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Dark Spirit

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Everything posted by Dark Spirit

  1. Hahahahaha.I would like to have seen it happen!
  2. Sounds like something out of a racing movie doesn't it?
  3. Same here.But I found my Diamond inside the washing machine....Perfectly fine.Actually it worked better than before....
  4. I want to kill Chrona....Just because I really don't know what it is....
  5. Steamroller is my favorite move ever.
  6. I didn't actually say to fight WITH Flanre.Just meent that if you use Flandre's cheap pojectile spam then she is easy to beat...
  7. Oh...I didn't see the little Alice before until you pointed her out...
  8. This plays just great!It even runs on 1.0 640x480!This is awesome EXShadow!
  9. Damn....can't watch on my phone....It is too slow...
  10. Unfortunately....Marisa and Alice are 2 different characters....I would use the smaller Marisa(Touhou style) and the bigger Marisa instead...
  11. I found that Hydreigon had a pretty cool design...Then again almost nobody liked how the 4th gen pokemon looked for a while.Then they got used to them.
  12. Animations will get me off mugen and into Metal Gear Solid/Bioshock for a while...
  13. I had the CPU fight and the Archetype was ripped to shreds by Dragon Claw...No time to attack...0_0
  14. It is actually beatable with danmaku/projectile characters easily.Others are characters like Akuma and Dio Brando.Her Archetype is overkill sometimes much but it doesn't stand at the level of Dragon Claw and other bosses.
  15. This is perfection at it's finest...You all realize that right?
  16. Sorry it took a while to respond... Look here...This is an image...
  17. This game is fun.The only thing that made me delete it off my computer was that it murdered my RAM along with Touhou Sky Arena...Don't know why those 2 but I couldn't delete anything else like mugen or the main series Touhou games...
  18. Random Touhou video...with Flandre and ALOT of alcohol....not a good combo... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1l5XAI9sJc
  19. Dancing arcade game WITHOUT the dance!At least you dance with your fingers!
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