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Showing content with the highest reputation since 10/02/2011 in Status Updates

  1. NOTE: This post talks about touchy subjects, but I personally respect everyone. I'll be honest I'm very nervous as I type this, mainly because I'm afraid of being bashed, the last thing I want to do is cause trouble, and if any of this angers or offends you, I'm sorry. This is just something I wanted to share. Nobody should be mistreated because of their beliefs, race, or sexual preferences, I personally don't believe in being bias or discriminating others, everyone is different, and that's all that matters. I blame myself for what happened even though my cousin doesn't, but some people just what to jump on the bias bandwagon and take a trip to the discrimination dump. What happened: So....yeah, theirs that incident. Again, I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, so regardless of who you are I respect you, I may not know you personally but if I did, I would treat you no different then a member of my own family, I personally think of everyone here as a family.
    13 points
  2. RIP to the father of Pac-Man, Masaya Nakamura. You gave us a lot of nostalgic Namco love (including Pac-Man).
    12 points
  3. Demitri

    POTS style is trash

    POTS style is trash
    10 points

    Gello Guys

    Gello Guys
    10 points
  5. Touhou 15.5 has been announced!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! http://tasofro.net/touhou155/
    9 points
  6. The real reason Flandre was locked in the basement for 495 years...
    9 points
  7. Well, this one took a while, but the Iori Edits Collection is finally finished. Remember when I said to think of both Iori and Kyo's collections as another part of their rivalry? (Whoever has more edits wins) Well it would seem Iori got smoked. Total Iori edits = 111 Total Kyo edits = 167 So now we got two collections based on 2 of SNK's most popular mascots, and another collection for everyone to enjoy :) Now the bad news, if your wondering what collection I'm gonna do next, well I'm not gonna start another one for a while. Mainly because I'm reaching that point where I'm starting to lose interest in Mugen, at least when it comes to creating collections. Don't let that get you down though, I'm not quitting Mugen as a whole, just going on hiatus for a while on the collections and I'll still be hanging around the forum, as I still have a few more pictures from vacation to share, and when October rolls around I'm contemplating on starting a Halloween thread, and I'll still update the other collections accordingly.
    9 points
  8. My grandmother passed this morning :'( Thanks to everyone here for the positive love and message. But i just can't stop crying.
    9 points
  9. Happy birthday, Shantae! Expect a massive update for the half-genie hero this summer!
    8 points
  10. ・ 。 ☆∴。 *   ・゚*。★・    ・ *゚。   *   ・ ゚*。・゚★。     ☆゚・。° * . ゚ *  ゚ 。· * ・ 。 ゚ *     ゚ *. 。 ☆ 。 ★ ・     * ☆ 。 ・゚ *. 。     * ★ ゚・。 * 。      ・  ゚☆ 。
    8 points
  11. RoySquadRocks

    This is so cute!

    This is so cute!
    8 points
  12. Tasofro's Touhou engine confirmed more buggy than MUGEN...
    8 points
  13. Commander Keen MUGEN preview!!!
    8 points
  14. Ryou

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone.
    8 points
  15. This will be my new logo for my website soon!
    8 points
  16. My dad is out of the hospital, as mentioned before he is on a special diet to help lower his blood pressure. I don't know what else they got him on, but I'm just glad he's back home. :D
    8 points
    8 points
  18. Other Quick Stage *CLICK TO VIEW* What do think?
    8 points
  19. Well, here we had a tragic Christmas here. Well, first of all, I'm in Japan and I am staying with a friend named Kimito 20 of years old and often visited his best friend throughout his life called ketsu of 23 years of age, not Japanese are talking, but they I have helped guide me and fortunately speak English and sincerely appreciate it. (2 members of mffa know who she is) Well this step, 24/25 December he was a christmas party, honestly I do not really pleasing parties, but if I had some presence, all the guests enjoyed it, giving of gifts, etc. after 4am in the morning, and all was over and were leaving and thanking the party, I stay up, then more or less at 10am, the phone rang, I answered and spoke a voice hysterical and crying I was speaking in Japanese and did not understand, I said "please you can speak English?", thankfully if he spoke, he was calling was the mother of ketsu and told me the following "ketsu has died," I honestly do not know what to say, I also had friendship with him, and honestly I became very bad with what she told me, said he died on the way to hospital because of a fatal car accident, had hit a driver intoxicated, after a while we said goodbye , I was completely in shock, even thought it might not be able to tell you this horrible event to Kimito, but I had to, at 2pm, I had to call her and tell her what had happened, she almost faints and began to mourn, so I had to be with her to calm down a little, hours after we went to the hospital, and honestly did not dare to enter, but Kimito did, even this very sad and depressed by this, me too, specially for her. Honestly I lost my best friend too, several forum members know this, but this is very different because they were friends since childhood and was his only friend, and losing at Christmas is just horrible, the'm trying to support so they do not pass anything else. It is the most that I can do for her. I hope that this will improve and Kimito not go through what I went through long ago. she is a good person and very active and friendly and do not want anything bad to happen to her.
    8 points
  20. been archiving a lot of MUGEN stuff from Mediafire as of recently https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/mediafire-backup-thread-wip-191924.0.html
    7 points
  21. im from the era where mugen looked like this https://pxhst.co/avaxhome/2a/2d/000a2d2a_medium.png
    7 points
  22. Randomly trying to do a Zelda Breath of the Wild HD Stage using screenshots: PREVIEW Waddaya think? It´s early
    7 points
  23. I can't believe SJW's had the nerve to call Super Mario Odyssey rascist, all becaus of a Mexican level and Mario even don's a sombrero. Some even got offended (and I use that word very loosely) over a scene where Mario uses his hat on a T-Rex. Just another prime example of a bunch of cry babies getting offended just for the sake of wanting to be offended. These people really need to grow a brain. I mean, if you truly are that easily offended, then check into a home, because your not sane anymore. Social Justice Warriors? More like Social "Just Us" Warriors, because they care about anyone but themselves >:-(
    7 points
  24. Ryou

    7 points
  25. Thanks for all the bday wishes guys, 60+ of them holy hell
    7 points
  26. I'll have two #9s, a #9 large, a #7, a #6 with extra dip, two #45s one with cheese, and a large soda.
    7 points
  27. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or just enjoy spending the day with your family and friends, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)
    7 points
  28. Did a little more work on this one today.
    7 points
  29. Whatz up Everyone 'im BAAAAACK! LOL! XD ...I see i need to catch-up on alt of things here. :-P well good to be home. :-)
    7 points
  30. RobotMonkeyHead


    7 points
  31. Well, I've got my laptop back and everything is running smoothly now. The whole issue was that I had a back door Trojan of some sorts It was causing all sorts of problems such as, causing my computer to lag, freeze, or make the screen go black but the mouse would still be active, slow down Oblivion, cause Mugen to not even load, and the worse one (at least for me) force Internet Explorer to run on it's own, which was odd considering it wouldn't show up in the task manager. It would cause the aVast! alarm sound to go off every 15 to 30 minutes or so. It was basically running a data miner or whatever it's called. Anyway's I'm officially back. I'll start the Iori Edits Collection sometime this week, just need to get everything off my external hardrive. So, what did I miss?
    7 points
  32. Okay guys, I'm just going to say this right here, right now, but stop giving this person attention. There's like, no point for it.
    7 points
  33. Working on backing up Mugen Archive stuff into Onedrive right now due to the adf.ly issues.
    7 points
  34. I had to take my cat back to the vet last Saturday due to his condition getting worse. Today made one week since they kept him their, I would call to check on him and visit when we could. Usually he bounces back and recovers slowly but surely, but their's only so much that a vet can do, and sadly some things just can't be helped, he just wasn't improving any at all, and we had no choice but to put him to sleep. :(
    7 points
  35. As much as I don't like some certain people, they don't deserve to be harassed and given death threats. People should know better than that.
    7 points
  36. All this complaining about characters being private is kind of pathetic. People don't realize how lucky they are and take public releases for granted. Everyone who shares their content with the community does so optionally. Nobody is committed to releasing the content they make in the slightest. These people need to understand this.
    7 points
  37. I feel a bit better now, thanks everyone for the condolences and positive vibes. I'm still grieving but trust me, i won't abandon no one here or anything. But we're redoing the house for her and a few days family's gonna be over and i'll give you guys updates and such. Thanks again everybody.
    7 points
  38. Doing mugen stuff again [Preview] How looks?
    7 points
  39. Got a minute to spare? May it be an enjoyable holiday for all despite all of the shit 2020 has thrown at the human kind.
    6 points
  40. Well... I'm back. After being absent of MUGEN all 2018, now I'm here again. That's all :P
    6 points
  41. Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes you gave me! You guys are awesome! It has now been confirmed that Shantae, Pac-Man, Shovel Knight, and Retro Suika will be getting an update TOMORROW EVENING, along with two stages! One new, one updated!
    6 points
  42. So why not if I make another Cartoon Network villain besides Katz? I see she is internet's animated waifu. However it still brainstorms me want to make Ed's arch-enemy in Mugen. Likewise, she still provides girlish moves like make-up, crankshaft and constant bullying. Hopefully when Ed is possibly out as a beta, I will add her on my poll list, alongside Katz.
    6 points
  43. Three years ago, a song was uploaded to Youtube. This very song went on to become one of the greatest memes in recent memory as well as possibly the best meme from 2016 overall. Of course, I'm talking We are Number One. Three whole years this song has existed. And it graced memers all around the world. Many edits of the song were made. Often replacing replacing every "one" with ether a clip from another source or after the one is said it would speed up the video. There were also edits where Robbie Rotten was taken out the video entirely, the video was in opposite mode and many, many others. However the story does not end there. As the meme was gaining relevancy the actor of Robbie Rotten (Stefan Karl) was dealing with cancer. People took notice of this and so many people donated money to help him. This is one of the few times where a meme has helped somebody in a good way. However, as of late Stefan's cancer has returned. And it is worse then ever. The state as gotten so bad that it can't be worked on. This is extremely saddening. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5510365/LazyTown-actor-Stefan-Stefansson-incurable-cancer.html We tried did our best, and that's what counts. This is just how life goes. Unfortunate, but we else can we do? Life is life. And we did all we could to help him. And all we can do now is wish him the best of luck.
    6 points
  44. Dear Mugen Free For All Users, It is my regret to be telling you that I will take a temporary vacation from MFFA. Why? Simply because I want to catch up on my schoolwork, and also try out some bigger, better things. Those who wish to edit or entirely remake my collections may do so in order to help them stay updated. But for now, this is Moltar signing off, and wishing you the best of luck on all future Mugen projects!
    6 points
  45. Leaked Sonic Mania Footage
    6 points
  46. I was going to make a joke about kitchen sinks, but I didn't want to faucet.
    6 points
  47. Thanks every one for the birthday wishes. :-) Im officially in my 30's now and still going strong. Now im at the Prime of my life.... going start getting older at this point but hey! im always going to find positive ways to keep myself feeling young..LOL! XD
    6 points
  48. when you smoke a fat blunt
    6 points
  49. jade_midori

    Happy Mothers Day!

    Happy Mothers Day!
    6 points
  50. Working on replacing freett links with archived ones in the collection section.
    6 points
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