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Status Updates posted by Darklight

  1. does anyone want to buy a game its lunar 2 eternal blue for the psx come with everything but the neckless the making of the game and the soundtrack iam selling it for 35

  2. i really hope my new phone come today then in a week i get my new copy of luar 2 erternal blue again which i really dont want only got it becuse i wanted the pendent i already have the game

  3. it looks like wlanmax is going under a new name now wonder how many times he going to try and pse as someone else now

    1. The Magic Toaster

      The Magic Toaster

      Changing his name wont hide the fact that people will still recognize his shitty chracters and coding.

    2. Darklight


      this is very true iam not 100 percent if its him but i think Zobbes is wlanmax now

  4. trying to get this emulator to work but it looks like ill never get it up and going

    1. Laharl


      which one i can help more than likely.

    2. Darklight
  5. got a bean and cheese burrito with some red hot sauce i think this is the last time iam going to go there and get one considering they cant melt the cheese and they dont add enough cheese too it plus the tax on it is a bit to much even tho the burrito its self is cheap

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darklight


      thats what i like to know the burrito only cost 329 with tav almost 4 bucks and they cant even make one that is decent

    3. Noside


      There's nothing better then the classic beef burrito, believe this beanner. :3

    4. Darklight


      lol everything else cost so damn much where i live and i dont want to fork over no 10 to 20 dollars just becuse iam to lazy to cook

  6. cant wait until Thursday

  7. gave the naruto collection a big update for those that do care iam still not done with it

  8. i think my cat chew my usb keyboard its a goodthing i have a built in keyboard plus being the fact its touch screen is also nice

  9. updated the resident evil section with 3 stages

  10. major update to the tekken thread 1 new character and alot of stages added

  11. i wish i rember where ramza is for mugen only found him once a long time ago he was release but i dont think he was compete either

    1. Darklight


      ramza from final fantasy

  12. computer crashes are always fun aret they

  13. does anyone know how to install Ultimate Fighting Tournament screenpack

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ryon


      never heard of it?

    3. Darklight
    4. NDogg


      It is a motif. You copy the folder, put it on the /data/ folder, open mugen.cfg, go to motif, add "(foldername here)/" inbetween "data/" and "system.def", you are done.

  14. finally got my website back up and running

  15. wow i forgot all about my own website have not seen in years funny how you forget things

    1. Leo


      Hmmm, do you have a website?

    2. Darklight


      i do i probably didn't rember i had one since the date seem to be in 2008 i forgot all about it

  16. its driving me nuts that i cant rember the boss name in one of the games Samurai Shodown .

    1. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      which 1? name which SamSho, & describe tha boss as much as you can.

    2. Darklight


      thats just it i barely rember it was pretty large carrys a long and thick sword pretty hard to beat at times i think his name starts out with ru or zu but i could be wrong was looking on the wiki to know more but if he on there his photo is not then been looking all day cus its driving me nuts he was made playable with a code too and as far as i know has not been made for mugen but there so many Samurai Shodown games i dont rember what one

  17. so it looks like its going to rain great i know we need it but i dont want to be out in it when i go to the store i had even thought about going swimming i guess that wont happen at least not today and until they clean the pool out

  18. wont be on for the rest of the day going to spend the night at my girls house shes going to cook me dinner nothing like a home cook meal

  19. lust has finally been made from full metal

    1. LightFlare_Da_Realest
    2. Darklight


      its good to see more full metal characters since there hardly any out there i dont no if its been release or not but i sent the guy a message about it so we just have to wait and see from what i seen its not very good so it could be a alpha

  20. just got into dc online but turns out there having issues with there server go figer

    1. ArtistofLegacy


      DC Universe Online is boring once you play it after a while.

    2. Darklight


      yeah i can see how that would happen wow was pretty boring

    3. Laharl


      after level 30 (max level) its hard as fuck.

  21. i have alot of stages that i downloaded from some website only profile i need someone who wouldnt mind taking the time to go thu them all for me and tell me what stages are for what collection so i can add them if anyone could do this for me id be greatful there to many of them and iam getting rather tired been up all night with my girl its her birthday today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darklight
    3. Annonith


      "All download slots for this link are currently filled." Do you have an alt link?

    4. Darklight


      no i dont that just means you have to wait a bit it does work

  22. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collection has been revamped

  23. i really hate when people upload a character they ant take just a few secend to make a folder before they rar them in the format so when your extecting them it the other folder in the character folder are everywhere on your desktop

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      i get it y'all, but on tha other hand,YOU can take a sec to open tha file 1st beforehand & look inside to see if it's in an actually char folder or not; if it isn't, then just klick "extract to *folder name*" instead of "extract here". simple, no?

    3. Reigizuo_78


      well i do that so no problem here...

      @Annonith, i feel ya bro i think its worse 2

    4. Reigizuo_78


      lol then there's the opposite with the stages where the person takes the time 2 make a folder 2 put files in when u cant read them dat way unless u do something extra -_______________-

  24. can the Wayback Machine take me back to when calamix website was online? with all of his mega man characters was open to the public?

    1. Sweetfire13


      Anything after 1996, but wouldn't you be more worried about probable broken links?

    2. Darklight


      a bit of both yes but since he took down his website or what was left of it i was wondering if you use the way back if there was a slight chance at maybe getting them

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