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Everything posted by JtheSaltyy

  1. Shingo's supers are almost complete, with his level 3 being the only one left. His AI is also complete, and so far I think he's turning out well. https://streamable.com/j0gr93 Hopefully this last stretch of progress will go as smooth as I hope, since this is going to be the first CvS Shingo with the new sprites. I found a manageable work pace adjusted for my health, so hopefully character creation for the next few months will be smooth as it was back in June-November. Have a good day.
  2. getting more work done on Shingo I'll try to post regularly for my future WIP projects
  3. CEO of KOF MUGEN has been released. Refer to the top post for the video and download link. Just a warning that this character has a ton of flashing lights and loud noises. If you are epileptic, this might harm you. He is meant to be a joke character, so expect to see a lot of janky stuff with him.
  4. I’ve decided to also make a thread documenting my releases in MFFA as well, since, back when I was healthy, posting my releases in here contributed to the exposure I had for those few months, so coming back and posting regularly on MFFA might help me get more feedback/exposure on my work and others who want to download the content I make (even though there’s not that many). It’ll be convenient, I’ll just say that.
  5. Latest Release: CEO of KOF MUGEN (1/31/21) Download Here = My Website = Works in Progress: stay blessed and epic everyone
  6. the living bruh moment known as 2020 will be over soon

    1. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

      Unless that pandemic goes away soon and society can finally normalize, we'll just see another round of bullshit that is 2021 really.

    2. PlasmoidThunder


      It's gonna tick over to December 32nd and you know it :}

  7. Ryo (CvS2 Reimagining) DOWNLOAD LINK http://www.mediafire.com/folder/6hfwuw3hl3u0j/JtheSaltyy's+Homework+Folder I hope you enjoy my latest release of Ryo. I hoped to tackle yet another SNK character this time around, and I think I can branch out with other franchises as well. Stay epic, everyone
  8. Yuri (CvS2 Reimagining) Yuri Sakazaki is the younger sister to Ryo Sakazaki and is a practitioner of the Kyokugenryu fighting style. She was originally the damsel in distress that Ryo needed to rescue in the original Art of Fighting. In Art of Fighting 2, she would make her first playable appearance, and would appear in almost every King of Fighters game SNK has made. Due to Yuri still being a student of Kyokugenryu, her moves aren't perfect, yet she embellishes them with finesse. Despite her appearance, she is indeed a strong fighter. Yuri's move set does not differ too much from her older brother Ryo. Her Ko'oken is a short ranged fireball, so her options of winning a fireball war are slim. She does have options to get past fireballs however. Her Saifa not only works as an attack, but also works as a fireball protector. Her Chou Upper is a great tool for combo enders, and works as an anti-air as well. Her Houyoku is especially powerful, since it's functionally the same as Akuma's Demon Flip, with the dive kick and Chou Slam being excellent options to go off of in a majority of situations. Her Chou Knuckle is good for either extending combos, or ending them depending on what version you're using. Overall, Yuri has a decent move set to deal with the many different types of fighters she may come across. That's it from me. I hope you like my second take on an SNK character, since I don't usually make them too much. Feedback is always appreciated. http://www.mediafire.com/file/hkm3f4mp02hggap/Yuri.zip/file Stay epic, because you're epic.
  9. = UPDATES = -Tiger Shot X Velocities are changed in Old Mode (LP = 2, MP = 5, HP = 9) -Palette mapping is changed to fit my recent creations (LP = Default) -Increased X Velocities of Enraged Tiger Knee -Increased Hit Stun on s.MK and s.HK -Fixed a bug where EX Tiger Uppercut, Enraged Tiger Uppercut, and Tiger Destruction do not hit all the way in the corner. -Fixed an odd bug in the wall bounce where if the opponent is not facing towards the opponent, they don't go in the right direction.
  10. = UPDATES = -EX Tiger Uppercut, Raged Tiger Uppercut, and Tiger Destruction all have unique whiff animations. -Fixed the Tiger Storm bug in the corner. -Fixed the positioning of the King's Clutch throw. -Tiger Toss does not switch sides when holding fwd, and does switch sides when holding back. -Fire FX on Tiger Cannon and Tiger Storm are shortened. -Transparency bugs fixed. -Pal FX on Tiger Cannon is increased. -Added Sagat's SF2 idle stance from M206's Supreme Sagat 5.3. -Noises fixed in Old Sagat version. wow Sagat had a lot of issues this time around.
  11. Sagat (CvS2 Reimagining) Sagat is known as the emperor of Muai Thai and it's not hard to see why. He has proven himself to be an elite fighter from a young age, and has improved over the years. He first appeared as the unplayable final boss of Street Fighter 1, and was the host of the first World Warrior tournament, and it would be in this final battle that saw Ryu scar Sagat with a powerful shoryuken. Sagat would swear vengeance against Ryu for nearly killing him. Sagat would later appear in Street Fighter 2 as one of the four shadaloo kings, and would take part in a large majority of Capcom's games featuring Street Fighter. Sagat is a zoner, and has proven that the zoner can be the best in their game. Sagat in almost every game he has appeared in has been considered a top tier or the best character in the game, with the exception of Street Fighter 4 and 5, where Capcom somehow made Sagat subpar, which both impresses me and pisses me off at the same time. His strongest appearances were undoubtedly his CvS2 and SF2 Turbo appearance, specifically Old Sagat. Since Sagat is my favorite fighting character ever, and CvS2 is my favorite fighting game ever, it's pretty obvious what game I'm 100% basing this Sagat off of. Not only does Sagat have his incredibly god tier CvS2 appearance in this Sagat, but he also has his Old Sagat mode, which makes for two of Sagat's strongest appearances in this one Sagat. You can see my bias towards this character. Sagat's low and high Tiger Shots make Sagat the best zoner in all of his games he has appeared in. The rapidly changing velocities of his Tiger Shots can make avoiding Sagat's fireball game a nightmare. Of course, Sagat has more than enough tools when his Tiger Shots have been jumped over and he's face to face with his opponent. If he wants to get his opponent from being too close, then dodge blow-away punch would do the trick. His Tiger Uppercut is a deadly anti-air, and the Tiger Knee is an excellent mix-up tool. He has two new attacks in the Tiger Rush, which is a special from SFV, where he can either sweep or kick, which is a great meaty tool. He also has the Tiger Bait, which is a counter move. However, this move cannot counter crouching moves. Overall, Sagat has all the tools he needs to win his matches. Feedback is of course always appreciated. http://www.mediafire.com/file/sgaxuy75cvy9hkd/Sagat.zip/file Have a good day, and stay epic, fellow epic gamer.
  12. Geese (CvS2 Reimagining) Geese is one of the most infamous SNK bosses. He is incredibly powerful, and has very difficult commands to his moves. He has high damage output in exchange for incredibly slow mobility. He has no real categorization of character archetype. He's not a shoto, or a grappler, or a rushdown. He's just a fine combination of all of fighting game's deadliest aspects. Of course, there's the pretzel motion for the Raging Storm, there's the unique command-based super in the Deadly Rave, and there's a multitude of half circles in his specials. I tried my best to make Geese like an actual boss character. Of course, he won't be that overpowered when he's in normal form. Nightmare mode, however, is a different story. Nightmare mode is Geese's EX mode. Even though Geese is presumably dead in the Fatal Fury series, he still comes back, just in a different way. He is called "Nightmare" because he is the opponent's worst nightmare. Bad joke, but hopefully you get the point. He's faster, stronger, and he has modified specials and supers. Overall, Nightmare is just miles better than normal Geese. Geese's AI is very challenging. It's preferable to punish Geese's constant c.LP chains once he gets close. Sometimes he can randomly throw out a Jaei-Ken or two that can be punished as well. While Geese's AI is very difficult, he has an occasional glaring weakness that can be taken advantage of. Besides that, I think Geese's AI is fitting of a boss character, and creates the challenge that a boss character like Geese should. That just about wraps it up for Geese (at least for now). I think it's good if I branch out and make some SNK characters, which is something I always didn't want to do. I hope this attempt of mine is enjoyable to all of you. http://www.mediafire.com/file/xtd42sdvktyzt04/Geese.zip/file Feel free to give me feedback so I can make this character even better. I hope you all have a good day and stay epic : )
  13. Boxer (CvS2 Reimagining) Boxer (Balrog) is one of the four Shadaloo Kings in Street Fighter. He is arrogant, self centered, greedy, envious, sadistic, and basically a living embodiment of the seven deadly sins. Balrog is a strong African-American boxer, and used to be a professional boxer, and he was very good at it too. However, when it was found out the Balrog cheated in his matches, Balrog was banned from boxing permanently, and then spiraled into his criminal life that he keeps today. Balrog always talks the talk, and he can also walk the walk. His move set is dead simple, yet extremely effective. Balrog is a charge character, meaning a majority of his special moves require the inputs to be held before the actual input was performed. His specials are also very unique, and he pioneered the "boxer" archetype for many fighting games to come. In later games, his moves weren't exactly updated upon. He kept the same moves, while everyone and their mom was getting a fireball. I was planning to give Balrog more Psycho Power driven moves, like Ed, but that's an idea for another time, and one that I don't think will fit for Balrog at the moment. Expect his old SF2 moves and some moves from SFIV and SFV. Balrog's AI is more slow and methodical than anything else. He won't try to throw out his best moves randomly. Sometimes he gets cocky and goes for it, but most of the time he carefully makes a decision when it comes to jump-in and footsie situations. Of course, without meter, he can't dish out too much damage. However, once he gains that meter, he becomes incredibly dangerous. His custom combos can do massive amount of damage and his supers are lenient on scaling, so he's bound to get some high damage in once his meter is full. The key to beating Balrog's AI is to just roll with his punches, because he has methods of turning the attacker into the defender, so playing overly aggressive is ill-advised. Balrog is also the cause of the name changes outside of the U.S. Due to him being a parody of the famous boxer Mike Tyson, since his name is Mike Bison in Japan, Capcom feared a lawsuit would be on their hands, so they changed the names of the three Shadaloo fighters. M. Bison (Boxer) became Balrog, Balrog (Claw) became Vega, and Vega (Dictator) became M. Bison in the US. It's confusing, yes, so that's why the localized names are very useful, them being Boxer, Claw, and Dictator. I frequently use them because it helps for people who are used to one of their names and aren't familiar with the other. That's about it for Balrog. I wanted to make him because I wanted to practice on another charge character, and also tackle some other unique inputs Balrog has. I do hope you enjoy this character. http://www.mediafire.com/file/zbb86fgyqtbd5lv/Boxer.zip/file Feel free to give me feedback so I can make this character even better. I hope you all have a good day and stay epic : )
  14. = UPDATES = - Level 1 supers for Evil Dan are nerfed - Evil Dan's chances at failing certain moves are lowered - Sprite 8014, 0 has a proper palette -Fixed the Debug Flood -Changed the command for Ashura Dankuu to be 3P/3K to avoid it replacing EX moves -Fixed some inconsistencies with the moveset.txt file -Various other bug fixes http://www.mediafire.com/file/0amh5yfpwfumhvv/Dan.zip/file
  15. Dan Hibiki (CvS2 Reimagining) Dan Hibiki is an arrogant, self-taught ex-student of Gouken. Meant to parody both Ryo and Robert from the SNK franchise, Capcom slowly turned Dan into an over exaggerated joke character. Dan's motive for fighting originated from one fateful day, where a towering, powerful shadaloo leader by the name of Sagat went into Go Hibiki's dojo. Go Hibiki was Dan's father, and he was about to become his student, but Go wanted to take care of Sagat first. Unfortunately, after Go kicks Sagat's eye out, Sagat beats Go to death out of blind rage. Dan had to watch as his father met a brutal end, and swore that he'd avenge his father by enacting it on his killer. Dan trained under Gouken for a short while, but upon Gouken realizing that Dan was going to use the Ansatsuken style for revenge, he kicked Dan out of his dojo, and he also did it because Dan kind of sucked, according to Ken. Eventually, he beat Sagat, but Sagat held back, knowing that he too felt the same way when Ryu scarred him, and felt pity for Dan, and Dan triumphantly set up his new Saikyo Ryu style, which would prove to be a pretty bad. However, he still fights ferociously to the very end, even if he's losing. Truly a tenacious fighter. I personally like his overall lore and gameplay. Dan's movelist is a watered down version of more powerful characters like Ryu and Ken. His fireball, the Gadouken, doesn't even have a lot of range. His Koryuken is merely the shoryuken, and nothing more. The Dankuukyaku is actually a pretty decent special, and I'm assuming Dan decided to name the move after himself because he felt pretty good about it. Back then he played quite lackluster and you'd be better off picking the real deal in Ryu and Ken. In games like SvC and SF4 however, he was given quite a few buffs that made him go from F tier to C tier and that's quite some progress. He's been given some SNK moves, and just new moves in general, which this Dan has. Gameplay wise, this version of Dan plays like his lackluster CvS2 appearance, however I gave a few buffs and new moves to make him more of an actual character. His combo game has been drastically improved. Besides that however, not too much has changed. He's, in my opinion, a much stronger version of CvS2 Dan. Same goes for the AI. While it may be incredibly nasty at times, Dan taunts a lot, which allows for some free hits. Refer to the readme.txt file to get a better explanation of Dan and how he plays, since I can't really explain it all here. That's all I have about this character. I decided that I'd end my month long break a bit early and now I'll start working on characters like DIO and Young Joseph. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this character. https://www.mediafire.com/file/0amh5yfpwfumhvv/Dan.zip/file Feel free to give me feedback and reviews, as I really do need those. I hope you all have a good day, and stay epic B)
  16. UPDATES -Fixed a glitch with sprites in 1.0 -Created a new small portrait that emulates the CvS style more instead of using the HFTF one. http://www.mediafire.com/file/zrr9fjzgkln4dub/Hol+Horse.zip/file
  17. ---------------- UPDATES ---------------- I have received a post on this topic from The 14th Doctor, claiming that they have made an edit of Wario. Doctor listed out a bunch of new changes, and after reading them all and testing, I must say, a very solid edit, and a massive improvement on the character as a whole. Doctor requested that I possibly add these changes in to a future update of Wario. Well, Doctor, if you're reading this, then yes, I am including some of your changes. When I mean some, I mean that. Some changes were put in, and some were left out. Here are the changes that have been added in, directly quoted from Doctor's post: -Reduced the animation speed of the EX Hyper Punch contact animation, as well as added hitboxes to the end of it -Changed the intro laugh to his Mario Kart 64 one, as well as reduce the animation time -Trimmed the audio of the Greatest Achievement hyper, which greatly reduced file size of the .snd file (it's around 8 MB as oppose to around 26 MB) -Changed one of his hurt sounds -Changed the light fart animation to include a bit of lip syncing -Fixed some errors that Fighter Factory detected, like the character using the non-existing statetime trigger -Fixed the flooring of the hallway for the greatest achievement hyper from not being tall enough for certain stages -Fixed his taunt sprites from having miscolored pixels -Fixed the Triple Fire Shot hyper from giving back power -Added burned, inflated and baby sprites, all from Warner's Wario These changes will be present in this update of Wario, but if you refer to his post, I did leave some out. This was intentional, and I'll explain why. For the select screen portrait, I wanted to make this Wario stand out from Warner's, and by having a more updated version of his select screen portrait, I can achieve that, and just having it be Warner's portrait defeats the purpose I am trying to go for. In terms of the Gameboy palette, while giving it flat colors is a nice touch, I wanted to fit the theme of the palettes I already had. It's just an odd one of the bunch, and it's best if I have the colors hue shift and have contrast instead. The Mario Kart 64 victory theme playing during Wario's wins is cool, but again, I don't really see it to be that necessary. His win poses, in my opinion, were absolutely 100% fine as they were, and I didn't want to make it too based on Warner's version of Wario. Also, I am aware that 1.0 does not require .act files for the palettes, but I have them there because I want people to have access to those palettes right at their disposal. It'd save the trouble of having to manually extract them for people who want the act files for those palettes. In addition, I wanted to change the 1st Palette to the one I still have at the moment. This also has to do with the fact that I'm not trying to make this too based on Warner's Wario. However, there is actually some Warner Wario palettes in there, if you sift through his palettes. You need the palette selector enabled to access them. Finally, the dust under the projectiles was a distinct visual design choice that I particularly liked, so I wanted to keep it, just because I like it being there. That's about it. The changes that weren't included were just minor stuff. However, I would like to thank you 14th Doctor for making that edit. I really appreciate the help : ) On top of those updates, I included a couple of personal updates of mine. They are as follows: -Added Roll Cancelling that was present in my more recent projects -Fixed the Custom Combo spark to emulate CvS2 more -Fixed some aspects of the combo system, added a couple of refinements -Fixed some bugs with Wall Bounce sparks -Fixed some bugs with transparency and the Finest KO screen That's about it. This update is overall a very good one. Again, thank you so much 14th Doctor for making that edit. I kept the "edits made by the 14th Doctor" in the def file for the credit. http://www.mediafire.com/file/kpozdu4vo5t4zin/Wario.zip/file Have a good day all, and stay epic : )
  18. just starting to practice Bach's 6th piano partita in e minor. hopefully i can get it all prepared by the end of september.

  19. - UPDATES - -Fixed the Turns Intro not displaying correctly -Added an additional ASB/EOH/Anime voice pack as an optional .snd file, and while the HFTF voice is the default, you can change it via the .def file. https://www.mediafire.com/file/zrr9fjzgkln4dub/Hol+Horse.zip/file
  20. Hol Horse (CvS2 Reimagining) Hol Horse is a gun slinging assassin from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and is a servant of DIO Brando, though not a loyal one. Being quite a smooth talker, he claims that he has "ladies all around the world." While that may sound ludicrous, he did manage to get several female Stand users to join DIO in his quest to cuck the Joestars simply because of how charming he was. Originally, he was a part of a duo with J. Geil, the Stand user of the Hanged Man. The thing is, Hol always loves being the 2nd fiddle, the player two, the Luigi if the group if you will. This sort of unorthodox personality was a driving point for future characters in JoJo's. Hol Horse was intended to be a part of the Stardust Crusaders gang, but Araki ultimately thought that Hol had too similar of a personality to already existing Crusaders and funnily enough, his Stand was too powerful. However, he is quite a fan favorite in JoJo's. In terms of game play, Hol Horse keeps his moves from Heritage for the Future (the game I'm trying to be source accurate to), with some slightly different functions. Of course EX moves play a big part of that. Hol can utilize J. Geil to net some pretty solid damage without spending meter, in the form of the J. Geil Trap. He also retains the annoying Glass Shower and the controlled S. Bullet. While he is pretty broken from this description, he does have some limitations, though I still consider him to be at least above average in terms of strength. Hol Horse and Boingo (Hoingo for short) is a weird character. Later in part 3, Hol Horse realizes that J. Geil has been killed. Without a partner, he thinks that he is weak and cowers from a fight, an interesting dynamic of his character. Then he comes across a Stand user by the name of Boingo, having come fresh off of his injuries (just watch part 3 so you know why). Now Boingo partners up with Hol Horse, rather unwillingly. Hoingo gains new moves and techniques this time around, and is nowhere near the same as HFTF Hoingo. Hol Horse loses the J. Geil based attacks in Hoingo mode, so this puts him at a severe disadvantage. However, I decided to add some moves and buff him a bit so he is just as strong as his base form. Refer to the Hoingo.txt file in his character file to see a more explicit and elaborate explanation. That's about it for Hol. I made sure that I would keep his core play style from HFTF. He's a zoner that capitalizes off of his opponent's mistakes, and is just as dangerous up close as he is scummy from afar. This is also the play style the AI adopts, so it may be an annoying fight. I hope you enjoy this character. link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/zrr9fjzgkln4dub/Hol+Horse.zip/file for M.U.G.E.N 1.0/1.1 by JtheSaltyy enjoy!
  21. just listened to all of Bach's harpsichord concertos. felt really epic and was a pretty cool experience.

  22. Sakura (CvS2 Reimagining) Sakura is a young, hard working and energetic high school girl who enjoys delving into the world of street fighting. She first got interested in street fighting when she watched the first World Warrior Tournament (Street Fighter 1) at a young age, and was particularly interested in watching one red haired karateka from Japan named Ryu. After watching him defeat Sagat, and not being concerned about the fact that Ryu almost killed Sagat, she treated him as a childhood hero. She would find Ryu, and defeat him, though Ryu most likely held back. Sakura asked if Ryu could train her, but Ryu declined, saying he still has a lot to learn about himself. He did let Sakura take a picture with him to make up for it though. Ever since then, she's constantly trained, making friends and sparking rivalries along the way. Sakura's move-set is similar to the average shoto. Her moves do not differ much from her appearance in CvS2, and retains the same BnB (Bread and Butter) combos, however with her EX moves, she can extend these combos and they can do a lot more damage, with EX Shouoken and EX Shunpuukyaku being methods to get a guaranteed Custom Combo BnB, however it does less damage than if the Custom Combo was done stand alone. Sakura also has her Dark Sakura mode from Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, which overall doesn't alter too much. She gains the Sakura Senkuu, aka the Demon Warp, and also has the Raging Demon, which replaces her level 3 Tag Team super. She also loses the level 2 Double Shinkuu Hadouken super, but in return has more powerful attacks and has the EX Shouoken as a normal special, albeit slightly nerfed since it's not an EX move. Her AI isn't nearly as dangerous as more powerful characters like Dictator, but she is still quite a challenge to defeat. link https://www.mediafire.com/file/lvrczpk20mrgvws/file i hope you enjoy my work. for M.U.G.E.N 1.0/1.1 by JtheSaltyy enjoy!
  23. Dictator is a man who wants to rule the world with an iron fist, and his localized name certainly does reflect his actions and mannerisms. If you're form the U.S, then you may have first known him by M. Bison, and if you're from Japan, then you would have first known him by Vega. The reason why his name is different is very famous yet not so known. Look it up if you don't know. Dictator replaced Sagat as the main boss of Street Fighter. He's still the main bad guy even today in Street Fighter 5, though he's dropped and regained that role several times along the way. He's remembered as a very difficult fighting game boss, but certainly not the hardest, that title belongs to Shao Kahn. His move-set is just very annoying, with moves like the Psycho Crusher and the dreaded sliding kick being major quarter gobblers back in the arcades. His overall difficulty has been more toned down later down the line, but he's still a very strong character, with games like CvS2 and SF4 being one of his strongest incarnations. Game-play wise, Dictator doesn't differ much from his CvS2 counterpart. His moves function the same, with the exception of the Psycho Impact, aka his alpha counter. It is now a command grab instead of a 2 hit physical attack. His combos aren't too long either. EX Attacks also have different properties, like the EX Scissor Kick being a way to extend combos, and the EX Psycho Crusher being a grab and acts like Raiden's Thunder Fly from Mortal Kombat. However, Dictator heavily relies on one mechanic: Psycho Aura. There is a lot going on with Psycho Aura, so I have a text file in Dictator's character folder that describes the mechanic in detail. Once you understand how it works and how to properly use it, you understand a very large part of Dictator's game-play. His AI is also very brutal, in a weird way. His combos and pokes are brain-dead simple, but his very knowledgeable usage of them makes him a pretty decent challenge, but you know, setting the difficulty to easy 1 also helps out a lot. Other CvS2 mechanics like stun and guard meter are present by default, but can be changed with the configuration file. link http://www.mediafire.com/file/6ik38rk6scekloi/Dictator.zip/file I hope you enjoy this character. for M.U.G.E.N 1.0/1.1 by JtheSaltyy enjoy!
  24. ah, yes, jojo's bizarre adventure. an incredibly articulated and intricate piece of art. one that isn't to be messed with. such weird characters. such good villains, and such iconic moments that have been ingrained in film and manga culture have originated from the legendary Hirohiko Araki, and I praise it with everything I have. Truly, a masterpiece.
  25. WARIO CVS2 UPDATE Wario gets a new super, the Greatest Achievements super. This super replaces the Wario Apparition, with a different command, that being QCF, QCB, QCF, Punch. An improved combo system Improved AI Some random fixes Here's the download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/kpozdu4vo5t4zin/Wario.zip/file enjoy!
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