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Everything posted by CoffeeFlavoredMilk

  1. Camren Springer released an Ivysaur: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2q2ufvfbvuaud20/CamrenSp_Ivysaur_BETA.zip Its incredibly basic from the footage I've watched of it wail on Alerkina's version.
  2. It's really nice that you could obtain all of these. But how did you do so?
  3. Right now I'm trying to make a Tsuchinoko based on the sprites you ripped from the Kemono Friends fighting game. Which sprites are dedicated to the aerial normals? (the file 'numbers') Is this uniform for all of the sprite sets?

  4. How complete would you say it is at the moment?
  5. I could upload Kohaku's stuff (since I still have them in my roster) but I don't want to get copyright strikes either. Should I do so regardless of the risks involved?
  6. Found some weird Furret thing: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm33183882?ref=search_tag_video&ss_pos=1&ss_id=6f8e8fcd-d655-4e23-87a8-6d092b46b307 The OneDrive is all in Japanese so I have no fucking clue where to find it, but it does exist. Apparently it can beat Rare Akuma.
  7. This isn't the appropriate thread for this kind of request.
  8. The links to Kurogane's and Aotsuki's work are dead.
  9. Thanks to my 4shared, I got a link to the most recent version of Tepig. Here it is on Mediafire. You're welcome: http://www.mediafire.com/file/e74xco3zxvrazan/tepig updated.zip
  10. http://www.mediafire.com/file/7odccs0c9bl8858/MukV2.rar Alerkina4's version of Muk. His Nidoking was a supposed 'V2' of Hugespongebob's (alerkina has this tendency of making fake V2s a lot surprisingly) and was a spriteswap of Crow's Kitty Katswell, so this is essentially that but its a spriteswap of Dudley Puppy. It also barely looks like what it's supposed to be.
  11. Not relevant to the thread, sorry.
  12. Do you know where I can find Ditto on this site? The first post I see only implies that Ditto is a striker of sorts for another character of okihaito, and the downloads on the sidebar don't give me much clues either.
  13. https://drive.google.com/open?id=120hph2gjmeQmOqQdh5VOrv1cX-COAegQ https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0vObzE_QzSXNktGalhpVnBXdzA/view?usp=drive_web Two versions of an NES Goomba. One is my edit of Monkeyx5's, and the other being the original.
  14. So, anyone who has extracted all of these guys and put them in their normal MUGEN like I have, does anyone know about which character specific bug everyone has when you put them in a normal MUGEN? (Like cloning (Back Beard most notably has this, and apparently some others too), incorrect palettes etc.) Like which has which, to put it simply.
  15. http://www.mediafire.com/file/ab641le302eyl39/zakenna.rar http://www.mediafire.com/file/en92fu2eu4178w8/Regina.rar http://www.mediafire.com/file/bm0tl7vcomupbzk/HikariKujo.zip Pretty Cure stuff from alerkina4. They're crappy spriteswaps of Ao Oni, Winnie the Pooh, and Warioman's Tom respectively, but they're still stuff to add here. Edit: Updated links to a site that I assume isn't blocked by the mods. (I didn't know 4shared was blocked to be quite honest with you)
  16. I've tried out the Son Bra creations and they sadly aren't very good, they appear to be spriteswaps of some kind (I do know that because the same author's Satsuki from Kill la Kill has male voiceclips that were seemingly leftover from the base), and the animations aren't that varied and some look awkward as hell. Oh, and I don't remember Mt. Lady using laser attacks.
  17. I'll try that out and see if it works. Edit: It does! Thanks for the help!
  18. Comboing Into Hypers Problem So I've been trying to use variations of this to help my character combo into hypers: trigger2 = stateno = 200 || stateno = 210 || stateno = 220 trigger2 = movecontact trigger3 = stateno = 400 || stateno = 410 trigger3 = movecontact But this ends up creating one-button hypers. For example, a light punch will automatically activate a hyper afterwards. Of course, I don't want that. In most other characters that use code like this, this issue does not occur (simply this allows easier comboing into hypers). What can I do to help with this? Here's an example hyper command: ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Blah [State -1, Blah] type = ChangeState value = 3000 triggerall = power >= 1000 triggerall = statetype != A trigger1 = command = "Blah" trigger1 = ctrl trigger2 = stateno = 200 || stateno = 210 || stateno = 220 trigger2 = movecontact trigger3 = stateno = 400 || stateno = 410 trigger3 = movecontact
  19. What's the main difference between the 4 versions of FelixMario's Snivy listed here? A bit of the same goes for Oshawott too.
  20. How to code platforms you can actually jump on? So basically I'm trying to edit AngryBirdCooler's Cagney Carnation as a proper boss character ala Dark/Light Ruler's Cuphead boss characters. In the source game, one of the major features of his fight is the platforms, as showcased below: These platforms you can jump on and such; they're quite typical floating platforms. Now is it possible to make such platforms for MUGEN? (Particularly stationary ones like these (though they do move slightly up and down as seen in the video))
  21. FourthRhyme's Papyrus was mentioned earlier, and I believe in general that while FourthRhyme's characters are actually quite charming, they're heavily unpolished. His Bubsy and Browncoat in particular could've been a lot better than they currently are. Bubsy is absurdly powerful, with specials moves that are either nearly useless (the charge/dash) or flat-out spam to win (the lightning). Oh, and he has hypers that have success rates depending entirely on luck. Mr. Game and Watch's Judge (if only because he had that move from where most of his moveset came from, and IMO he doesn't feel too Smash in his MUGEN incarnations that have Judge) is really an exception to my dislike of luck-based elements in MUGEN. Browncoat is a let down mainly for one reason: the imps. You can basically just spam the imps to win, and they're quite cheap since they come out almost instantly and are quite agile. Maybe the hypers should also be a bit faster? I dunno....
  22. Hey there Wlan! So I'm wondering how much progress has been made on Courage and the updates to the other recent characters of yours (as the last video you made on YT showcased Zim having a different stance and soundclips). Not trying to rush you or anything, just curious.

    1. RMaster007


      My best guess is that they will be released on Easter.

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