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Everything posted by rbbt780

  1. How's MFFA been everyone? :)

  2. Hey guys. it's been a while since I've logged on. Figured i show off what I built from scratch for my sister. I was very happy with the result seeing as this is my first controller I built. Madde out of solid Oak and stained to a nice dark pecan color.
  3. hey everyone. I was wondering who plays PC games thru the Steam Platform. List your ID if you want to see how many members are playing . :) Steam ID - Gnashermaster780
  4. Wow wow thanks guys. I didn't know just how many people would remember me honestly haha. Feels good
  5. Been a while since I've been here. Good to see how everything is.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rbbt780


      I was a bit nervous to visit. I know I didn't leave on bad terms and all, but I was more worried that people especially you would be like "oh look he's back again..." I guess I never ealize how caught up in work I get into.

    3. Demitri


      omg i remember you

    4. rbbt780


      Same Genesis I remember a few people. Once I see there name its rings a bell to me. 

  6. Ryon I think I can stick around, but give me some time to get back into palette making. I have to download everything again. I just recently built my first computer, and I'm loving it haha.
  7. It's going really well Squirtle. I was a pretty big palette maker. Makings lots of palettes, winning contests, and on multiple Mugen forums at one point taking requests from 3 separate sites at once. Hence my title at the time Palette God. Probably doesn't apply anymore, but it was a real fun time in Mugen for me. Really wouldn't mind getting back into it.
  8. Thanks SSBK65 I can see a lot has changed haha
  9. Wow guys it's been an extremely long time since I've been on MFFA. I don't know how many, if anyone remembers me. It's been years since I've been on the Mugen scene at all. I don't even know what to really write. All I know is that I wanted to say hi, and welcome myself to all the new members that are part of this forum. The site looks great btw Ryon.
  10. Just got yelled at my parents were more thankful we didn't hurt ourselves with the damn ax
  11. When me and my brother were little we went in our backyard with an ax and chopped down a little tree no harm we thought we were acting as if we were like a mini George Washington xD turns out that my dad was about to sell that tree for $600 oh buddy did we get an ear full still one of the many stupid things I have ever done
  12. Haha thanks guys and like I said plz post a link to the character that you want done okay
  13. Well yep im back just showing off some of my work if you like for me to do a palette just ask and please provide the link and what colors you want Thanks for lookng everyone Now these are some of my first Palettes
  14. Thanks guys and light flare I would love to do that
  15. Thank you I will post them tomorrow everyone :)
  16. Yeah thank you here is a comic style M-bison
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