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Everything posted by emsian

  1. who is that guile?... link? ^^ thx
  2. great i'm an Adon fan ! ! 100 thanx
  3. can we have a look of the chars ingame?.. please :)
  4. hey i am looking for "humancolor" of hulk..do u think you can match this? ^^
  5. sorry but i cannot install it, any help please....?
  6. emsian


    great ! ! thanx a lot Juaniquillo ! ! !
  7. hi there ! i would like to make a game but i have to select guys that i want to arrange with "styles" big guys / karate / wrestlers etc etc... is there a way we can get such folders as subfolders in the CHARS folder? like that: folder chars- | folder "big guys" | Zangief thanx in advance for your answers :) EmSiAn
  8. hello, does anyone have the Low-Res screenpack of the EVE screenpack by dj Van? (for winmugen) thanks in advance emsian
  9. hi there ! well as i said i am looking for chars (or maybe a list?) doing fighting sports, such as Gai, Joe Higashi etc.. it's kind of a weird request but... any help will be welcome :) thanx in advance emsian
  10. how come having such nice slsect screen portrait and so ugly chars pixelisated to death?...don't get it....
  11. WinMugener's are still.... (Democracy is still ..isn't it?...)
  12. who is the oponent?.. evo custom?? who is?
  13. :) nice Orochi;) ps: any idea where i can find that wild terry?..
  14. ..i guess that would draw tears to all MFFA to leave this peacefull, kind web forum... no need to be that rude (i know writing in capitals in not well seen in forums..usually... ) ---gratitudes--- thanx Sham for your positive message
  15. get the file here: --->>>> http://www.filedropper.com/system <<<<--- Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  16. hehe btw, the real fighters aren't afraid to start a game fighting against an orochi-ryu or a MB-02 right? ;) :D
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