity


      Nah, it's because you have to git gud first.

      After all, real men eat from trash cans ONLY!

    3. Gaulbetti


      Awwww... So, no crates, brick walls, enemy corpses, and other destructible stuff?

    4. Trinitronity


      >>enemy corpses

      ...OF COURSE NOT! After all, you're not a cannibal or something! >:[

  9. OMG!!!All character in mugen like Tatsuki,Zeroko and such rare characters I can't find those characters anymore *sigh* I'm feel so sad :(

  10. "RIDER PUUUUUUNCH,RIDER KIIIIIIICK" Black's quote From Kamen Rider Black Nostalgia

  11. Hello everybody Long time No see guys its been a while matees...........So, what's the latest mugen games!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kazagami


      Mugen games? Most of them just a compilation

    3. Riku Minato

      Riku Minato

      Thanks guys I quit this game long time........Anyways I'm back to looking a new Mugen characters and stages and such again thank you guys for update...... :D

    4. JokerintheButt


      you can see anywhere most of craps are on that site you can check them http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/forum

  12. Can anyone help me to choose which the best in Nintendo games.....I can't decide

    1. Kanbei


      For what console? If wii I suggest both Mario Galaxies, Sin and Punishment Star Successor, Legend Of Zelda Skyword Sword, Punch-out, Pandora's Tower, The Last Story, Xenoblade, Wii Fit Plus and Super Smash Bros Brawl.

    2. Cayne


      Kanbei...... r u my clone???????.... don't forget paper Mario,tatsunoko vs Capcom, resident evil remake, mad world,and arc rise fantasia

    3. PlasmoidThunder


      Ocarina of Time :3

  13. Advance Happy New Year to all...

  14. 3 months to go before Christmas.Yay I can't wait.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      and thankfully, atleast for my kids part, my xmas shoping is already over this year

    3. Ryon


      wow impressive, you gotta show me the tricks sometime.

    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      This year indeed flew.

  15. Let's Listen:New World(FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 THEME) by CHARICE

  16. Let's Play POKEMON REBORN Ep.9:Sister's Keeper

    1. Kanbei


      I like Pokemon Nightmare better.

  17. Zeroko vs, SSJ Son Gokou which one you choose to win...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. llyyr


      I say laharl is gonna win.

    3. Riku Minato
    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      It depends, Zeroko is quite challenging, but i don't know about Goku, since i only have him and Vegeta. And only one version.

  18. ooooooh.....I'm so Hungry men I want eat food uuuuugh




  19. Is anyone know how to play Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII - 2?I want play this awesome game.

  20. Sigh.....What a Bore

  21. I'm Not Expected That Mayweather win the fight against Canello from Mexico

  22. MMMMMMM........Its hard find these characters and their AI patches!!!

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