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Everything posted by Hadoabuser

  1. Oh crap I thought I put the website down, thanks ZombieBrock.
  2. If you have not tried this when it first came out I suggest doing so now, it is very entertaining. Plus you can play it on your browser while using your favorite gamepad.
  3. Casshern Sins isn't well known because the story progression of each episode is well, either not there and/or has to be interpreted by somebody that knows the story already for other people to have interest in watching. Even then it falls kinda short, although the art style is damn gorgeous and the action sounds are very well selected. Funimation picked up a few Tatsunoko titles can't be THAT obscure, I think?
  4. Played this in high school at school, the Lan parties were ridiculously fun. Tons of people to play since it was on our school laptops. I'd say the only reason I'd be playing Halo since I don't own an Xbawks.
  5. They left how how Nexon trolls you with their costly required quests, and bosses with small hurtboxes but huge hitboxes.
  6. No real fan can put into words how much they enjoyed Ocarina of Time. In my opinion anyway, mostly because I can't. Simply saying it was a damn blast IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Majora's Mask on the other hand, is also fun in its own regard but not like Ocarina of Time. The biggest cock tease being that you could only use the Fierce Deity's Mask to fight in the end.
  7. They're actually still making Ep 2 of that, wow. As for Tails not being playable in a Sonic (Adventure) game, the last time he was playable was in Sonic 2006?
  8. [Offtopic] Isn't raremew posting like some sort of spam or something? [Ontopic] I really played this too much when it came out, years later I still say "INFINITY" in my head when I see Ironman's PROTON....CANNON! Either that or random times when something "super" happens.
  9. Looks like it would make a good cell phone game.
  10. If anything this will shut up those that kept complaining of his low health, they knew what they were doing for once with him. I mean FFS one touch Thor, thats damn crazy considering he has the highest health in the game.
  11. No, that wouldn't be fair. The only reason the PS3 is getting so many exclusives is because Sony negotiates deals with the gaming companies. Seth said so himself in an interview about SFxT. Have M$ kick out a few more $ and you'll get more exclusives. As for people not talking, I'd rather have that than the 360 stereotype. Though in the games I've played online there were healthy amounts of talking. Although the communication functions for the PS3 really blow in comparison to 360, since in most games (not the COD series) more than two headsets on disrupt the flow of voice data for some reason. I'm pretty sure the only reason the Youtube uploader works on PS3 is because it has built-in browser support while 360 doesn't. The 360 probably has function issues dealing with that. My speculation of course.
  12. Yea no other "unplanned" DLC, that is why they said what they said in that response to not putting BBAMM in UMVC3. Just like Black Chaos' example, this was based on sales, player's feedback, and bug testing. It was bound to come.
  13. Got damn Ono, hes been spending too much time on the internet like the rest of us. You'd think this would result to bad sells, but you haven't seen what console they started using more at major tournaments. If this came out about 1.5-2 years ago then I'd agree, but more tournaments have started using PS3 over 360. The irony being that most players at them play primarily on 360. Besides with Sony advertising to a more general audiance the pitch is more towards getting non-fighting game players to buy it. Just think of the appeal Pac-man would have on grandparents that happen to see the commercial showing him. Hell I know a good few hundred sales will come from Cole being in there alone. I don't think I need to mention what will happen in Japan because of Toro and Kuro, maybe because of Bad Box Art Megaman too since the original series has a bigger scene there than over here.
  14. I played it to completion when I first got it. I played it a couple weeks ago and I was thinking "how the hell could I play this?".
  15. I wouldn't say backstab, that would be like Capcom saying they will put Megaman in and we got this. I'd say it is Capcom being ridiculously literal, jock monkeys.
  16. Naw I've been playing it on my phone. I say don't bother with it 1 unless you really just want to have put it on your finished games belt.
  17. You want to know why? Mr. I eh? A reference to Keiji Inafune, Mega Man’s creator? Might he have had input on the game even after he left Capcom? Seems Inafune thought it would be a funny idea, I'm thinking since Pac-man and the first Megaman came out in the same decade. Idk
  18. What? We got AE 2012 for free, unless they charge us for that what is the gripe?
  19. The playstyle reminds me of games like Landstalker: The Treasure of Kind Nole and Light Crusader. Both of which I love oh so very much. Though looking at this video is does not seem entertaining, the walk speed of the character appears very slow and the "dungeons" don't look like they make sense. This is just from watching the video though.
  20. So after crawling and "asking for directions" multiple times to beat the first one I started on the second. I haven't beaten it yet but I've put about 22 or so hours into it. General They did a better job of with the game overall, also making you understand what to do next though there are some moments that leave you wondering hard due to obscure hinting. Money The economy was handled much better this time around. In the first game I just sat and grinded to get the money I needed get my party set so they wouldn't get raped, early in the game anyway. Later I just sat on my thousands with no care on upgrading because I had tons of money left. This time around I didn't have to grind as much since there was a lot of fighting anyway and the exchange rate for selling your old things was pretty good. That aside the shops that you run into during the events of the plot were reasonably priced for how much I had when I got there. So when I ran into a store that would break me I knew I went exploring a bit too much =p. Battle The battling is better but I swear the magic attacks that nerf enemies' stats are damn useless. Those attacks have to pass a success check to work. After all the time I've been playing I've never gotten one to work. Though I tend not to use too many since it wastes turns and AP to do that and the monsters in this game are annoying lol. Most of the time I can finish a random encounter in 2-3 turns, with the exception of bosses of course. Thus making those attacks even more useless, they don't seem to work on bosses. Might just be my luck but I took a boss fight to have Spar do nothing but use those attacks and they didn't work. So yea to me they're just a waste of space. Well except to enemies and bosses since it works when they use it on my party. >_> I'm not sure how to address the special skills that every character has, to me it balances out since most of them either blow or are very good. Like Ryu's Guts skill, no cost healing based on the HP you don't have, friggin awesome. Even with the success rate not being 100% it is good enough to be worth using. Same applies for Nina's Will skill, except it only restores 16 AP when it works. Those two and Bleu's shed seem to be the only work while skills to actually use in battle. They're so good that the other skill not being worth using makes up for it. Pace It suffers from what i call "Digimon World" syndrome. I call it that since it was the first time I ran into it. It is where a game leads you a very long way (sometimes to a place you never went to during the events of the plot) just to do something simple like have a short dialogue with 1 person then going back an equal or greater distance to continue. It is tolerable but noticeable enough to be annoying along the way. Conclusion A waaaaaaaaay better playing experience than the first, though it has its noticeable issues.
  21. I don't have a video or anything I just wanted to start a discussion about it. General I beat it a while ago and it was not an enjoyable experience. Once I got to maybe 60% of the game it really became bad. It has very very bad conveyance and I became lost often as to what I was supposed to do next to progress. At those moments I looked to a guide, mostly to find out I had to go back to a town that wasn't mentioned to me had any importance to find a hidden item and/or talk to a random towns person at a specific point in the story that I had met hours ago and said nothing of relevance to the current event in the plot. There was one instance I can remember that had an unwinable boss fight that I ended up using most of my health items to try and beat, though once I lost I could see why I wasn't supposed to win. Its more of a "damn I wish there was a hint I was to lose" moment. Battle The battling itself was pretty ridiculous as well. There was a "mechanic" where bosses would recover after you "completely deplete their health". The "mechanic" was that the boss would have some sort of "I won't give up action" that stopped your party from attacking if they hadn't already. So if you planned on healing at some point and the "mechanic" kicked in you can forget about it. Another thing about battling was that after you earned the dragon forms for Ryu the battles take a few minutes to finish or you can just set it to auto-battle and walk away you would be totally fine for the most part. Even the bosses are no match for the later dragon forms of Ryu. Items Item storage was retarded as well, to me anyway. You could only hold about 40 items, I think. Within that 40 were your weapons, armors, accessories, battle items, recovery items, and story based items. So I ended up running out of space fairly often later in the game. Extra Finding the secrets were pretty fair I would think, if there weren't so many that completely affected game play. Though I'm 50/50 on this subject, after all it is a secret, I think? While most of them were reasonable two, where you needed to have found the 3rd form of the character that could fuse with others was annoying. Finding the spot was easy since it mentioned needing somebody strong to move "heavy object", the problem with that was that by story standards the strongest character in the game couldn't move it. Once again I took to the guide to find out how that made sense. Conclusion The gamers that supported this must have been serious, I mean die friggin hard RPG and/or Capcom fans to have supported this. I want to play through the remake to see if they fixed issues without making it a new game. Though I only played to completion because I had played it years ago but never finished.
  22. I say ZXRanga needs to make his own topic laughing about this, because of how obvious it was.
  23. If they take away that retard glasses thing and one button no input teleports then Wesker would be ok to me. As for Wolverine, bigger hurtbox on divekick. Hawkeye needs his slide nerfed like She-Hulk's, maybe increased hit deterioration on all arrows. Tron needs no buffs, at all. She is perfect the way she is. If I could remember the name of the video I'd show you how "badly she needs buffs". Arthur doesn't need any either, just need to practice using all his weapons in combos. Also Goddess' Bracelet finishers. Jill might need a damage increase on her Machinegun Spray super. Thats about it, she can OTG without assists and rape with OTG assists. Lol Wesker is not strong he just has a lot of options that make it hard not to get hit by him.
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